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Palin Seeks 'Sign From God' on 2012 Run

Governor says 2012 run will depend on God showing her an 'open door'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin plans to let a higher power guide her to higher office, she told Fox News last night. The governor wouldn't commit to a White House run in 2012 in her first post-campaign TV interview—but said she has always prayed for God to "show me where the...

2012 Campaign Gets Under Way
2012 Campaign Gets Under Way

2012 Campaign Gets Under Way

Huckabee, Jindal among possible GOP candidates hitting trail in Iowa, elsewhere

(Newser) - Likely candidates for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination are playing it cool, but their feet tell a different story, Jonathan Martin writes for Politico. Mike Huckabee, for example, says 2012 is “way too far away” to think about, but his book tour has lots of stops in Iowa and...

Palin Blames Bush for GOP Loss

Ticket too closely resembled debt-riddled, wartime status quo

(Newser) - Sarah Palin tells the Anchorage Daily News her presidential ticket failed because it too closely reflected the Republican status quo. “Americans were kind of shaking their heads like … how did we run up a $10 trillion debt in a Republican administration? How have there been blunders with war...

GOP Loses Last Stronghold in New England
GOP Loses Last Stronghold in New England

GOP Loses Last Stronghold in New England

Himes' victory over Shays in Conn. completes Republican rout

(Newser) - With the defeat of Rep. Christopher Shays in Connecticut, the GOP has been completely routed from New England. The Republicans’ expulsion from the Northeast derives from losses in centrist districts, those where moderate Republicans like Shays could be expected to win, Fred Barnes writes in the Weekly Standard.

Bachmann Holds on to Her Seat
 Bachmann Holds on to Her Seat 

Bachmann Holds on to Her Seat

Minnesota GOP rep hangs on after questioning patriotism of fellow lawmakers

(Newser) - Rep. Michele Bachmann survived her campaign near-death experience, narrowly holding on to her House seat in yesterday's election, the Minneapolis Star Tribune reports. Bachman caused a furor 2 weeks ago when she charged not only Barack Obama but fellow members of Congress with harboring "anti-American" views  in a cable...

As Election Looms, Bush Is Nowhere in Sight

(Newser) - George W. Bush is purposefully avoiding the public eye ahead of the election to do no further damage to GOP candidates, the New York Times reports. Presidents usually make a visible show of support for their party near Election Day, but presidents usually don't have approval ratings as low as...

Palin Plans to Stick Around if GOP Loses

'I'm not doing this for naught,' says candidate

(Newser) - Sarah Palin thinks the American people will pick the GOP ticket on Tuesday but she's not planning to disappear from the national stage, win or lose. "I'm not doing this for naught," the candidate told an ABC interviewer. She vowed she wouldn't "give up and wave a...

Conservatives Plan Future With Palin

Conservatives meet to make plans

(Newser) - A “who’s who of conservative leaders” will meet in Virginia next Wednesday to plot their movement’s future, and the top item on their agenda will be Sarah Palin. Win or lose, many see Palin as the new face of the Republican party, the New York Times reports....

Amish Could Give McCain Crucial Swing-State Support

Many members of sect, concentrated in Ohio, Pa., voted Bush in '04

(Newser) - With John McCain now focused on winning Ohio, Indiana and Pennsylvania, he could get help from a group that has traditionally avoided politics: the Amish. When they do vote, Amish are thought to be 100% Republican because of their views on abortion, Benjamin Sarlin writes in the Daily Beast; George...

GOP Email Compares Obama to Nazis

Message to 75,000 Jews unauthorized, Pa. party says

(Newser) - The Pennsylvania GOP has disavowed an email that went out last week to 75,000 Jewish voters comparing a vote for Barack Obama to support for the Third Reich. The message, sent out by a consultant charged with securing the Jewish vote, warns that "Jewish Americans cannot afford to...

Hasselbeck and Palin Dress Down Clothes Critics

Women blast 'sexist' attack

(Newser) - Conservative View co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck hit the campaign trail with Sarah Palin yesterday to blast the media flap over the Palin family's $150,000 campaign wardrobe—purchased by the GOP—as a “deliberately sexist” diversion and blatant double standard.

Finger-Pointing Begins for GOP
 Finger-Pointing Begins for GOP 

Finger-Pointing Begins for GOP

Republicans try to distance themselves from McCain's campaign strategy

(Newser) - Republicans inside John McCain’s campaign and out are pointing fingers at one another, striking a surprisingly past-tense tone about their efforts, Politico reports. The recriminations go to the top: senior Bush advisers criticized McCain for a poorly run campaign on the heels of an interview in which the candidate...

Chamber of Commerce Plugs Cash Into Tight GOP Races

Fearing a big Senate majority for Dems, organization may spend up to $35M

(Newser) - The US Chamber of Commerce, the nation’s largest business lobby, is throwing millions of dollars into an advertising campaign to prevent Democrats from winning a filibuster-proof 60-seat majority in the Senate, the Wall Street Journal reports. The group could spend $35 million, twice what it set aside for all...

Ignored Hoosiers May Turn Blue
 Ignored Hoosiers May Turn Blue 

Ignored Hoosiers May Turn Blue

Obama is within striking distance in typically Republican Indiana

(Newser) - Indiana has voted Republican 16 times in the past 17 presidential elections, so why is Barack Obama even bothering to run ads and rally? The state that favored George W. Bush over John Kerry 60-39% is showing surprising support for Obama—enough that he could scrape out a win, ...

GOP Intellectuals Jump Mac's Ship, Leaving Wingnuts

Columnist's schadenfreude turns to dread over the new face of the party

(Newser) - It’s been a fun time for liberals, writes Rosa Brooks in the LA Times. Though initially worried about the boost Sarah Palin gave to John McCain’s polling numbers, Dems were then treated to the defections of some of the GOP’s brightest thinkers. Columnists David Brooks, Charles Krauthammer,...

Out-of-Touch Dems Distort Myth of Crazed Mobs
Out-of-Touch Dems Distort
Myth of Crazed Mobs

Out-of-Touch Dems Distort Myth of Crazed Mobs

(Newser) - It's been hard to miss the spate of reports about ugly anti-Obama incidents at McCain/Palin events—a crowd member calling him a “terrorist,” for instance. The media is now playing a game of "find a freak" at GOP rallies and grossly distorting the notion of genuine harm...

Populism Killed the Republican Party
Populism Killed the Republican Party

Populism Killed the Republican Party

Anti-elite attitude personified by Palin drove away base

(Newser) - Anti-intellectual populism has reduced the Republicans to a resentful rump party, writes David Brooks in the New York Times. A movement that once prized good ideas began to rely on bashing the educated as a political tactic. “What had been a disdain for liberal intellectuals slipped into a disdain...

Sarah Palin, Accidental Poet
 Sarah Palin, Accidental Poet 

Sarah Palin, Accidental Poet

(Newser) - The past month has seen Sarah Palin become a vice presidential candidate, anti-feminist or feminist icon (depending on whom you ask) and ... a poet? Hart Seely, in Slate, transforms excerpts from the Alaska governor's interview transcripts into verse. Check out "Good and Evil": It is obvious to me / ...

Mac's Big Guns Turn to Polishing Palin

Honchos, candidate huddle at Ariz. ranch to prepare for Thurs. debate with Biden

(Newser) - Sarah Palin will be coached by the best people John McCain’s campaign has to offer in preparation for her debate Thursday with Joe Biden, the Wall Street Journal reports. Campaign manager Rick Davis and strategist Steve Schmidt are headed with Palin today to McCain’s Arizona ranch as the...

Fox Plays Softball in Palin Interviews
Fox Plays Softball
in Palin Interviews 

Fox Plays Softball in Palin Interviews

LA Times media watchdog laments network's uncritical presentation

(Newser) - Fox News had a chance to score some credibility this week with its interviews of the Palins. Instead, writes LA Times media critic James Rainey, it served up embarrassing softball interviews that had more to do with polishing the Fox brand than journalism. The result was "three nights of...

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