McCain 2008

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McCain's 'Real Age' Is 63
 McCain's 'Real Age' Is 63 

McCain's 'Real Age' Is 63

Expert calculates candidate's years in biological time

(Newser) - McCain may be 71.8 years old on paper, but his biological age is a youthful 63.7, according to the physician who wrote You: The Owner's Manual. Dr. Michael Roizen made the estimate based on McCain's recently-released medical records (though some details on the candidate's dietary and exercise habits...

Medical Records Show McCain Fit, Cancer-Free

But senator's medical records also show signs of age

(Newser) - John McCain's campaign gave the AP the first look at 8 years of the 71-year-old senator's medical records, which show no sign of the melanoma he’s been treated for four times, although he had a lesion removed as recently as February and continues to be at risk for new...

McCain to Give Glimpse of Medical Files Tomorrow

Campaign will allow reporters to look under tight restrictions

(Newser) - John McCain will give the media a glimpse of his medical records tomorrow, but restrictions will be tight, the Los Angeles Times reports. The campaign will allow a small group of reporters to review 400 pages of documents in 3 hours. They can take notes but can't remove the files...

Rating McCain's Potential VPs
 Rating McCain's
 Potential VPs 

Rating McCain's Potential VPs

Er, barbecue guests

(Newser) - John McCain may claim he’s just having Bobby Jindal, Charlie Crist, and Mitt Romney over for a barbecue this weekend, but it’s pretty clear the GOP’s presumptive nominee is really scouting VP candidates. So Politico ran down the merits of each potential ticket filler:
  •  Louisiana Gov.

Goldwater Vs. JFK Echoes in '08
 Goldwater Vs. JFK Echoes in '08 

Goldwater Vs. JFK Echoes in '08

Obama vs. McCain recalls race that never happened in '64

(Newser) - The coming Obama/McCain matchup is an echo of another presidential bout, David Talbot writes for Salon—one that never happened between JFK and Barry Goldwater in 1964. Then as now, a young idealist takes on a seasoned ex-soldier over negotiation with hostile governments, to debate a fundamental question of whether...

Lobbyists to McCain: Gee, Thanks, Traitor

Loyal donors kicked to curb as candidate burnishes image

(Newser) - John McCain has been purging his campaign of lobbyists, which has left more than a few feeling betrayed. These are the people, after all, who stuck through McCain when his primary chances looked grim, and kept his campaign financially above water. “If it was OK to have these people...

SNL Finale Promises Fall Yuks
 SNL Finale Promises Fall Yuks 

SNL Finale Promises Fall Yuks

McCain, Carell boost strong ending; election sure to provide autumn fodder

(Newser) - It’s been a long, sometimes-bumpy road for Saturday Night Live, Tom Shales writes in the Washington Post, but the 33rd season finale showed the cast—and guest John McCain—in fine comic form, and was a ratings success to boot. SNL generally thrives in highly political times, and Shales...

McCain to Rely on RNC Money
McCain to Rely on RNC Money

McCain to Rely on RNC Money

Lacking Obama's fundraising machine, eyes 'unprecedented' cash from party

(Newser) - Lagging behind Barack Obama's fundraising juggernaut, John McCain is planning to rely heavily on the Republican National Committee for general-election cash, the New York Times reports. The RNC has $40 million in the bank, compared with McCain’s $21 million, and has big-gun fundraisers like President Bush lining its coffers....

McCain Loses 5th Adviser Over Lobbying Ties

Co-chair's company banked nearly $15M from Saudi deals

(Newser) - A high-ranking John McCain adviser has dropped out over his lobbying ties, Politico reports. Former Rep. Thomas Loeffler, McCain's national co-chair, is the fifth lobbying-connected resignation from the camp this week—and proof that McCain is serious about his lobbying shakeout. But not all in the GOP are thrilled. “...

McCain Ousts Consultant Over Conflict of Interest

He also worked for tax-exempt 527 group

(Newser) - The McCain campaign gave the boot to veteran conservative consultant yesterday after it came to light that he also was a paid consultant for a tax-exempt political group designed to attack Democratic candidates, Politico reports. The campaign says it never coordinated its activities with the so-called 527 group—which would...

McCain Sees Troops out of Iraq by 2013

Senator envisions winning war in first term in text of speech

(Newser) - John McCain thinks he can end the Iraq war and bring most troops home within his first term as president, he says in the text of a speech, obtained by the Los Angeles Times, to be delivered this morning. McCain’s doesn't acknowledge a policy change, but includes a list...

Carly Gives McCain Eyes in His Business Blind Spot

Presumptive GOP nominee leans heavily on former HP chief Fiorina

(Newser) - Carly Fiorina, the former CEO of Hewlett-Packard, is all John McCain could ever ask for in an ambassador to the business classes, Daniel Gross writes on Slate. For every bit of Mac’s personal discomfort talking about economic issues, Fiorina is pure ease—and might even be able to roll...

When GOP Says 'American,' It Really Means 'White'
When GOP Says 'American,'
It Really Means 'White'

When GOP Says 'American,' It Really Means 'White'

On unpopular side of issues, McCain and Co. seem set to play to biases

(Newser) - John McCain’s first post-primary ad declares him “the American president Americans have been waiting for," and the repetition tells all, Harold Meyerson writes in the Washington Post. Forget "strong," or "experienced," he notes. For the GOP, " ‘American’ is a term to...

Rove: Get Ready for November, Obama
 Rove: Get Ready
 for November,

Rove: Get Ready for November, Obama

Former Bush adviser breaks down the race

(Newser) - Barack Obama is now the prohibitive favorite for the Democratic nomination, writes Karl Rove, analyzing the presidential race for the Wall Street Journal. Clinton may still battle on, but there’s nothing Obama can or should do to stop her. Instead, he should focus on the general election where, by...

McCain Vows to Pick More Conservative Judges

Lashes out at judicial activists, Obama

(Newser) - John McCain reached out to conservatives today, saying he would follow George Bush's lead in appointing judges, CNN reports. McCain drew sharp contrasts between his legal philosophy and that of both Democratic hopefuls before an audience in North Carolina. He specifically criticized Obama for voting against the confirmation of John...

Clinton More Likely to Beat McCain: Poll

Hillary up 50%-41% on GOP candidate; Obama in virtual tie at 46%-44%

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton opened a commanding lead in a heads-up race against John McCain in the latest AP-Ipsos poll, leading the GOP’s presumptive nominee 50%-41%. Barack Obama, meanwhile, edged McCain just 46%-44%, a statistical tie. Today's numbers are a gift for Clinton, forwarding her argument that she would be more...

Dems Assail McCain on War
Dems Assail McCain on War

Dems Assail McCain on War

Obama would defy Petraeus to withdraw; DNC ads knock Mac's '100 years' in Iraq

(Newser) - Barack Obama and John McCain clashed over Iraq today, as the DNC readies an ad campaign criticizing McCain's now-infamous remark about keeping troops in Iraq for 100 years. In a Fox News interview, Obama pledged to withdraw troops from Iraq even if Gen. David Petraeus advised against it. But the...

The Wrath of McCain
 The Wrath of McCain 

The Wrath of McCain

Insiders debate the hopeful's temper, which he claims is gone

(Newser) - John McCain's temper is fiery and infamous—no one is arguing that. But opinions differ on whether his quickness to rage (or passion, some call it) suggests a talent for effective leadership or a risky personal weakness. The Washington Post looks at the history of McCain's short fuse and what...

Dems in Dead Heat for Hollywood Dough

$300 in contributions separates Clinton, Obama

(Newser) - The Democratic presidential candidates are in a neck-and-neck race for donations from Hollywood. Less than $300 in contributions from the entertainment industry separates Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, reports the Los Angeles Times. Both boast just short of $3 million in Tinseltown cash. But John McCain has only shaken loose...

The Tug of War Over John McCain's Soul

Neocons, pragmatists battle for influence with Republican candidate

(Newser) - Republican “pragmatists” are growing uneasy seeing John McCain consorting with prominent neoconservatives, the New York Times reports. They fear McCain’s foreign policy isn’t as crystallized as it seems, and could be influenced by neocon advisers like John Bolton. “It might be too strong to say a...

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