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Death of GOP IT Guru Fuels Conspiracy Mills

Plane crash involving Karl Rove's IT consultant raises suspicions

(Newser) - The death of Karl Rove's IT consultant in a plane crash last week has let loose a flood conspiracy theories, the Zoo reports. Michael Connell was due to testify in a case alleging voter fraud in Ohio in 2004, and had asked for police protection, according to some reports. He...

Palin Wishes She'd Talked to the Media More

Governor wishes she'd spoken to reporters more

(Newser) - Sarah Palin wishes she’d interacted with the media more while campaigning with John McCain, the Alaska governor told Human Events. Palin identified her “biggest mistake” in the ’08 campaign as not taking a more active role in communicating with voters through the media. “I was not...

Newt: An Old Star on the Rise
 Newt: An Old Star on the Rise 

Newt: An Old Star on the Rise

Former House Speaker muses on his political future

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich has 1.1 million subscribers to his email list, 4,825 Facebook friends, and was the election's most influential voice outside the two presidential campaigns on everything from gas prices to the Wall Street bailout, Politico reports. So will the former speaker of the House run for president...

RNC Chief: GOP Needs Better Ideas

Private memo outlines stark assessment of party's current state

(Newser) - Republican National Committee chief Mike Duncan laments the sorry state of the GOP in a private memo to committee members obtained by TPM Election Central. The memo, written to explain the creation of the new "Center for Republican Renewal" think-tank, acknowledges that the party has too often put politics...

Bailout First Skirmish in GOP, UAW Battle
 Bailout First Skirmish 
 in GOP, UAW Battle 

Bailout First Skirmish in GOP, UAW Battle

(Newser) - The defeat of the Detroit bailout bill by Senate Republicans is seen by some in Washington as a preemptive strike against organized labor, the Los Angeles Times reports. The GOP framed their opposition partly as a message to the United Auto Workers, claiming high wages were the cause of Detroit’...

Powell: Palin, Limbaugh Killing GOP
Powell: Palin, Limbaugh
Killing GOP

Powell: Palin, Limbaugh Killing GOP

Party needs to embrace minorities and stop 'shouting at the world'

(Newser) - The GOP needs to listen more to minorities and less to loudmouths like Rush Limbaugh and polarizing figures like Sarah Palin if it's going to have a future, Colin Powell tells CNN. Powell, who endorsed Barack Obama but still considers himself a Republican, said the party's efforts to win votes...

Jindal on 2012 Run: No Thanks
 Jindal on 2012 Run: No Thanks 

Jindal on 2012 Run: No Thanks

La. governor plans re-election run in 2011

(Newser) - Republican rising star Bobby Jindal sought to quash speculation today that he's planning a presidential run in four years. The 37-year-old Louisiana governor said he has no interest in the White House and instead plans to run for re-election in 2011. The Indian-American called being governor "one of the...

Jeb Bush Eyes Florida Senate Seat

Former governor may run in 2010

(Newser) - Jeb Bush may be about to pump new life into his family's political dynasty by running for the Florida Senate in 2010. The president's baby brother and former Florida governor is mulling a grab for the seat which will be vacated by Republican Mel Martinez, who has decided not to...

GOP Hopeful Belonged to Whites-Only Country Club
GOP Hopeful Belonged to Whites-Only Country Club

GOP Hopeful Belonged to Whites-Only Country Club

Katon Dawson, candidate for RNC chair, resigned from SC club this summer

(Newser) - One of the candidates for chairman of the Republican National Committee belonged for more than a decade to a whites-only country club, Greg Sargent notes on Talking Points Memo. Katon Dawson, chairman of South Carolina’s Republican Party, resigned from the club in September as he was preparing to run...

Palin Will Stump in Ga. Runoff

GOP turns to popular VP candidate to help Chambliss, stave off Dem supermajority

(Newser) - Sarah Palin will lend her star power to Saxby Chambliss in his Senate runoff battle against Democrat Jim Martin, Politico reports. Palin will appear with Chambliss at rallies across Georgia the day before the Dec. 2 runoff, capping a GOP full-court press that has seen Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney and...

Minnesota Recount Mired in Challenges

Ballot challenges will take a month to decide

(Newser) - The marathon recount in the Senate race in Minnesota is crawling toward a resolution with incumbent Republican Sen. Norm Coleman still ahead of comedian-writer Al Franken by an estimated 210 votes out of 2.9 million ballots cast. The process has been further complicated as the number of ballots challenged...

Country Music's Pop Push as Off-Key as GOP's Populism

As Republicans' populists appeal hits dull notes, so does country's pop flirtation

(Newser) - Joe the Plumber is transforming himself into Joe the Country Singer, but he might not want to quit his day job, whatever it was. In the New Republic, David Browne warns that “country is no longer the music of the middle for many Americans.” Instead, Barack Obama's iPod,...

'Rightosphere' Hopes to Reshape GOP
'Rightosphere' Hopes to Reshape GOP

'Rightosphere' Hopes to Reshape GOP

Bloggers hope to catch GOP up to Democrats on harnessing the internet

(Newser) - The election of Barack Obama has energized conservative bloggers, who see a spell in opposition as an opportunity ideal for reshaping the party, writes Walter Alarkon for the Hill. Conservatives in the “rightosphere” are eying the progress the left’s “netroots” made during the Bush years, when sites...

CBS Sought to 'Mollify Right' in Rather Investigation

Ex-anchor's lawsuit reveals GOP influence

(Newser) - Former anchor Dan Rather appears to be making headway in his $70 million lawsuit against CBS for his firing, the New York Times reports. With the power of subpoena, Rather has unearthed documents showing that the network used Republican operatives to vet members of the supposedly independent panel set up...

Romney Already Looks Like a Candidate for 2012
Romney Already Looks
Like a Candidate for 2012

Romney Already Looks Like a Candidate for 2012

(Newser) - Mitt in 2012? Romney's stock is on the rise in the party, writes Alexander Mooney for CNN, and the former Massachusetts governor is showing all the signs that he's antsy to run again. For starters, he's currently schmoozing with the conservative elite on a Caribbean cruise, the same venue that...

Bill Ayers Will Appear on ABC Tomorrow

Campaign bogeyman will discuss path to '60s radicalism

(Newser) - After keeping a low profile through the presidential election in which he became a talking point, Chicago activist Bill Ayers will appear on Good Morning America tomorrow, ABC News reports. In the exclusive TV interview, Ayers will discuss his transformation into a 1960s radical and his memoir, Fugitive Days.

Pawlenty to GOP Govs: 'Comb-Over' Not Enough

(Newser) - Republican governors got their election post-mortem under way today, with leading light Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota warning that the party needs "more than a comb-over." Another rising governor, Bobby Jindal of Louisiana, said voters now trust Democrats to control spending and cut taxes more than Republicans. "...

Palin Refuses to Give Up Post-Election Spotlight
Palin Refuses to Give Up Post-Election Spotlight

Palin Refuses to Give Up Post-Election Spotlight

Governor looks back in anger, ahead with interest

(Newser) - Sarah Palin is upending protocol with a barrage of post-election interviews, Alessandra Stanley writes in the New York Times. The Alaska governor may be seeking to repair her image after a brutal campaign, and to get the ball rolling now for a White House run, Stanley speculates. She's continuing to...

McCain Will Campaign for Chambliss in Ga. Runoff

Election could influence balance of power in Senate

(Newser) - John McCain will stump for Saxby Chambliss this week as the Republican Senator drums up support for a Dec. 2 runoff vote against Democrat Jim Martin, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports. Chambliss has also secured Mike Huckabee to campaign for him in Georgia. Martin, meanwhile, has pleaded with President-elect Barack Obama...

Old Guard Will Win Battle for GOP
 Old Guard Will 
 Win Battle for GOP 

Old Guard Will Win Battle for GOP

Defeat likely to send party further to the right, ensuring future losses

(Newser) - A battle between reformers and traditionalists for the soul of the GOP lies in the party's immediate future, David Brooks writes in the New York Times—and the reformers don't stand a chance. The conservative old guard, with Rush Limbaugh as its loudest mouthpiece and Sarah Palin as its heroine,...

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