McCain 2008

Stories 261 - 280 | << Prev   Next >>

Economy's Woes Put McCain Advisers in Spotlight

Brain trust's credentials questioned in economic slump

(Newser) - John McCain's choice of economic advisers is stirring up controversy, the Washington Post reports. Phil Gramm is vice-chairman of troubled UBS and oversaw widespread deregulation as chair of the Senate Banking Committee in the late 1990s, and Carly Fiorina was publicly ousted as CEO of Hewlett-Packard. In the current economic...

GOP Nod Sure, McCain Hitting Big-Money Trail

Key Bush donors needed to keep pace with Dems' machine

(Newser) - John McCain has wrapped up his party’s endorsement—but not its money machine, the New York Times reports. McCain faces a tough task in winning over the so-called “Pioneers” and “Rangers,” donors who chipped in $274 million for George W. Bush in 2004. Over half haven’...

Saint John Still Tainted by Senate Murk
Saint John Still Tainted by Senate Murk

Saint John Still Tainted by Senate Murk

Ethics crusader is still no stranger to lobbying culture

(Newser) - With John McCain the presumptive Republican nominee, Democrats are rushing to expose chinks in the Arizona senator's saintly armor, Michael Scherer reports in Time. Though McCain talks tough about special interests, he has often appeared to have done their bidding. He once, for example, wrote a letter on behalf of...

Did McCain Almost Switch Sides?
Did McCain Almost Switch Sides?

Did McCain Almost Switch Sides?

Senator twice came to the brink of crossing party lines

(Newser) - John McCain has been feverishly polishing his conservative credentials lately, but the Republican nominee has twice flirted with crossing the aisle for good, the New York Times points out. In 2001, fresh from a bitter election battle with George W. Bush, he considered switching parties, and in 2004 he talked...

McCain Outlines More Specific Fiscal Stance

Candidate looks to cut taxes, project fiscal responsibility

(Newser) - How would John McCain run the economy, really? In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, the candidate tried to answer that question, positioning himself as a fiscally responsible defender of the Bush tax cuts. But the candidate’s tax proposals don’t quite add up, the Journal notes, and...

The McCain-Obama Buddy Flick
The McCain-Obama Buddy Flick

The McCain-Obama Buddy Flick

Guys jumping between the two are picking machismo over politics

(Newser) - For too many men, the 2008 election is a McCain-Obama buddy flick, writes Edward McClelland for Salon. The candidates may be ideological opponents, but the grizzled veteran and hip black guy share qualities men admire in other men, like independence, charisma, and toughness. Many guys are backing both, ideology be...

McCain's Daughter Blogs About Trail Life, Not Politics

Meghan, 23, prefers candid snapshots of the grind over policy statements

(Newser) - Potential first daughter Meghan McCain has been blogging about life on the campaign trail, focusing on Henry Kissinger’s shoes and iTunes playlists rather then the finer points of policy, the Los Angeles Times reports. Candidates’ children are often deployed to humanize their parents—in carefully choreographed ways—but McCain’...

Feds Taking Closer Look at McCain Loan

Could lock him into matching funds— and $54M limit

(Newser) - Today just isn’t John McCain’s day. The Federal Elections Commission says it may not allow the presumptive Republican nominee to drop out of the federal matching funds program, because he used it as collateral for a $4 million loan he took out to fund his cash-strapped primary campaign...

McCain Denies Charges of Impropriety with Lobbyist

Calls female lobbyist a 'friend,' denies any 'unwarranted access or influence'

(Newser) - A subdued John McCain, flanked by his wife, held a press conference today to deny all charges in a New York Times story alleging improprieties involving a female lobbyist. Saying he is "disappointed" in the Times, and that the story alleging a romantic relationship is "not true,"...

McCain Denies Lobbyist Scandal, Attacks Times

Candidate slams article, 'smear campaign'

(Newser) - John McCain’s camp came out swinging at the New York Times last night, calling a “hit and run smear campaign” a report alleging that the senator had been involved in an improper and possibly romantic relationship with lobbyist Vicki Iseman eight years ago. “The New York Times...

GOP No. 2s Try Harder
GOP No. 2s Try Harder

GOP No. 2s Try Harder

Runners-up enjoy inside track next time around

(Newser) - If history is any guide, Mitt Romney had every reason to smile last week as he endorsed John McCain, the Washington Post reports: Every GOP nominee of the past 30 years, except George W. Bush, finished second in the previous contested primary. Judging from the presumptive 2008 nominee's support of...

McCain VP Talk Centers on Minn. Gov
McCain VP
Talk Centers
on Minn. Gov

McCain VP Talk Centers on Minn. Gov

'Conservative, rock-n-roll' Pawlenty has been staunch ally

(Newser) - Maybe John McCain “has not spent one second thinking about a running mate,” as one adviser insists, but when he does, many observers expect his attention to turn to Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty. “He’s a conservative, rock-n-roll Republican and is counterintuitive to the party stereotype,”...

McCain Grins and Bears Far-Right Republicans

Front-runner cozies up to old enemies in effort to 'unify the party'

(Newser) - Playing presumptive GOP nominee means smiling a lot, in John McCain's case. Now that he's aiming to “unify the party,” he’s cozying up to far-right Republicans he can’t stand and putting his infamous temper on the shelf, the New York Times reports. He even called Mitt...

Limbaugh Defends His McCain-Bashing
Limbaugh Defends His McCain-Bashing

Limbaugh Defends His McCain-Bashing

Blasts candidate for 'sitting down with Dems'

(Newser) - Talk radio's right-wing mouth Rush Limbaugh has defended his sustained anti-McCain invective, panning the presumptive GOP nominee yet again for "walking across the aisle and sitting down with Democrats." Limbaugh bemoaned his party's lack of "genuine conservative leadership," but was at least optimistic that he'll have...

McCain Easily Takes NJ, Clinton Wins a Tough Battle

McCain benefited from GOP moderates

(Newser) - John McCain will easily take all of New Jersey's 52 Republican delegates in tonight's primary voting, AP reports, winning strong support from the state's moderates. Hillary Clinton is projected by NBC to win a far tougher battle for the larger Democratic electorate.

Enmity Dates to '02 Olympics
Enmity Dates to '02 Olympics

Enmity Dates to '02 Olympics

McCain-Romney beef has roots in feuding over federal spending on Salt Lake City Games

(Newser) - The beef between John McCain and Mitt Romney has a history—it's almost 8 years old, a lifetime in politics. In 2000, McCain blasted "preposterous" pork-barrel spending on the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympics, which Romney headed. The two clashed publicly, reports the LA Times, and, as one expert...

Romney Vows to Chip Away at McCain's Lead

He pledges to fight after Super Tuesday for 'heart' of GOP

(Newser) - Mitt Romney vowed today to stay in the presidential race despite national polls that predict his fall by the wayside. Even a loss on Super Tuesday won't stop him, he said today on ABC's This Week with George Stephanopoulos. He also accused John McCain's camp of having "stretched, twisted,...

Romney, McCain, Get Nasty in Sunshine State

Epithets of flip-flopper, liberal fly in last day of campaign

(Newser) - In the GOP campaign's most acrimonious day, John McCain and Mitt Romney spent yesterday going for each others’ throats, trying to swing today’s critical Florida primary, which still looks like a dead heat in the polls, the Miami Herald reports. Romney accused McCain of championing a “liberal course....

GOP Will Lose, Unless Hillary Faces McCain
GOP Will Lose, Unless Hillary Faces McCain

GOP Will Lose, Unless Hillary Faces McCain

'Billary' could mean Dems' demise, writes Frank Rich

(Newser) - Despite a crippled GOP, the Dems could still lose the White House in '08, Frank Rich writes in the New York Times: All they need is for Clinton to face McCain. 'Billary' alone would provide "two fat targets" to unite Republican rage. Plus a vetting of donors to Bill's...

Youth Vote Could Shake Election
Youth Vote Could Shake Election

Youth Vote Could Shake Election

Obama's 'like catnip' for the under-30 crowd

(Newser) - The notoriously unreliable youth vote looks ready to shake the 2008 election, or at the very least New Hampshire, the New York Times reports. Barack Obama drew an astounding 57% of young Iowa caucus-goers, and hopes to pull similar numbers in New Hampshire. His unlikely mirror is John McCain, who...

Stories 261 - 280 | << Prev   Next >>