political endorsement

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Poll: Obama's Endorsement Is Worthless

Prez not much help, but Palin's might actually get you votes

(Newser) - This November, candidates would be better off with an endorsement from Sarah Palin than Barack Obama. According to a new Quinnipiac poll, 12% of voters say they’re more likely to vote for a candidate if Obama campaigns for him, including 28% of Democrats and 8% of Independents. But 30%...

Palin-Backed Georgia Guv Candidate Leads Primary

Endorsement boosts Karen Handel to first place

(Newser) - An endorsement by Sarah Palin helped push candidate Karen Handel to first place in yesterday's Georgia gubernatorial GOP primary. Handel, who trailed in opinion polls before getting Palin's stamp of approval earlier this month, led with 34% of the vote, and is headed into a runoff against Nathan Deal, who...

Romney Endorses McCain In Arizona Primary

Romney tries to boost former rival past conservative Hayworth

(Newser) - Mitt Romney endorsed John McCain in his primary fight against JD Hayworth today, little acknowledging the sometimes tense rivalry they developed during the 2008 Republican presidential primaries. “For years, I've been an admirer of John McCain. Then we became competitors. Today, I'm proud to call him my friend,”...

Palin Bucks GOP, Backs Conservative

Race for NY House seat turns into battle for soul of the right

(Newser) - Sarah Palin has bucked the GOP to endorse a third-party challenger in a closely-watched House special election. In the race for the upstate New York seat, Palin has joined Fred Thompson and Dick Armey in endorsing the candidate for the Conservative Party, Doug Hoffman, over a Republican nominee, Dede Scozzafava,...

Unbowed by Loss, McCain Fights for Moderate GOP
Unbowed by Loss, McCain Fights for Moderate GOP

Unbowed by Loss, McCain Fights for Moderate GOP

Senator fills leadership void with donations, endorsements, advice

(Newser) - Less than a year ago John McCain still hoped to be president, but the Arizona senator has a new mission now: reshaping the Republican Party around his own brand of moderate, pragmatic conservatism. While previous unsuccessful candidates for the top job have withdrawn after defeat, McCain is offering endorsements to...

McCain Warms to Romney 2012
 McCain Warms to Romney 2012 

McCain Warms to Romney 2012

Former rival lends his name to big fundraiser

(Newser) - Mitt Romney let bygones be bygones when he campaigned for John McCain last year, forgetting an acrimonious relationship with his erstwhile rival for the GOP presidential nomination. Now, McCain appears to be repaying the favor and ginning up support for the former Massachusetts governor’s 2012 bid, reports the Boston ...

Brown, Labour Fuming After Murdoch Backs Conservatives

(Newser) - Gordon Brown is livid and his colleagues in the Labour Party are ripping up copies of the Sun in public after Rupert Murdoch ended 12 years of support and backed Conservative David Cameron this week. “We don't need an Australian-American coming to our country with a paper that has...

Mandela Backs Zuma in S. African Election

Former prez gets roaring approval from rally crowd

(Newser) - Even at 90, Nelson Mandela can still fire up a crowd, which was exactly what South African presidential nominee Jacob Zuma was counting on. The white-haired former president rolled into a stadium of 100,000 African National Congress supporters yesterday and sat on stage during Zuma's rally. Despite corruption scandals,...

Financial Times Finds Obama 'Less Alarming'

(Newser) - Despite holes in Barack Obama’s qualifications, the Democrat is the obvious choice for president, the Financial Times writes. His “policies are a blend of good, not so good, and downright bad,” but the alternative is an increasingly disturbing brand of maverick, the British daily opines. “Rashness...

Opie, Andy, Fonzie Endorse Obama

Howard ignites blast from the past in bid to rocket Obama to White House

(Newser) - Ron Howard has taken a trip down TV memory lane to stump for Barack Obama, reports the Chicago Tribune. In a serious-humorous video posted on Funny or Die, Howard reprises his role as Opie alongside TV pop Sheriff Andy Griffith—who tells Opie he could someday grow up to vote...

Limbaugh: Powell's Endorsement All About Race

Radio host stands by his questioning of Powell's motive

(Newser) - Right-wing mouth Rush Limbaugh stood by his comments Sunday that Colin Powell's endorsement of Barack Obama was about the color of his skin, CNN reports. "This was all about Powell and race, nothing about the nation and its welfare," Limbaugh said on his radio show yesterday. He chided...

Mac Irked at Powell for Not Calling

(Newser) - John McCain is disappointed that longtime friend Colin Powell didn't even call him before backing Barack Obama, the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review reports. McCain didn't like Powell's criticism of Sarah Palin, either. "I wished he had taken the opportunity to meet Governor Palin," McCain said. "I'm proud to have...

Powell Makes Mac Play Defense (Again)
 Powell Makes Mac 
 Play Defense (Again) 

Powell Makes Mac Play Defense (Again)

Obama endorsement from respected statesman will draw swing voters

(Newser) - Colin Powell’s endorsement of Barack Obama has backed an already-defensive John McCain even further into a corner, writes Politico. Following what McClatchy Newspapers calls a “blistering critique” of McCain’s campaign by the former secretary of state, the Republican has found himself defending anew the Palin pick, the...

Powell Makes Obama Look More Like a Prez
Powell Makes Obama Look More Like a Prez

Powell Makes Obama Look More Like a Prez

Senator no longer needs to prove he can lead the nation

(Newser) - Colin Powell made life a lot easier for Barack Obama by endorsing him today, Mark Halperin writes in Time. He swallowed up a few days of media time; he gave Obama the support of a respected figure; and he allayed fears that Obama can't cut it as commander-in-chief. Powell's support...

Post Backs Obama: 'Right Man for Perilous Time'

Paper cites candidate's impressive temperament, 'disappointing' rival

(Newser) - Barack Obama's intelligence, grasp of complex issues, and skill at consensus-building make him the right man to take on the huge challenges that await the next president, the Washington Post writes in a ringing endorsement. The choice was made easier by John McCain's "disappointing campaign"—especially his pick...

Jolie: 'Obama Would Be Great for My Family'

But it's his positions on issues that 'could move' her to vote for him

(Newser) - Angelina Jolie hasn't officially endorsed a candidate, but Barack Obama's positions "could move" her to vote for him, she tells the German edition of Vanity Fair. His determination to "intervene militarily in genocides abroad and close down Guantanamo Bay" are near and dear to her heart—as is...

Esquire Endorses Obama ... Kinda

He might be unable to define what change means, but Barack's the only horse in the race, say mag's editors

(Newser) - Barack Obama "is the only possible choice to lead the country," says Esquire, though the magazine’s position is less an endorsement of Obama and more a treatise against John McCain. Obama has failed to define his key campaign theme of change “except as all those things...

'I Need You,' Obama Writes to Vibe Readers

Music mag endorses Dem, who calls for voter registration

(Newser) - Barack Obama has a message for the readers of Vibe: "I need you." In a letter to be published in the November issue of the urban music monthly, Obama urges them to register to vote, saying, "We are at a defining moment in our history." The...

Clintons Cool to Obama After Hillary Snub

Insiders say he wouldn't promise her a Supreme Court seat

(Newser) - Bill and Hillary Clinton are doing little to help elect Barack Obama because the Democratic nominee “balked” at promising Hillary a Supreme Court judgeship, insiders tell the New York Post. “Hillary wants an assurance that if she shows loyalty and goes out there like a good soldier, she...

Facing Palin, 6 Women's Groups Endorse Obama

NOW gives Dem its first nod since Ferraro

(Newser) - Six women's rights groups endorsed Barack Obama for president yesterday, asserting the historic selection of Sarah Palin does not make up for John McCain's lack of support on issues important to women. One of those groups was the National Organization for Women, which has not endorsed a presidential candidate since...

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