
Stories 201 - 220 | << Prev   Next >>

Chain-Smoking Chimp Charlie Dies

Resident of South African zoo had nasty habit

(Newser) - Charlie the chain-smoking chimp has died of old age. The famous South African chimpanzee was thought to be 52. Charlie apparently picked up his habit when he worked in a circus years ago. A spokesperson for the zoo where Charlie lived his remaining days said the facility did not enable...

Russia: To Be Patriotic, Smoke and Drink More

(Newser) - While governments in the West worry about reducing alcohol and tobacco consumption and their related deaths, our Russian comrades have a different message for their people: Smoke and drink more! As the country plans to raise excise taxes on booze and double those on cigarettes over the next three years,...

America Still Smoking Up a Storm: CDC

(Newser) - The smoking rate in the United States has stalled after 40 years of steady declines, according to a report by the CDC. The Los Angeles Times reports that 1 in 5 people are regular smokers, a figure that has remained constant for the last 5 years. The CDC says more...

Why All Movies With Smoking Should Be Rated R
Why All Movies With Smoking Should Be Rated R

Why All Movies With Smoking Should Be Rated R

If it will cut down on teen smoking, why wouldn't we?

(Newser) - Between 2005 and 2009, tobacco use in top-grossing movies declined by almost half—and that same time period also showed a notable decline in the number of high school students trying cigarettes. Coincidence? Probably not—which is why the CDC is calling for all films with tobacco use to be...

Cuba Snuffs Smoking Subsidy for Elderly

Smokes no longer a necessity, Castro decides

(Newser) - Cigarettes should no longer be considered an essential item for the elderly, the Cuban government has decided. In an effort to cut spending, Raul Castro's government has axed the subsidy that supplied everybody over 54 with four packs of cut-price smokes a month, the BBC reports. Subsidies for chickpeas and...

Study Links Nicotine, Breast Cancer
Study Links Nicotine,
Breast Cancer

Study Links Nicotine, Breast Cancer

Finding could be a blow to nicotine patches, gum

(Newser) - Smoking could hurt more than just your lungs. A new study suggests nicotine causes breast cancer tumors to grow. The finding is especially significant, the Daily Mail explains, because though cigarettes are known to contain at least 60 cancer-causing substances, this is the first time nicotine has been implicated as...

To Quit Smoking, Think About Smoking

People who suppress thoughts of cigarettes smoke more: study

(Newser) - Trying not to think about cigarettes could make you smoke more of them, a new study suggests. Researchers studying "behavioral rebound"—the phenomenon in which suppressing thoughts of a behavior leads to increased instances of it—divided smokers into three groups. One was told to suppress thoughts of...

To Fight Fat, Make Junk Food as Taboo as Tobacco

US must get a handle on public health crisis

(Newser) - A widespread vice has a negative effect on Americans' health, and it's up to the government to do something about it. That approach worked for tobacco, David Lazarus writes for the LA Times , and it can work for obesity, too. "The answer seems obvious," he argues. "If...

'Light,' 'Mild' Cigarette Labels Outlawed

FDA ban on flavored smokes goes into effect today

(Newser) - If a toffee-flavored cigarette is your idea of a good smoke, you should have stocked up earlier this week. New FDA regulations banning candy-flavored, fruit-flavored, clove-flavored, or any other kind of flavored cigarettes bar menthol have now come into effect, Consumerist reports. The new regulations also ban cigarette makers from...

Vitamin B6 Cuts Lung Cancer Risk in Half

But findings don't mean you can keep smoking

(Newser) - People with high levels of vitamin B6 were only half as likely as other people to develop lung cancer, even if they smoked, according to new research. The vitamin is found in many food sources, including bananas, fish, and potatoes. The scientists warn, however, that no definite cause-and-effect relationship has...

Big Tobacco Sues Over 'Disgusting' Anti-Smoking Posters

Firms seek to quash graphic NYC ads

(Newser) - Images of cancerous lungs, rotting teeth, and brain damage caused by smoking are "unappetizing," complain lawyers for tobacco companies suing New York City. RJ Reynolds, Philip Morris, and Lorillard are taking the city to court over anti-smoking ads that stores selling cigarettes are now legally required to post...

Smoking Toddler's Mom Seeks Help

Indonesian boy has cut down from 40 a day, mom says

(Newser) - The mother of the chain-smoking Indonesian 2-year-old who puffed his way to YouTube fame says she's seeking help to end the toddler's habit. Aldi Rizal has already cut down from 40 cigarettes a day, she tells CNN , but he vomits and hurts himself in tantrums when he can't have cigarettes....

Big Tobacco Shares the Blame for This
 Big Tobacco Shares 
 the Blame for This 

Big Tobacco Shares the Blame for This

Industry has made smoking a national pastime in Indonesia

(Newser) - Chances are, you've heard about the video of the toddler in Indonesia puffing away on a cigarette like an old pro. Yes, it's an outrage to our sensibilities here in the West, and, yes, the kid's parents either don't know or don't care about the dangers. But while we're issuing...

Meet the 2-Packs-a-Day Tot
 Meet the 2-Packs-a-Day Tot 
he's 2 years old

Meet the 2-Packs-a-Day Tot

Ardi Rizal takes Web by storm, not in a good way

(Newser) - The latest viral video sweeping the Web is a bit more disturbing than a dancing baby: It’s a smoking baby. Two-year-old Ardi Rizal is shown puffing away—and not playfully. He appears to be an old pro when it comes to smoking. His dad, who started giving him cigarettes...

Tone Done These Gross Anti-Smoking Ads
 Tone Down These Gross 
 Anti-Smoking Ads 

Tone Down These Gross Anti-Smoking Ads

Making smokers into lepers won't improve public health

(Newser) - Reports that Australia plans to strip cigarette packages of company logos and instead feature graphic images of diseased lungs and assorted organs has Mary Elizabeth Williams at Salon less than thrilled. These smug, "scoldy" campaigns are getting out of control—what's next, "photos of blocked arteries on every...

Navy Bans Smoking in Submarines
Navy Bans Smoking in Submarines

Navy Bans Smoking in Submarines

Which may make rough sailing for the 35-40% of sailors who smoke

(Newser) - If you’re dying for a smoke at 600 feet, the Navy has a message for you: Wear a patch. As of December 31, the US Navy won’t allow any smoking below decks on a submarine, a policy that probably won’t float with the 35-40% of submarine sailors...

Prisoner Sues Over Smoking Ban

It's 'cruel and unusual' punishment, con claims

(Newser) - You can take his freedom but you can't take his cigarettes, a British inmate is arguing in court. Jack Richard Foster is suing prison authorities, claiming they violated his human rights and imposed cruel and unusual punishment when they took away his tobacco for a week as punishment for swearing...

Calif. Moves to Ban Smoking at Parks, Beaches

Measure aims to crack down on outdoor puffers

(Newser) - California's smokers will soon be losing yet another place to light up if state lawmakers have their way. The state assembly has passed the nation's most extensive ban on smoking in state parks, outlawing smoking at all state parks and beaches, except in parking lots and campgrounds. Supporters say the...

Americans Like to Drink, and They're Lazy

40% do no exercise at all, says federal report

(Newser) - Plenty of Americans still like to drink, smoke, and hang out on the couch. Over half of the population—61%—drinks alcohol, 20% smoke, and 40% do no leisure-time exercise at all, says a new government survey. Only about 31% exercise enough to reap benefits. The survey found little improvement...

Why I Hate Living in Japan
 Why I Hate Living in Japan 

Why I Hate Living in Japan

Everything's got meat in it, for one—bad news for vegetarian

(Newser) - Many years of life in Japan have thoroughly soured American expatriate Tim Rogers on the country, despite his long personal history of “tolerating the hell out of some world cultures.” Herewith, some reasons:
  • Animé sucks. Used to be fine, but now “it’s inbred trailer-trash in entertainment

Stories 201 - 220 | << Prev   Next >>