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Hospitals, Doctors Slam GOP Health Bill

Meanwhile, measure clears House Ways and Means Committee in 23-16 vote

(Newser) - The GOP's replacement plan for ObamaCare isn't getting a universal thumbs-up , but it cleared one of its first hurdles early Thursday, the Hill reports. In a session that lasted more than 16 hours and went past 4am, the House Ways and Means Committee approved the measure in a...

Intruder Spent 11 Hours at GOP Policy Retreat

Woman allegedly leaked recordings of meetings

(Newser) - Private conversations among Republican lawmakers during a policy retreat last week at a Philadelphia hotel were secretly recorded and shared with media outlets. But the leak isn't upsetting lawmakers so much as the circumstances around it. A woman posing as the wife of a member of Congress managed to...

The Fate of ObamaCare: What Lies Ahead
GOP May Use 'Arcane' Process
to Dismantle ObamaCare

GOP May Use 'Arcane' Process to Dismantle ObamaCare

Budget reconciliation could expedite ACA's demise—but what comes next?

(Newser) - With the GOP now running Congress and Donald Trump looking for a full repeal on his first day in office, ObamaCare appears to be in dire straits, and the New York Times explains how Republicans could use a process called budget reconciliation to streamline its dismantling. Although the rewriting...

House GOP Votes to 'Effectively Kill' Ethics Watchdog

Office of Congressional Ethics will lose authority

(Newser) - Did the swamp just vote against drains? House Republicans bucked party leaders Monday night with a vote that the New York Times reports will hobble and "effectively kill" their independent ethics watchdog. Under a change that comes as part of a rules package for the 115th Congress, which will...

Obama: We Will Take Action on Russian Hacking

He accuses GOP of hypocrisy over Moscow interference

(Newser) - President Obama says America will "take action" in response to Russian election hacking, and he's aiming to have an official White House report on the matter before Donald Trump takes office next month. Action needs to be taken "when any foreign government tries to impact the integrity...

NC Dems 'Freaking Out' After GOPers Call Surprise Session

Republicans pull 11th-hour move to try to limit powers of Governor-elect Roy Cooper

(Newser) - It was supposed to be a meeting about hurricane relief, but a Wednesday gathering of North Carolina legislators left Democrats "freaking out," as Business Insider puts it. A General Assembly special session was suddenly extended by the GOP into a second special session after the hurricane talk, and...

&#39;Egomaniacal&#39; Trump Has Brought GOP Back to 1950s
There's No
Room for
Women in
Trump's GOP

There's No Room for Women in Trump's GOP

The 'egomaniacal' candidate has brought the party back to the 1950s

(Newser) - Until Donald Trump's "enablers" are cleared from the GOP "women would frankly have to have been lobotomized to believe anything the Republican Party tells them," SE Cupp writes in the New York Times . Cupp says she was spurred to write a piece about the sorry state...

House GOPers Prepping for Long-Haul Clinton Probe

'We've got two years' worth of material already lined up': Rep. Jason Chaffetz

(Newser) - The good news for Hillary Clinton: Prominent House Republicans seem to be giving off vibes they've accepted the possibility she'll become president. The bad news for Clinton: Those same GOPers are gearing up for "years" of continued probes into Clinton's record should she win, the Washington ...

GOP Tries to Defuse Talk of &#39;Rigged&#39; Election
GOP Tries to Defuse
Talk of 'Rigged' Election

GOP Tries to Defuse Talk of 'Rigged' Election

'We are going to run a good, clean election in Ohio'

(Newser) - With Election Day looming, some GOP leaders and officials are speaking out in defense of the election system itself instead of their party's candidate. Jon Husted, Ohio's secretary of state, is among those pushing back against Donald Trump's "irresponsible" claims that the election is rigged , the...

'Miracle Nobody Was Killed': NC GOP Office Bombing

'Nazi Republicans' was spray-painted on Hillsborough office wall

(Newser) - A local Republican Party office in North Carolina was damaged by fire and someone spray-painted an anti-GOP slogan referring to "Nazi Republicans" on a nearby wall, authorities said Sunday, per the AP . A news release from the town of Hillsborough said someone threw a bottle filled with flammable liquid...

'Unshackled' Trump Just Turned on His Own Party

Says Democrats are more loyal than Republicans

(Newser) - In a Twitter storm on Tuesday, Donald Trump implied he'd been chained to the Republican Party for too long. But in the wake of recent denouncements from dozens of Republicans, including Paul Ryan, "the shackles have been taken off me and I can now fight for America the...

Turn Off Your TVs, Pence Already Won the Debate
Turn Off Your
TVs, Pence
Already Won
the Debate

Turn Off Your TVs, Pence Already Won the Debate

According to erroneous early RNC post

(Newser) - Just a half-hour into the vice presidential debate out of Virginia's Longwood University, a winner had already been declared: Indiana Gov. Mike Pence. Not because he was creaming Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine, but because the Republican National Committee put up a premature post on the website . "...

NJ GOP Candidate Reportedly Calls for Journalist's Rape

Mike Krawitz claims his account was hacked

(Newser) - A Republican running for office in New Jersey allegedly told a Daily Beast journalist he hoped she'd be raped. After she shared a story about Donald Trump's ex-wife, Marla Maples, reporter Olivia Nuzzi says Mike Krawitz sent her threatening messages reading , "I. Hope. Somebody. Rapes. You. Today....

There's Another Republican Running for President

CIA veteran Evan McMullin to launch bid as independent: reports

(Newser) - Evan McMullin, an anti-Trump Republican, is launching a third-party bid Monday, reports BuzzFeed . “It’s never too late to do the right thing, and America deserves much better than either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton can offer us," McMullin said in a statement to ABC News. "I...

'Never Trump' Movement Possibly Dealt Final Blow

Unbinding proposal rejected by Rules Committee

(Newser) - A major and perhaps final blow to the "Never Trump" movement: The Republican National Convention's 112-member Rules Committee rejected an "unbinding" proposal Thursday that would've allowed delegates bound to Donald Trump to use a "conscience clause" to dump Trump and choose another as the nominee....

Trump Holds Testy Meetings With House, Senate GOP

He vowed not to change, called senator a loser

(Newser) - A defiant Donald Trump made it clear he won't change his brash tone or message as he courted anxious Republican lawmakers Thursday, blaming the media for stumbles that continue to alarm GOP leaders and energize Democrats. In his second Capitol Hill tour in three months, Trump called for unity,...

Who Wants to Speak at GOP Convention? Not Many, Apparently

At least one state rep is going to the beach instead, per Politico inquiry

(Newser) - Almost as bad as a party no one RSVPs to: a national political convention where you're the presumed nominee and people are either reluctantly attending, turning down high-profile speaking opportunities, or not coming at all. That's what Politico reveals after a somewhat cringe-inducing inquiry into who's interested...

GOP Stalwart Says He'll Back Hillary

Brent Scowcroft was national security adviser for Ford, George HW, served 3 other GOP presidents

(Newser) - When you hear the name "Brent Scowcroft," certain things may come to mind, including "retired lieutenant general " and "heavyweight foreign policy adviser" to several GOP presidents, CNN notes. He served as national security adviser to Presidents Ford and George HW Bush, as well as in...

Iowa Rep Tries to Keep Harriet Tubman Off $20, Fails

Steve King called move to swap in Tubman for Andrew Jackson 'racist,' 'sexist'

(Newser) - It was announced in April that abolitionist Harriet Tubman would be replacing Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill, but at least one Iowa lawmaker says it's "racist" and "sexist" to even consider adding a woman of color to US currency. "It's not about Harriet Tubman,...

15-Hour Filibuster Lands Deal for Gun Control Vote

GOP agrees to vote on 2 amendments

(Newser) - After almost 15 hours of filibustering, Democratic Sen. Chris Murphy declared victory early Thursday morning, saying he had secured a Senate vote on gun control measures. The Connecticut senator, who cited the Sandy Hook massacre when he launched the filibuster Wednesday morning, called it a day at 2:11am, the...

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