
Stories 381 - 400 | << Prev   Next >>

Iraq Has Deadliest Month in 5 Years: UN

It records more than 700 deaths in April, most of them civilians

(Newser) - The United Nations mission to Iraq says more people were killed in violent attacks across the country in April than in any other month since June 2008. The UN recorded 712 people killed last month, including 117 members of the Iraqi security forces, along with 1,633 people injured. The...

Iraq Shuts 10 TV Channels for Broadcasting 'Hype'

Al Jazeera, 9 others blamed for surge in violence

(Newser) - Iraq has ordered al-Jazeera and nine other TV stations off the air, accusing them of causing the sectarian conflict that has killed more than 200 people over the last week. The move came after the stations—all but one of which is Sunni-owned—covered a raid by security forces on...

33 Killed at Sunni Protest Site in Iraq

'The peaceful demonstrations are over': tribal leader

(Newser) - Some 33 civilians have been reported dead after Iraqi security forces took on Sunni protesters near the city of Kirkuk. Almost 100 people were wounded in the fighting, local officials say; the Ministry of Defense says 20 "gunmen" and three soldiers were killed and 75 people arrested. Sunnis across...

US Soldier Pleads Guilty to Murdering 5 Fellow Troops

Plea deal will allow Sgt. John Russell to avoid capital punishment

(Newser) - US Army Sgt. John Russell pleaded guilty today to intentionally murdering five fellow servicemen and women in Iraq in 2009, as part of a deal that will allow him to avoid the death penalty. The judge hasn't decided whether or not to accept the plea deal yet, though he...

Maliki: Don&#39;t Worry America, Iraq Is Grateful
Maliki: Don't Worry America, Iraq Is Grateful

Maliki: Don't Worry America, Iraq Is Grateful

Iraqi prime minister writes op-ed in Washington Post

(Newser) - It's been 10 years since Saddam Hussein's fall, and Nouri al-Maliki is using the occasion to set the record straight on US-Iraqi relations. In an op-ed in today's Washington Post , the Iraqi prime minister assures Americans that Iraq is a "sovereign partner" for the US, and...

Kerry to Iraq: Stop Weapons to Syria

US continues to push Iraq to inspect Iranian flights

(Newser) - John Kerry dropped in unannounced on Iraq today, the first visit by an American secretary of state in four years, and he used the opportunity to continue prodding Nouri al-Maliki to slow the Iranian weapons that flow through his skies and into the hands of Syria's Bashar al-Assad. “...

For Iraq's 10th Anniversary, Gawker Prints Bush's Email

Readers urged to wish him a 'happy Iraq War day'

(Newser) - To mark the 10th anniversary of the invasion of Iraq, Gawker has printed the private email address of George W. Bush and encouraged its readers to wish the man who ordered the invasion a "Happy Iraq War Day." The address was spotted in screenshots of correspondence published by...

What Have We Learned from Iraq?
 What Have 
 We Learned 
 from Iraq? 

What Have We Learned from Iraq?

Pundits reflect on invasion's 10th anniversary

(Newser) - It's the 10th anniversary of the US-led invasion of Iraq, and news sources are taking a moment to reflect on what we have—or haven't—learned. What pundits are saying:
  • What if we'd been told the costs from the start? "It will take eight years, cost

Dozens Killed on Iraq War's 10th Anniversary

Baghdad bombings leave at least 56 dead, 200 wounded

(Newser) - The eve of the 10th anniversary of the start of the US-led invasion of Iraq brings more bloodshed: At least 56 people have been killed and more than 200 wounded in bombings in and around Baghdad today, the AP reports. Bombs rocked a market and a restaurant in the capital;...

US, UK Knew Iraq Had No WMDs: Report

New report alleges that MI6, CIA ignored vital intel

(Newser) - Days before the September 2002 dossier on Iraqi weapons that Tony Blair used to justify sending British troops to join the US in Iraq, an MI6 officer met with Iraq's head of intelligence and was told that Saddam Hussein had no active weapons of mass destruction, according to an...

Fearing Syria Spillover, CIA Ups Iraq Presence

Al-Nusra Front and al-Qaeda in Iraq closely tied, experts say

(Newser) - The US military may have pulled out of Iraq in December 2011, but now the CIA is going back in, reports the Wall Street Journal . In a series of secret decisions in 2011 and 2012, the White House directed US intelligence to take over from the military in supporting Iraq'...

US Wasted $8B in Aid to Rebuild Iraq: Report

US managers insisted on large projects Iraqis did not want, says assessment

(Newser) - At least $8 billion of the $60 billion spent by the United States on Iraq reconstruction was wasted due to US insistence on large rebuilding projects that the Iraqis did not want—that's according to the long-awaited, 171-page report "Learning From Iraq," released today by the special...

Pentagon Accused of Organizing Shiite Torture Squads

Witnesses put key US military personnel at torture sites

(Newser) - The Pentagon directly oversaw the creation of a Shiite militia force that set up secret detention sites and tortured opponents during the US occupation of Iraq, as part of American attempts to put down the budding Sunni insurgency, according to a new report by the Guardian that is being called...

49 Syrian and Iraqi Troops Killed in Border Ambush

Fears increase that civil war will spill over into Iraq

(Newser) - At least 42 Syrian soldiers and seven Iraqi soldiers were killed in an ambush near a border crossing in Iraq today, sharpening fears that Syria's civil war could spill into Iraq and destabilize the region, the AP reports. The Syrian soldiers ( Reuters reports the group also included government...

Iraq Market Bombs Kill 5, Wound 70: Official

Local official blames al-Qaeda

(Newser) - A pair of car bombs has exploded at a livestock market in the south of Iraq, killing five and wounding dozens, an official says. The head of the provincial council says 70 people were wounded in the attack in Diwaniyah, 80 miles south of Baghdad. He blamed the blasts on...

31 Killed in Iraq Market Car Bombings
 Iraq Market Bombings Kill 31 

Iraq Market Bombings Kill 31

Dozens injured in two Shiite areas

(Newser) - Four car bombs struck two outdoor markets in predominantly Shiite areas of Iraq today, killing at least 31 people and wounding dozens at a time of mounting discontent among minority Sunnis. The bombings in Baghdad and a town south of the capital were the latest attacks by suspected Sunni insurgents...

Abu Ghraib Detainees Win $5M From Contractor

Contractor settles with 71 inmates who alleged torture

(Newser) - A security contractor accused of torturing detainees at the notorious Abu Ghraib prison and other US-run facilities during the Iraq War has agreed to pay $5.28 million to 71 former inmates, according to legal documents unearthed by the AP . The settlement from L-3 Services, which provided the US military...

Iraq&#39;s President Suffers Stroke
 Iraq's President Suffers Stroke 

Iraq's President Suffers Stroke

Medical team is trying to stabilize Jalal Talabani's condition

(Newser) - Iraqi President Jalal Talabani has had a stroke and his medical team in Baghdad is still trying to stabilize his condition, a government spokesman said today. Talabani's office earlier said the Iraqi president had been rushed to the hospital after showing signs of fatigue last night; an Iraqi Cabinet...

Wind Carried Sarin Gas to Gulf War Troops

Controversial paper cites bombing of Iraqi chemical weapons depots

(Newser) - A controversial new paper may shed light on Gulf War syndrome, a collection of symptoms seen in veterans of the 1991 conflict: Chemical weapons could be to blame. The researchers assert that when US troops bombed chemical weapons depots in Iraq, the neurotoxin sarin was sent into the atmosphere then...

Iraq Cancels $4.2B Arms Deal With Russia

It would have made Moscow the nation's No. 2 supplier

(Newser) - Nouri al-Maliki seems to have had a very expensive change of heart, at least for Russia. The Iraqi prime minister abruptly canceled a $4.2 billion arms deal agreed to last month that would have made Moscow the nation's No. 2 arms supplier behind the US, reports AFP . A...

Stories 381 - 400 | << Prev   Next >>