Stories 441 - 460 | << Prev   Next >>

Lose Steele Already: RNC Member

(Newser) - Ada Fisher, an outspoken critic of Michael Steele who supported his opponent in elections for the Republican National Committee chairmanship, wants him to step aside, the Hill reports. The “ineptness in our GOP leadership,” she writes in an intraparty email, is “eroding confidence.” Fisher, North Carolina’...

GOP Still Hasn't Seen the Bottom
 GOP Still 
 Hasn't Seen 
 the Bottom 

GOP Still Hasn't Seen the Bottom

Republicans wonder when their woes will bottom

(Newser) - Just when the Grand Old Party thought it couldn't get worse, it has: Conservative infighting from a caustic radio host, stumbles from its emerging non-white leaders—Michael Steele and Bobby Jindal both—and polls that suggest just 25% of Americans support them. Meanwhile, Dems enjoy great popularity and steady donations....

GOP Finds Promising Candidates in US Attorneys

Image of corruption-busting prosecutor plays well in recession

(Newser) - US attorneys have been a sore subject for Republicans since the Bush administration's politically motivated dismissal of eight prosecutors in 2006. But in the Obama age, the office is becoming a wellspring of strong Republican candidates, Politico reports. The current climate of public distrust toward government and financial institutions means...

Jindal's GOP Response Flops
 Jindal's GOP Response Flops 

Jindal's GOP Response Flops

Critics slam guv's 'amateurish' delivery of Republican rebuttal

(Newser) - Pundits are split on the substance of Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal's Republican rebuttal to President Obama's speech, but most agree that his flat delivery revealed a politician not ready for prime time:
  • His speech was as patronizing "as if he were talking to kindergartners," writes Andrew Sullivan in

GOP Guvs Consider Rejecting Stimulus Cash

Conservatives debate turning down package despite budget shortfalls

(Newser) - A number of of Republican governors, carping about terms of the stimulus package, are threateneing to tell the federal government to keep its money, the AP reports. The governors of Texas, Mississippi, Louisiana, Alaska, South Carolina and Idaho have expressed concerns that the package comes with too many strings attached...

Microscope Follows Palin Back to Alaska

After campaign whirlwind, guv left 'feeling beaten up'

(Newser) - After the 2008 campaign clock struck midnight, Sarah Palin returned to Alaska with a mixed bag of name recognition and unwanted scrutiny, the Washington Post reports. Supporters and opponents alike parse her every move for signs of a 2012 presidential run, and her role as conservative attack dog is coloring...

GOP Whip Faces Newt's Task Magnified

Cantor, a key face for the GOP, led the charge against stimulus

(Newser) - House Minority Whip Eric Cantor's position resembles that of predecessor Newt Gingrich in 1993, and like Gingrich, Cantor has rallied Republicans in a divisive budget battle against reigning Democrats. But continuing in Gingrich's mold may be a tall order, writes Adam Nagourney in the New York Times—while Newt led...

Jeb Sees GOP as Reform Party

 Jeb Sees GOP 
 as Reform Party 

Jeb Sees GOP as Reform Party

(Newser) - Jeb Bush cringes at the idea of running for office again, but that doesn’t mean he lacks bold vision for the Republican Party, writes Fred Barnes in the Wall Street Journal. Bush thinks the GOP should morph into a reform party, starting with the states. “A real effort...

Obama Needs Maine Senators
 Obama Needs Maine Senators 

Obama Needs Maine Senators

Snowe, Collins are backbone of administration's bipartisan coalition

(Newser) - Maine’s moderate Republican senators find themselves unexpectedly empowered in the Obama era. Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins, along with Pennsylvania’s Arlen Specter, form the bipartisan wedge President Obama can use to get bills—like the stimulus package—past a Senate filibuster. After years of being taken for granted...

Steele Will Head RNC
 Steele Will Head RNC 

Steele Will Head RNC

(Newser) - Michael Steele emerged from a grueling contest today to become the first African-American chairman of the Republican National Committee, Politico reports. The six-ballot process, the most drawn-out in years, ended in the rare election of a non-member. “This is awesome,” the former Maryland lieutenant governor said, drawing a...

GOP Struggles (and Twitters) to Close Tech Gap

Candidates competing for chairman brag of networking chops

(Newser) - With the Republican National Committee voting for a new chairman today, the candidates have been busy competing not on ideological grounds but on who has more Facebook friends, and who's more adept at Twittering, the Wall Street Journal reports. In rebuilding the party, one strategist declared the top priority to...

McConnell Tells GOP to Shape Up, End Bush 'Drag'

(Newser) - The top Senate Republican warned today that the GOP risks remaining out of power in the White House and Congress unless it better explains its core principles to woo one-time faithful and new loyalists. Mitch McConnell spoke to party activists gathered in Washington to elect a new national chairman tomorrow,...

GOP Rep Fires Back at Limbaugh
Fires Back
at Limbaugh

GOP Rep Fires Back at Limbaugh

Ga. congressman defends leadership, blasts talking heads

(Newser) - Rush Limbaugh is in hot water with an unexpected critic: A Republican congressman who doesn't appreciate the radio blowhard's take on his party's leaders. Limbaugh and President Obama have traded barbs this week, but Limbaugh's dragging Mitch McConnell and John Boehner into the spat was too much for Phil Gingrey...

House GOP Pounces on Visiting Obama

President 'all form—not substance' on stimulus, one lawmaker says

(Newser) - President Obama’s visit with House Republicans on Capitol Hill today, intended as an olive branch, instead turned into a forum for grievances about Obama’s stimulus proposals, Politico reports. The GOP is steadfast in its push for more tax cuts, but Obama isn’t budging, either. “Feel free...

Obama 'Wants Me to Fail': Limbaugh

Radio righty says he's more fearsome than GOP brass

(Newser) - The verbal back-and-forth between Barack Obama and Rush Limbaugh continued today, as the talk-show host shot back at the president for comments he made last week, the New York Post reports. Obama is “not a unifier and not bipartisan,” Limbaugh said, and “wants me to fail.”...

GOP Needs 'a Little Chaos:' Kristol
 GOP Needs 'a Little 
 Chaos:' Kristol 

GOP Needs 'a Little Chaos:' Kristol

(Newser) - Republicans clamoring for unified front should "calm down" and be careful what they wish for, William Kristol writes in the Weekly Standard. Firstly, Barack Obama is hugely popular; he'll be unassailable for months. What's more, spirited debate may serve the GOP better than blind adherence to conservative philosophy. Consider...

GOP Faces Uphill Battle for Senate in 2010
GOP Faces Uphill Battle for Senate in 2010

GOP Faces Uphill Battle for Senate in 2010

Wave of retirees in competitive states leaves party open

(Newser) - The 2010 election isn’t looking any better than the past two for Senate Republicans, CNN reports. When two-term Ohio Sen. George Voinovich threw in the towel yesterday, he became the fourth Republican incumbent to step down and leave a potentially competitive race. Democrats have lost only Hillary Clinton and...

GOP Stalwart Bond Will Leave Senate After 2010

Open Missouri seat sure to invite a contest

(Newser) - The GOP just can’t catch a break. Kit Bond, another senior Republican senator from a swing state, announced his retirement today, Politico reports. Bond joins Florida’s Mel Martinez, Kansas’ Sam Brownback, and, likely, Texas’ Kay Bailey Hutchison in a clutch of GOP Senate retirements. His decision not to...

Jeb Bush Rules Out Senate Run in 2010

(Newser) - Jeb Bush put an end to feverish political speculation today and announced that he will not seek Mel Martinez’s Florida Senate seat in 2010, the Chicago Tribune reports. The former Florida governor was widely reported to be considering a run—even his father had publicly encouraged the idea. “...

Death of GOP IT Guru Fuels Conspiracy Mills

Plane crash involving Karl Rove's IT consultant raises suspicions

(Newser) - The death of Karl Rove's IT consultant in a plane crash last week has let loose a flood conspiracy theories, the Zoo reports. Michael Connell was due to testify in a case alleging voter fraud in Ohio in 2004, and had asked for police protection, according to some reports. He...

Stories 441 - 460 | << Prev   Next >>