
Stories 1281 - 1300 | << Prev   Next >>

Feds Nab Top Spammer, Predict Junk Mail Drop

One of world's "top 10" spammers jailed; used "zombie" computers to send out millions of junk emails

(Newser) - The feds arrested one of the world's worst spammers yesterday—a guy so prolific they claimed net-users worldwide would notice a drop in junkmail as a result of his detention. Robert Alan Soloway used infected "zombie" computers to send out millions of messages, and continued to do so even...

American Al-Qaeda Returns
American Al-Qaeda Returns

American Al-Qaeda Returns

Zealous convert repeats old demands, threatens to top 9/11 and Va. Tech

(Newser) - Accused terrorist and viral Internet star Adam Gadahn resurfaced yesterday in a new video communique as "Azzam the American." Gadahn, 28, a California native who has become a major Al-Qaeda mouthpiece, appeared in widescreen format to promise that the group will continue its "defensive jihad" unless American...

MySpace Opens Up to Donations
MySpace Opens Up to Donations

MySpace Opens Up to Donations

60 million users eying presidential hopefuls will raise News Corp.'s profile

(Newser) - Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. is entering the online political scene in a very significant way with a tool that will allow 60 million MySpace users to donate up to $500 to the presidential candidate of their choice, reports the Financial Times. News Corp. has yet to make a decision, reports...

Estonia Attack Prompts Cyber Security Blitz

Experts from all over studying how to soup up digital security

(Newser) - In the wake of what some are calling the first digital act of war—when hackers using as many as a million computers attacked Estonia's  web-based infrastructure—cyber security experts from all over Europe and the US are huddling to study how to prevent future disasters, reports the New York ...

Feds Launch Search Into Google Deal
Feds Launch Search Into Google Deal

Feds Launch Search Into Google Deal

FTC starts preliminary antitrust probe into $3 Billion DoubleClick buy

(Newser) - The FTC has initiated an antitrust probe into search behemoth Google's $3.1 billion acquisition of a major online ad company, sources tell the New York Times. Both competitors and privacy advocates are chafing at the proposed deal between Google, which stores users' search histories, and DoubleClick, which keeps track...

Google Wants to Read Your Mind
Google Wants
to Read
Your Mind

Google Wants to Read Your Mind

Company's expansion plans depend on personalized advertising

(Newser) - Google wants to know about you—all about you. The company's stated goal of "total information" extends to users' leisure time and even their careers, the Financial Times reports. The ultimate goal is to allow advertisers to target users so precisely that their ads fetch higher rates than more...

Web Mogul Controls $300 Million in URLs

Meet Kevin Ham, the Donald Trump of virtual real estate

(Newser) - Kevin Ham rules the shadowy Internet domain name market, having amassed an online real estate empire worth over $300 million, Business 2.0 reports. The doctor-turned-tech tycoon began buying and selling URLs in the nascent days of the web; today he trades hundreds of addresses a day, sometimes for as...

GOP Finds Itself Tangled in the Web
GOP Finds Itself Tangled in the Web

GOP Finds Itself Tangled in the Web

Candidates lag Democrats in online popularity, fundraising

(Newser) - The digital divide is widening—between Democratic and Republican presidential candidates. Websites, blogs and online video aren't the only areas where the GOP trails; fundraising numbers reported in the Washington Post tell a similar story. In the first quarter of 2007, the top three Democrats raked in $14 million online,...

Microsoft Buys Ad Firm for $6B
Microsoft Buys Ad Firm for $6B

Microsoft Buys Ad Firm for $6B

Deal shores up Microsoft's flailing online advertising presence

(Newser) - Microsoft will plunk down $6 billion for aQuantive, a leading digital marketing agency. The $66.50 per share offer—nearly double aQuantive's closing price yesterday—comes on the heels of WPP's 24/7 Real Media purchase. It's Microsoft's biggest acquisition ever, reflecting its growing desperation to regain its status as a...

Estonia Suspects Russia of Cyberattack

NATO geeks dispatched after barrage cripples e-government

(Newser) - Estonia is under cyberattack after removing a Soviet war memorial from its capital, reports the Guardian.  A barrage of mysterious spam assaults crippling government ministries, banks, corporations, political parties and news organizations has prompted NATO to deploy counter-cyberterrorism experts to the Baltic state, as officials cast a suspicious eye...

Amazon Sings New Tune for Online Music

Web giant will sell non-piracy-protected tracks in digital store

(Newser) - Amazon is going where Apple tried (and failed) to: a DRM-free online music store. Set to launch this year, Amazon’s venture won't sell tracks protected by digital rights management, the anti-copying technology that music labels have required Apple’s iTunes to use. To stay DRM-free, Amazon will partner with...

Defense Dept. Blocks Access to YouTube

Bandwidth, security issues lead to ban on MySpace, other networking sites

(Newser) - MySpace as a national security threat? Yes, says the Department of Defense, which is blocking service members' access to the site—as well as YouTube and 11 other popular destinations troops use to communicate with family and friends—on department computers as of today. The department calls the online traffic...

Drudge Reports, Candidates Cower
Drudge Reports, Candidates Cower

Drudge Reports, Candidates Cower

Salon explores the web-based underbelly of the '08 campaign

(Newser) - What do a $400 haircut, a hawkish rendition of a Beach Boys tune, and a decade-old donation to Planned Parenthood have in common? They're all results of an "opposition research game" that's pitting presidential campaign teams against each other in a contest to leak dirt to blogs and news...

TV Moguls Blast Web Rivals
TV Moguls Blast Web Rivals

TV Moguls Blast Web Rivals

Parsons: 'They are the Custer of the modern world. We are the Sioux Nation.'

(Newser) - A panel of top television executives at a Vegas conference yesterday went on the offensive against their digital rivals, blasting the perception that cell phones, the Web, and other digital formats are killing their business. Quite the contrary, pronounced Time Warner CEO Richard Parsons: "The Googles, they are the...

Microsoft Opens Window To Yahoo! Deal

(Newser) - Could a Microsoft-Yahoo! merger be in the works? The New York Post reports that Microsoft has quietly approached the Internet giant about opening merger negotiations, after informal talks fell apart several months ago. Insiders say Microsoft is looking to fight back against Google after the search-engine leader bested it in...

Geek Uprising Shows Futility of Web Censorship

Lawyers no match for websurfers armed with anti-priacy code

(Newser) - The flash riot of Internet crusaders who disseminated the code to decrypt HD DVDs over the last few days should teach entertainment companies to think long and hard about their anti-piracy strategy, the New York Times notes. The standard cease-and-desist letters sent to websites to keep the code out of...

MySpace Flap Costs Obama
MySpace Flap Costs Obama

MySpace Flap Costs Obama

Campaign big-foots virtual volunteer; candidate speaks up

(Newser) - The glow of a computer screen morphed into a harsh spotlight on the Barack Obama campaign this week during a bitter dispute over control of a MySpace page bearing the senator's name. Obama reached out last night—over the phone, not in an email—to the disgruntled supporter who created...

Web Muckrakers Fight Corruption in China

Freelance journalists hired by citizens stay one step ahead of censors

(Newser) - A new breed of journalist is evolving out of China’s censored media: the web-based hired gun. The Washington Post reports on freelance muckrakers who investigate corruption the mainstream press can't touch and post the results on their sites. They're paid—if meagerly—by the aggrieved parties.

Baiters Turn Tables On Scammers
Baiters Turn Tables On

Baiters Turn Tables On Scammers

Ron Rosenbaum reports on vigilantes patrolling the "scamosphere"

(Newser) - Revenge is a dish best served electronically, Ron Rosenbaum reports in an Atlantic expose on scam-baiting. A community of e-vigilantes has developed elaborate schemes to thwart the ruses of fake Nigerian princes with equally creative faux dupes. Scammers are punished by coaxing them into laborious and embarrassing tasks, like holding...

Users Revolt After Digg Censors DVD Hackers

User-generated site pulls code, loses cred, reverses course

(Newser) - Web 2.0 blogs are rushing to declare Digg dead, after a night in which the site's main page was saturated with its own obituaries. The web's most popular user-generated news site prompted a mutiny by removing posts revealing how to crack encrypted DVDs and HDs. Digg said the illegal...

Stories 1281 - 1300 | << Prev   Next >>