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First Elected Official Quits GOP Over 'Bigot' Trump

David Johnson compares Trump's campaign to that of Hitler

(Newser) - The first elected official to leave the GOP over its presumptive nominee compares Donald Trump's campaign to the rise of Adolf Hitler and says he won't stand idly by anymore. Iowa state Sen. David Johnson, 65, who has served in the Iowa Legislature for 18 years, changed his...

Calling Trump a 'Health Hazard,' BuzzFeed Kills $1.3M Ad Deal

CEO: 'Trump campaign is directly opposed to freedoms of our employees'

(Newser) - There've been no shortage of complaints about how the media is handling the candidacy of Donald Trump—but now one media outlet is putting its advertising revenue where its mouth is and axing a deal to run ads this fall from the Republican National Committee. That outlet is BuzzFeed...

Oklahoma: Impeach Obama for Transgender Mandate

State's GOP lawmakers say bathroom directive in schools is unconstitutional

(Newser) - President Obama issued a mandate last week that transgender students must be allowed to use whichever bathroom and locker room they wish in any US public school—and now Oklahoma's GOP-heavy legislature wants him impeached for it, the Hill reports. A measure was filed Thursday night directing Oklahoma members...

On Deathbed, GOP Senator Apologizes for Trump

Bob Bennett had a message for Muslims

(Newser) - "Are there any Muslims in the hospital?" former GOP senator Bob Bennett asked as he lay dying in Washington in April, reports the Daily Beast . He wasn't delusional. In fact, he was "sharp as a tack," his son tells NBC News . "I'd love to...

'Huge' Win for House GOP in ObamaCare Lawsuit

Federal judge says administration spending on health care subsidies is unconstitutional

(Newser) - In what Politico labels a "huge win" for the House GOP, a federal judge ruled Thursday that the Obama administration is making unconstitutional federal expenditures to maintain the president's ObamaCare law, the AP reports. At issue: $175 billion in so-called "cost-sharing" reimbursements that the government doles out...

Trump, Ryan Promise to Try to 'Unify' GOP

They're out of first meeting, sounding more positive—but still no endorsement

(Newser) - Donald Trump and House Speaker Paul Ryan pledged to work together Thursday after a high-profile meeting behind closed doors, reports the AP . The pair issued a statement describing their meeting as a "very positive step toward unification" that recognized "many important areas of common ground" as well as...

GOP Pundit Matalin: I'm Now a Registered Libertarian

She swears it has nothing to do with Trump

(Newser) - One of the staunchest longtime Republicans, known for her party strategizing and punditry, has switched teams, the New York Times reports. Mary Matalin turned in her Republican registration for a Libertarian one, she announced Thursday, though she insisted to a skeptical Bloomberg Politics panel in an interview that her seemingly...

The Last 2 GOP Presidents Won't Endorse Trump

In a rare move, both say they're staying out of the election

(Newser) - Jeb Bush chose not to endorse Donald Trump. His father and brother are now following suit. In statements to the Guardian , George HW Bush and George W Bush each say they're staying out of the 2016 election, which means they won't endorse Trump, though he's now the...

Priebus' Bungling May Destroy the GOP

'Over his head,' writes Washington Post pundit

(Newser) - The last time a major US political party broke apart was 160 years ago. The issue: slavery. Dana Milbank predicts the GOP might follow in the Whigs' footsteps over a matter far less serious: Donald Trump. Republicans are split over "whether to embrace as their nominee a man who...

Is Paul Ryan Secretly Running for President?

New video makes it seem that way

(Newser) - Paul Ryan is making not running for president look a lot like running for president. Time reports the speaker of the House released a 45-second video Friday that "plays like a campaign ad." In the video, titled Politics These Days, Ryan gives a speech lamenting that the GOP—...

What to Watch in Thursday's GOP Debate

5 candidates left as Super Tuesday approaches

(Newser) - There are just a few days left before Super Tuesday, meaning Thursday night's GOP debate in Houston gives the five remaining candidates a final chance to make their case before voters in more than a dozen states and territories head to the polls. Here's what to look for...

Don't Hold Your Breath for Nevada Caucus Results

The caucus is underway

(Newser) - The Nevada Republican caucus is underway, but don't hold your breath for results. Politico's Jon Ralston tweets they're hoping to have results before 11pm PT but may not be able to declare a winner until Wednesday afternoon. During the 2012 caucus, it took the state days to...

In Cruz vs. Trump, One Iowa Number Matters Most

More voters means better chances for Donald, and there's a tipping point

(Newser) - Despite Ted Cruz trying to shame Iowa residents into coming out to vote in Monday's caucuses , he may not want too many of them to show up, unless he knows for sure they're voting for him. Per Politico , voter turnout will prove critical in the race between him...

Obama: ISIS Ground Fight Means 100 Dead Troops a Month

And a monthly bill of $10B, he reportedly said at private news columnist meeting

(Newser) - President Obama's reason for not sending ground troops to the Middle East to fight ISIS: The White House figures it would mean 100 US troop deaths per month, 500 wounded, and a monthly tab of $10 billion, all to fight a group that doesn't pose an "existential...

GOP: Trump Is Screwing Everything Up for Us

Party members fear Trump will cost them seats in the House and Senate

(Newser) - Jeb Bush has floated the idea of Donald Trump being a Hillary Clinton plant to help her take the White House, and seemingly never-ending Trump controversies might have Republicans starting to believe it. Politico reports that GOP leaders are stressing out about the negative impact that Trump's candidacy is...

Lindsey Graham Gets Quippy in GOP Undercard Debate

He's got jokes and jokes and jokes

(Newser) - Wednesday's GOP undercard debate may not have as many viewers as the main event, but Lindsey Graham brought his A material anyway, launching quips at China, Bernie Sanders, and even himself. CNN reports some of his one-liners inspired only tepid laughter in the Colorado audience. And Maggie Haberman at...

Paul Ryan Is Finally Ready to Be Speaker

He announced he's running late Thursday

(Newser) - Despite all his protests to the contrary, it appears Paul Ryan is poised to become the next House speaker, NBC News reports. "I never thought I'd be speaker," Ryan wrote in a letter to fellow Republicans late Thursday. "But I pledged to you that if I...

2 Weeks to Go: 16 GOPers Jockey for 10 Debate Spots

Who's in, who's out, and who's teetering on the edge

(Newser) - There are just two weeks to go until the first Republican debate on Aug. 6, and the lineup isn't even close to set. Sixteen candidates are vying for 10 podiums on Fox's stage, reserved for those at the top in recent polls. Here's the latest:
  • Who's

Trump to 'Foolish' RNC: I May Make 3rd-Party Run

'RNC has not been supportive,' real estate mogul says in interview

(Newser) - Donald Trump says he's not a Washington insider, which is why the GOP is treating him so badly—and why he'll entertain a third-party run, he tells the Hill . "So many people want me to, if I don't win [the GOP nomination]," he said during...

The Iowa Straw Poll Is Dead
 The Iowa Straw Poll Is Dead 

The Iowa Straw Poll Is Dead

GOP tradition since 1979 canceled due to expense, lack of interest

(Newser) - For nearly 40 years, Iowa held its straw poll for Republican hopefuls every summer before the presidential caucuses—but the poll set for this summer is now dead, the AP reports. Iowa GOP Chairman Jeff Kaufmann tells the news agency that state GOP officials made the decision in a unanimous...

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