
Stories 1301 - 1320 | << Prev   Next >>

JCPenney Dominates Online
JCPenney Dominates Online

JCPenney Dominates Online

(Newser) - The identity of one of the web's largest and most successful retailers may come as a surprise. It's JCPenney, Business Week reports, and it attracted 926,000 paying customers to its website in the first quarter—a number that ranks the 105-year-old company with web giants like eBay, Amazon, and...

Threats Force Women Out of Blogosphere

Virtual sexual harassment stifles voices, raises fears of real-world hostility

(Newser) - Violent, sexualized threats against female bloggers are forcing some of them out of the online community, reports the Washington Post. The problem, highlighted by the harassment that caused Kathy Sierra to suspend her popular technology blog, is frustrating at best; at worst, it causes women to fear for their safety...

News Outlets Bid Up Search Word Prices

"Virgina Tech Shooting" peaked at $5 before dropping to six cents

(Newser) - Online news outlets, usually the ones selling sponsored links to advertisers, are also buying them, to compete for traffic, especially during major news events like the Virginia Tech massacre. From CNN to Fox to the New York Times, news organizations are bidding on Internet keywords at auction from search engines,...

Nacchio Goes Down for Insider Trading

Federal jury convicts former Qwest CEO for dumping company stock

(Newser) - Joseph Nacchio, former CEO of Internet-bubble-blowing telecom Qwest, was found guilty of 19 counts of insider trading by a federal jury in Denver yesterday. Nacchio dumped more than $100 million in Qwest stock in 2001, before the stock imploded over questionable accounting practices. The jury acquitted on 23 other counts.

Yahoo's Earnings Drop Despite New Ad System

(Newser) - Yahoo's new online advertising system failed to break the company's earnings slump, with the search-engine pioneer reporting an 11% drop in first-quarter profits. Yahoo faces increased competition for graphic display advertising that represents a third of revenue, and the company is no longer doing ad brokering for Microsoft, which bolstered...

MTV Meets Web 2.0 Halfway
MTV Meets Web 2.0 Halfway

MTV Meets Web 2.0 Halfway

Will user-generated content, viral videos, be fountain of youth?

(Newser) - MTV is fighting an unprecedented drop-off in ratings by tapping straight into the YouTube generation. The revamped bastion of youth culture will be less cable channel and more media hub, letting its teen viewers decide—and create—what they want to see, while keeping them connected to their digital world.

Google Earth Digitizes Genocide
Google Earth Digitizes Genocide

Google Earth Digitizes Genocide

Internet tool used to raise awareness of atrocities in Sudan

(Newser) - Google Earth has teamed up with the Holocaust Museum to bring the realities of genocide to your MacBook. "Crisis in Darfur" employs Google Earth wizardry to help users visualize the scope of the atrocities currently unfolding in Sudan. Viewers can see over 1,600 damaged and destroyed villages up...

MySpace Crashers Trash British Teen's House

Story fulfills parents' fears about unsavory lurkers online

(Newser) - After a British teenager invited a few friends to a party on MySpace, over 200 non-virtual revelers trashed her family's house. In a story being circulated by alarmed parents all over the Commonwealth, 17-year-old Rachael Bell's parents came back from vacation to find $48,000 worth of damage to their...

Micro-Bloggers Go Big With Very Little

Newest social networking takes web shorthand to its extreme

(Newser) - Short, random and mundane musings fired from around the globe are blowing up big in an Internet phenomenon called micro-blogging. Social networking is reduced to photos and single sentences—or less—that the Financial Times notes is to the blogosphere what reality tv is to cable: compelling and mind-numbing at...

Mexican Drug Wars Fought in Cyberspace

Gangs use Web to recruit, plan, and intimidate rivals; cops are clueless

(Newser) - Mexican drug cartels are making themselves at home on YouTube, posting music  videos that show off the bloodied bodies of their tortured and executed competitors. The gangs have turned to the Internet to recruit members, plan attacks, and intimidate and threaten rival gangs. The result is an al-Qaeda–like virtual...

Turkish Band Faces Jail in YouTube Flap

Fan's video of 7-year-old song dissing entrance exams runs afoul of officials

(Newser) - A seven-year-old song resurrected on YouTube has five punk rockers facing time in a Turkish prison. The song, an anti-authoritarian rant against the Turkish college entrance exam by the band Deli, was the sound track to a video posted by a fan, who lip-synched the lyrics while jumping around frantically...

Obama Raises $25 Million
Obama Raises $25 Million

Obama Raises $25 Million

Senator surprises pundits with grassroots results

(Newser) - Barack Obama has raised $25 million for his presidential bid, more than doubling his own projections for the quarter and falling just short of archrival Hillary Clinton’s $26 mil. Obama announced the figure to the Chicago Tribune today, revealing donations that have been far more diffuse than Clinton's—from...

Tribune Saddled With Daunting Debt
Tribune Saddled With Daunting Debt

Tribune Saddled With Daunting Debt

New owner must repay $12 billion with declining revenues

(Newser) - Sam Zell 's bid for the Tribune Co. beat back his well-heeled rivals, but it saddled an already struggling enterprise with over $12 billion in debt. Now the Wall Street Journal wonders how he expects to pay it back. The likely annual interest fees alone will reach $1 billion, only...

225 Days Later, Blogger Walks
225 Days Later,
Blogger Walks

225 Days Later, Blogger Walks

Joshua Wolf freed after turning over protest video to feds

(Newser) - Joshua Wolf, the blogger who set a record for time served by an American journalist for withholding information, was freed from a federal prison yesterday after 224 days. Wolf was released after he posted footage of a 2005 anarchist protest on his Web site and gave a copy to reporters,...

Google Scores First Deal to Serve TV Commercials

Automated system allows advertisers to buy and track commercials

(Newser) - Drunk with its success at dominating the internet ad business, Google wants to start serving up TV commercials, too. The first company to sign up is EchoStar Communications, a satellite TV provider which will announce today a deal with Google to broker commercials across its 125 TV channels.

Google Stares Down Viacom, Copyright

How do the boys keep YouTube from turning into Napster?

(Newser) - With Viacom incubating "the biggest copyright lawsuit in history" against YouTube, the video-sharing site is beginning to smell a bit like Napster. Which leads Clive Thompson to ponder in New York why the Google boys decided to acquire YouTube—and its looming crisis—last year. And why, once they...

Web Sexism Spurs Meltdown
Web Sexism Spurs Meltdown

Web Sexism Spurs Meltdown

Salon Editor offers mea culpa for years of telling women to ignore it and "man up"

(Newser) - Salon Editor-in-chief Joan Walsh admits that sexist web trolls are a serious problem, despite her own longtime dismissal of the issue. Her mea culpa follows the implosion of programming instructor and game developer Kathy Sierra's blog after Sierra was assaulted, on her site and others, by crude sexual insults and...

Big Guns Battle Video Sharing With Free TV Shows

Copyright-protected content will be available for free online in new NBC-News Corp. partnernship

(Newser) - TV biggies NBC Universal and News Corp. are teaming up to hit YouTube with the full force of their their combined TV content, offered online for free. Starting this summer, AOL, Yahoo, Microsoft's MSN and News Corp. subsidiary MySpace will hope to win over internet users (and the advertising that...

Bochco Switches to Shorts
Bochco Switches to Shorts

Bochco Switches to Shorts

Keep it snappy; I'm sick of this buffer bar

(Newser) - Steven Bochco, the brains behind "L.A. Law" and "Hill Street Blues," is the latest to move from the small screen to the short attention span. His new project is "Cafe Confidential," an online video featuring a series of brief clips from members of the...

News Wars
News Wars

News Wars

PBS takes on the future of news

(Newser) - From “infosnacking” to “hyperlocal” news, there is a whole new terminology describing the evolution of news, particularly the move to online news.  The PBS show Frontline has developed a four-part series that examines the ‘News Wars’ taking place all around us. 

Stories 1301 - 1320 | << Prev   Next >>