McCain 2008

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Hanoi Captor Endorses McCain, Denies Torture

Duyet calls ex-POW a friend

(Newser) - John McCain’s Vietnam War jailer says he would vote for him because of McCain's willingness to forgive and look to the future, the AP reports. In the same breath, Tran Trong Duyet denied that McCain was tortured during his 5-year imprisonment and accused him of making up the stories...

McCain Rips Aide's Remarks on 'Helpful' Terror Attack

Aide claimed terrorism would boost campaign

(Newser) - John McCain has denounced comments from one of his most senior political advisers that a terrorist attack would be "a big advantage" to the Republican candidate politically, the Washington Post reports. Aide Charlie Black also said in an interview in Fortune that Benazir Bhutto's assassination, while "unfortunate,"...

McCain Tackles the Serious Questions...

... Like why he owns an Usher CD, and if he could out-bowl Obama

(Newser) - Who says McCain isn't hip? Turns out he listens to Usher and "laughs out loud" when he watches The Office, reveals Bob Sansevere in the St. Paul Pioneer Press. Eschewing  details like the candidate's veep choice, Sansevere asks the tough questions—like about his favorite comic strips (he liked...

Forget the Small-Donor Myth: Big Money Still Rules

Big money men still Obama and McCain's bread and butter

(Newser) - Barack Obama often talks about how much money he’s raised from small donors, even describing it as “a parallel public financing system.” But while Obama has indeed raised record sums from little guys, big donors have kept pace, writes Jay Mandle of the Washington Post, predicting that...

Offshore Drilling Issue May Backfire on McCain

He could make key enemies of Florida and California

(Newser) - John McCain is making a risky bet with his call to end a ban on offshore drilling, Charles Mahtesian and David Mark write in Politico. Polls show a clear majority of Americans are in favor of lifting the ban—but the candidate risks tapping a geyser of resentment in California...

Bush to Push Congress for Offshore Drilling

Like McCain, he says it's time to end the ban

(Newser) - President Bush plans to make a renewed push tomorrow to get Congress to end a long-standing ban on offshore oil and gas drilling. Democrats have opposed the move for years, but rising gas prices are ratcheting up pressure to find domestic solutions. "The president believes Congress shouldn't waste any...

Dems' Coded Message: McCain Is Old
Dems' Coded Message: McCain Is Old

Dems' Coded Message: McCain Is Old

GOP cries foul over between-the-lines jabs at candidate, 71

(Newser) - To a chorus of Republican indignation, Democrats are taking subtle swipes at John McCain's, er, septuagenarian status. From Joe Scarborough saying the "doddering" 71-year-old "needs to go to Miami Beach and play checkers” to John Kerry calling him “confused” or Barack Obama, 46, noting McCain's “half-century...

McCain's Web Connection Slow to Load
McCain's Web Connection
Slow to Load

McCain's Web Connection Slow to Load

Obama's 'stunning' online operation illustrates digital divide

(Newser) - Barack Obama, 46, is a known BlackBerry addict; John McCain, 71, has admitted he's a computer "illiterate." Needless to say, there’s a gulf between their online campaign operations. “It’s the difference between a horse and buggy and a NASA space ship,” one analyst tells...

Why White Supremacists Prefer Obama
Why White Supremacists Prefer Obama 

Why White Supremacists Prefer Obama

3 of 4 support him, despite racial differences

(Newser) - McCain may lead Obama by 10% among white voters, but three of four white supremacists say they prefer the Illinois senator, Esquire reports.
  1. The Director of the White Aryan Resistance calls Obama a "black racist," but still supports him because of McCain's economic policies. He "hates the

Gender and Race Aside, Age Pushes to Fore

Boomers, seniors split on whether to support fellow oldster

(Newser) - Now that a primary season fraught with racism and sexism has ended, the nation now gears up to face its general-election gremlin: ageism. While John McCain, 71, may joke that the primary qualification to be president is "to be very, very, very, very old," the New York Times...

Bolting Clinton Fans? It's a GOP Myth
 Bolting Clinton Fans?
 It's a GOP Myth  

Bolting Clinton Fans? It's a GOP Myth

Democratic unity flies in face of GOP & media storyline

(Newser) - John McCain's aggressive courtship of Hillary Clinton's female supporters shouldn't surprise anyone who's been paying attention, Frank Rich writes in the New York Times. "The fictional scenario of mobs of crazed women defecting to Mr. McCain" rather than Barack Obama fits right in with the "new bogus narrative"...

Iraq Could Win the Election &mdash;for McCain
Iraq Could Win the Election
—for McCain

Iraq Could Win the Election —for McCain

GOP candidate should focus on rapidly improving war

(Newser) - Conventional wisdom has it that supporting the Iraq war is a major weakness for John McCain, but conventional wisdom is wrong, writes Charles Krauthammer in the Washington Post. In his victory speech, Barack Obama said it was “time for Iraqis to take responsibility for their own future,” but...

Feisty Sebelius Has VP Chops
 Feisty Sebelius Has VP Chops 

Feisty Sebelius Has VP Chops

Kansas governor brings red-state cred, history of standing up to Bush

(Newser) - Among Barack Obama's potential running mates, Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius brings a history of standing up to the Bush White House and credibility for having won over a historically Republican state, Sam Stein writes in the Huffington Post. "Kansans of all political stripes loved" Sebelius' blasting of Bush's war...

New Attack Vid: 'Hotties Only Hook Up With Dems'

Latest strategy to take the White House

(Newser) - Republicans can't get no satisfaction—at least according to several anti-McCain videos set to air on YouTube by pro-Dem marketing group Truth Through Action. The premier video features a steamy bedroom romp that turns suddenly icy when a hot bar date discovers an autographed McCain photo in a nightstand. As...

McCain Targets Disgruntled Clinton Voters

Can GOP candidate make like Reagan, reverse partisan trend?

(Newser) - John McCain sees his path to the White House lined with Hillary Clinton supporters. Up to 28% of Clinton backers have told pollsters they’ll defect to the GOP now that Barack Obama has clinched the nomination, the Washington Post reports, so McCain is targeting them, calling Clinton a “...

Obama Wallet Strikes Fear in GOP Hearts

He's already shown he knows how to spend

(Newser) - Republicans not used to worrying about money are sweating pennies, given John McCain's relatively inept fundraising in the face of an unprecedented Democratic war chest. Barack Obama, by conservative estimates, will have $300 million to McCain’s federal cap of $85 million for the general-election campaign, Politico reports—and with...

With Airwaves to Himself, McCain Targets Ohio

Candidate emphasizes economy in big ad buy; Obama still waiting

(Newser) - Right now, John McCain has America’s commercial breaks all to himself, and he’s using them, reports the Wall Street Journal. McCain spent $170,000 Wednesday, which puts him on pace for $1.2 million per week, after spending $1.5 million over the past two months. Most of...

Which Party Has Better Primaries?
Which Party
Has Better Primaries?

Which Party Has Better Primaries?

NYT columnists debate merits of GOP, Democratic systems

(Newser) - Which system is better, the ruthless Republican winner-takes-all primary system, or the Democrats’ kindergarten-inspired everyone-gets-a-prize process? New York Times columnists David Brook and Gail Collins banter on just that point. Brooks thinks the Republicans' swift, clean process is superior, while Collins notes that it’s the results that matter. If...

Times Editorial Has White House Seeing Red

Response to editorial swift and sharp

(Newser) - The New York Times lambasted President Bush in an editorial today for opposing the new GI Bill, and the White House swiftly fired back, the Hill reports. The paper “irresponsibly distorted” Bush's opposition to the bill, said a statement from press secretary Dana Perino, who said the editorial "...

GOP in Shock Over McCain's Campaign
GOP in Shock Over McCain's Campaign

GOP in Shock Over McCain's Campaign

Doubters point to resignations, poorly organized team

(Newser) - GOP leaders fear that John McCain's campaign has hit the skids, the New York Times reports. A flurry of staff resignations, a hobbled national crew, and doubts about McCain's ability to capitalize on Democrats' troubles all add to the mix. Not to mention that McCain's drive is nowhere near the...

Stories 221 - 240 | << Prev   Next >>