
Stories 361 - 380 | << Prev   Next >>

As Qaeda Surges, US Sends Iraq Arms—but Precious Few

75 Hellfire missiles and 10 drones won't do the trick: expert

(Newser) - A call for help from Iraqi PM Nouri al-Maliki has been answered, sort of: The US is sending dozens of missiles and drones to Iraq to help combat a burgeoning al-Qaeda that's driving the country's highest level of violence since 2008, the New York Times reports. The aid—...

Soldier Charged With Murder After Deaf Iraqi Boys' 2007 Deaths

Michael Barbera allegedly shot unarmed teens

(Newser) - A US soldier has been charged with two counts of premeditated murder following the 2007 deaths of two deaf Iraqi boys, NPR reports. The teen boys—a pair of cattle herders, the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review last year reported—had no apparent connection to insurgents and were unarmed when small-kill team leader...

Iraq's Maliki to US: We Need Patience—and Planes

Iraq prime minister makes plea as he arrives in US

(Newser) - Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki is in the US ahead of a Friday meeting with President Obama, and he lays out his plea to America in a New York Times op-ed today. His country doesn't need our ground troops, but it does need "training, education, practice—and patience,...

In Iraq, It's Like the 'Surge' Never Happened

Al-Qaeda has killed thousands this year

(Newser) - Nine car bombs exploded in Baghdad yesterday, which, along with a suicide attack and other incidents killed at least 66 people, the AP reports—and, unfortunately, that didn't make it a particularly unusual day. The al-Qaeda affiliate group Islamic State of Iraq and Syria has been pummeling the country...

Human Cost of Iraq War: 461K Lives
 Human Cost of 
 Iraq War: 461K Lives 
new study

Human Cost of Iraq War: 461K Lives

New research finds many Iraqis died because of health-care issues

(Newser) - How many Iraqis died in the Iraq war? It's tough to say—the usual methods of calculating such things (like census counts) aren't available in the country, reports the Los Angeles Times . But one new study, published yesterday in PLOS Medicine , puts the figure at 461,000. Researchers...

Archeologists Find Ancient City in Iraq

Better still, Idu was found in the north, where digs are rare

(Newser) - Introducing the city of Idu, a once-thriving metropolis in what is now northern Iraq. Archeologists discovered its ruins beneath a mound in the Kurdistan region and say Idu was a major city about 3,000 years ago, reports LiveScience . It belonged to the Assyrian Empire, except for a relatively brief...

Suicide Bombers Attack Iraqi Funeral, Kill 72

One of the largest single terrorist attacks in recent years

(Newser) - Two suicide bombers, one in an explosives-laden car and the other on foot, struck a cluster of funeral tents packed with mourning families in a Shiite neighborhood in Baghdad today, one of the largest single terrorist assaults on civilians in Iraq in recent years. Police say at least 72 people...

Iran Is Orchestrating Syria Revenge: US

If US strikes, Iran wants Shiite militias in Iraq to strike back

(Newser) - As Congress debates a strike on Syria, the regime and its allies have been given plenty of time to prepare strikes of their own, American officials warn. The US has intercepted an order from Iran to Iran-supported Shiite militias in Iraq to launch attacks on the US Embassy and other...

US Helped Saddam Gas Iran
 US Helped Saddam Gas Iran 

US Helped Saddam Gas Iran

CIA files reveal that 4 chemical weapon attacks relied on US intel

(Newser) - The US may be outraged by Syria's alleged use of chemical weapons, but its hands aren't exactly clean of gas or blood. Newly declassified CIA documents prove that the US gave intelligence to Saddam Hussein, including satellite imagery, Iranian troop locations, and more, that was used to plan...

20K Syrian Refugees Flood Iraq in 4 Days

10K came yesterday alone

(Newser) - Here's some perspective on the 2,000 Syrian refugees the US has agreed to take in : since Thursday, 20,000 Syrian refugees have fled across the border into Iraqi Kurdistan—10,000 of them yesterday alone. The UNHCR doesn't know why the sudden exodus has occurred this weekend...

Ramadan Ends With 69 Blown Up in Iraq

Wave of car bomb attacks on last day of bloodiest Ramadan in 6 years

(Newser) - A wave of car bombings targeting those celebrating the end of Ramadan across Iraq killed 69 people today, a bloody reminder of the inability of Iraqi authorities to stop violence threatening to spiral out of control, despite promises that it would step up security for today's Eid al-Fitr celebrations,...

500 Prisoners Bust Out of Abu Ghraib

Most escapees were high-ranking al-Qaeda men

(Newser) - Some 500 prisoners, most of them high-ranking al-Qaeda members, were busted out of Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison (yes that Abu Ghraib prison , but the Iraqis are back in charge now) in a violent and explosive jail break last night. Suicide bombers raided the prison with cars full of explosives,...

Suicide Bomber Hugs, Blows Up Sunni Leader

Iraqi politician killed at family gathering ahead of local elections

(Newser) - Sunni Muslim leader Younis al-Rammah died hugging a man at a family gathering in northern Iraq today. Turns out, the man wasn't a family member at all, but a suicide bomber wearing an explosive vest. As he embraced al-Rammah, the bomber blew himself up, killing al-Rammah and four of...

Wave of Attacks Kills 32 in Iraq

Series of bombings appear coordinated, likely al-Qaeda in Iraq

(Newser) - A string of nearly a dozen apparently coordinated bombs and a shooting in cities across Iraq killed at least 32 and wounded dozens today, extending a wave of violence. Most of the car bombs hit Shiite-majority areas and were the cause of most of the casualties. The blasts hit half...

Car Bombings, Suicide Blasts Across Iraq Kill 70 in 1 Day

Deadly blasts increase as sectarian violence surges

(Newser) - A spate of car bombings and other attacks across Iraq today left at least 70 dead and many more wounded, Reuters reports. The grim breakdown, as per Al Jazeera : In the northern city of Mosul, 28 were killed by four car bombs targeting members of the police and army. In...

Callous Liberals Doomed Syria
 Callous Liberals Doomed Syria 

Callous Liberals Doomed Syria

Syria isn't Iraq, Richard Cohen wants you to know

(Newser) - As Syria's bloody civil war has raged on, Richard Cohen at the Washington Post has been dismayed to see so many liberals fighting against intervention. "The argument is that Syria would be Iraq all over again," Cohen writes. But "this is tendentious." People like Cohen...

Plot to Release Poison Gas via Toy Planes Foiled

Five arrested after workshops, toys uncovered in Iraq

(Newser) - Iraqi authorities say they have arrested five men who were manufacturing sarin and mustard gas, which they planned to release via remote-controlled toy planes, reports the BBC . They also planned to smuggle the chemicals into Europe and North America and strike targets there. The men confessed to the plot, and...

Month Gets Deadlier in Iraq With New Wave of Bombings

13 dead, May death toll passes 500

(Newser) - A series of morning bomb explosions in Baghdad and the northern Iraqi city of Mosul today killed at least 13 people and wounded dozens in the latest eruption of violence rattling the country, officials said. Iraq is facing its most relentless wave of violence since the 2011 US military withdrawal,...

57 Dead in Wave of Baghdad Bombings

Wave of bloodshed has killed more than 300 in two weeks

(Newser) - A wave of car bombings tore through mostly Shiite Muslim neighborhoods of the Baghdad area this afternoon, leaving at least 57 dead in the latest outburst of an unusually intense wave of bloodshed roiling Iraq, which has killed more than 300 people in the past two weeks alone. There was...

Syria's War Triggered by ... Water?

The Tigris-Euphrates Basin is losing a lot of water, and fast

(Newser) - Tucked into a piece on the drastically dropping water levels in the Middle East's Tigris-Euphrates Basin comes this theory: The drop helped spur the Syrian civil war. As Joshua Hammer explains for Smithsonian , a pair of satellites tasked with measuring groundwater found that the basin lost the equivalent of...

Stories 361 - 380 | << Prev   Next >>