
Stories 181 - 200 | << Prev   Next >>

Big Tobacco Beats Hospital Lawsuit
Big Tobacco Beats
Hospital Lawsuit

Big Tobacco Beats Hospital Lawsuit

Landmark Missouri suit fails

(Newser) - It was a "case of David versus Goliath," as hospitals took on tobacco companies in Missouri, a hospital lawyer says—and Goliath won. A jury decided yesterday that tobacco companies aren't liable for money spent on patients with tobacco-related illnesses who can't pay their bills, reports...

Smoking Bans Possible in All States by 2020

Movement is accelerating quickly, says CDC

(Newser) - If smoking bans continue at their current rate, every US state may have a comprehensive one in place by 2020, CDC officials predict. That's defined as one that covers workplaces, restaurants, and bars. “It is by no means a foregone conclusion,” but “I'm relatively bullish...

Australia's Anti-Smoking Idea: Very Boring Packages

Proposed legislation would ban logos, colors

(Newser) - Australia is pushing for a new tool in its quest to cut smoking rates: really boring cigarette packages. The government has announced legislation that would ban logos, colors, brand imagery, and promotional text, while mandating that all packages be olive green—determined in studies to be the least appealing color....

Jan Brewer Wants to Charge Medicaid 'Fat Fee'

Arizona governor's plan would charge smokers, obese people $50

(Newser) - Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer has an idea for how to raise money for the state’s Medicaid program: charge obese people and smokers. Brewer’s proposal would require smokers or obese people who don’t follow a doctor’s weight loss program to pay a $50 fee if they are...

Coming Soon: Zippo Cologne
 Coming Soon: Zippo Cologne 

Coming Soon: Zippo Cologne

Lighter company shifting toward life after tobacco

(Newser) - Other than the tobacco-makers themselves, Zippo is the one of the companies you'd think of as least-able to survive in the post-tobacco world. But the maker of the iconic lighters has big plans: Zippo is transitioning into "a lifestyle-products company," its CEO tells the Wall Street Journal . The...

More Hospitals Refuse to Hire Smokers

Puffing on a cigarette can be grounds for dismissal

(Newser) - A new trend in hospital jobs: Smokers need not apply. In what some call “tobacco-free hiring,” medical businesses are refusing employment to smokers, insisting on blood tests for nicotine along with applications, the New York Times reports. The policy—which, the Times notes, treats a legal habit like...

First Lady: President Quit Smoking a Year Ago

'I am very proud of him,' says Michelle

(Newser) - President Obama's quest to kick the smoking habit is going well, says the first lady. Asked by reporters at a luncheon to clarify whether he'd quit, she answered: "Yes he has, yes he has," reports the Chicago Sun-Times . "Totally." She didn't know exactly when he'd last...

NYC Bans Smoking in Parks, Beaches

Council vote follows Bloomberg's request

(Newser) - The New York City Council voted to ban smoking in parks, beaches, and public plazas, the Daily News reports. Amid speeches on friends lost to smoking and arguments for civil liberties, members were divided, 36 to 12, in favor of the ban. Mayor Michael Bloomberg issued a call for the...

French Icons Can Smoke Again—in Posters

Government softens anti-smoking law

(Newser) - French lawmakers have decided that Jean-Paul Sartre, Coco Chanel, and other long-dead icons can have their cigarettes back. Smoldering cigarettes and pipes had been airbrushed out of old photos and vintage movie posters out of fear of breaking a 1991 law that banned the "direct or indirect" promotion of...

Smoking in Bhutan? Cops Can Raid Your Home

New law is quite unpopular

(Newser) - It’s not a good time to be a smoker in Bhutan: In an effort to become the world’s first smoke-free nation, the Buddhist country will now allow police to raid homes in an effort to smoke out illegal smokers. Bhutan banned sales of tobacco in 2005, but it's...

There May Be No More Smokers in 30 Years
There May Be No More Smokers in 30 Years
analysis says

There May Be No More Smokers in 30 Years least in developed countries, according to Citigroup analysis

(Newser) - Smoking may be a thing of the past in just a few decades—at least in developed countries—a Citigroup analysis of the tobacco industry finds. Using smoking rates in Britain, it calculated that there may be no smokers left in 30 to 50 years. A decade ago, almost one...

Obama Off the Cigs: White House
Obama Off the Cigs:
White House

Obama Off the Cigs: White House

Healthy president hasn't lit up for 9 months

(Newser) - Despite taxes, treaties, and other stresses, President Obama appears not to have smoked a cigarette in 9 months, the White House says. “I've not seen or witnessed evidence of any smoking” in that time, said press secretary Robert Gibbs. “Even where he might have once found some comfort...

One Cigarette Can Kill You: Surgeon General

And cigarettes today are designed to be more addictive

(Newser) - Even a single cigarette can cause immediate damage to your very DNA, while inflaming tissue and leading to illness and death, the surgeon general said today in the office’s first report on tobacco in four years. “Tobacco smoke damages almost every organ in your body,” Surgeon General...

Second-Hand Smoke Kills 600K People a Year

WHO study finds passive smoking causes 1% of all worlds' deaths

(Newser) - Some 1% of all deaths worldwide are caused by second-hand smoke, according to the World Health Organization. Researchers say passive smoking results in close to 600,000 deaths a year from heart disease, respiratory diseases, asthma, and lung cancer. It takes an especially heavy toll on children, with 165,000...

Dead Smoker's Daughter Awarded $80M

Jury finds RJ Reynolds 90% responsible for death

(Newser) - The daughter of a man who died of lung cancer after smoking for 60 years has been awarded $80 million by a Florida jury. The jury decided that tobacco giant RJ Reynolds was 90% responsible for the man's death at the age of 76, and ordered the company to pay...

Big Tobacco Looks to Go Global, Hits Wall

Big tobacco fights tougher rules

(Newser) - It's a battle for the hearts and, um, lungs, as cigarette makers seek out new markets overseas, only to be thwarted by ever-tightening tobacco restrictions, finds the New York Times . Big firms like Philip Morris International and British American Tobacco are fighting tough ad guidelines, larger package warnings, and tax...

Feds Wants Diseased Lungs, Corpses on Cigarettes

FDA presents 36 labels for public scrutiny

(Newser) - Corpses, cancer patients and diseased lungs: These are some of the images the federal government plans for larger, graphic warning labels that will take up half of each cigarette package. The images are part of a new campaign announced by the FDA and health department today to reduce tobacco use,...

CT Scans Cut Lung Cancer Deaths 20%

They're better than X-rays at catching tumors early: Study

(Newser) - CT scans of smokers can detect lung cancer at an early phase and cut the death rate by 20%, says a new study. Duke University researchers found that the scans were much better than regular chest X-rays at catching tumors at a more treatable phase, reports USA Today . The results...

Heavy Smoking Raises Risk of Dementia Up to 114%

Puffing two packs a day in middle age jacks risk dramatically: study

(Newser) - Hey kids, did you know smoking was bad for you? You did? Well, how about this: A new study has found that heavy smoking in middle age more than doubles your risk of Alzheimer’s. The study, one of the first to examine smoking’s effect on the brain, surveyed...

A Pack of Cigarettes Really Costs $149

Researchers factor in cost of premature death

(Newser) - In parts of the US—New York, for one—a pack of cigarettes now costs more than $10. But that's nothing compared to the true cost of smoking, which Spain's Polytechnic University of Cartagena figures to be $149 for men and $104 for women. Researchers analyzed life expectancy for smokers...

Stories 181 - 200 | << Prev   Next >>