political endorsement

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Palin 'Scary,' Koch Says in Endorsing Obama

Former NYC mayor, who campaigned for Bush in '04, rips Alaska book-banning

(Newser) - Ed Koch, the former Democratic New York mayor who has skipped among political parties for 15 years, today endorsed Barack Obama for president. Why, Ben Smith asked him for Politico? “The designation of (Sarah) Palin to be vice president. She's scary.” Koch says foreign attacks aren’t all...

Biden Attracts West Wing Love
 Biden Attracts West Wing Love

Biden Attracts West Wing Love

Richard Schiff, who played White House insider, is candidate's Hollywood connection

(Newser) - He probably wouldn’t merit a Washington appointment, but Joe Biden’s biggest Tinseltown fan has small-screen political experience, the Los Angeles Times reports. Richard Schiff, who won an Emmy for his role as White House communications director on West Wing, is stumping for his “real deal” candidate this...

Madge Sticks It to McCain, Is Sweet to Obama

Gets political during tour video montages

(Newser) - Is Madonna using her Sticky & Sweet world tour to strike back at John McCain’s celebrity ad? During a remix of “Like a Prayer,” a screen flashes images of destruction followed by shots of Hitler, Zimbabwe’s Robert Mugabe, and then McCain, reports the New York Times....

Caroline: UK Ambassador?
 Caroline: UK Ambassador?

Caroline: UK Ambassador?

If Obama wins, Kennedy gets Ambassadorship in London

(Newser) - Should Barack Obama win the presidency, he will reward Caroline Kennedy’s efforts by appointing her ambassador to Great Britain, predicts the Mandrake gossip column in London's Daily Telegraph. The payback would place JFK’s only surviving child in the position once held by her grandfather, patriarch Joe. He shot...

Hot Ticket: Jolie's Presidential Endorsement

Undecided and independent, actress-activist wants refugee agenda

(Newser) - With her star power, humanitarian activism, and status as a UN ambassador, Angelina Jolie represents a celebrity endorsement both John McCain and Barack Obama are actively seeking, reports Wilshire & Washington, Variety's politics blog. "I am waiting to see the commitments they will make on issues like international justice,...

Gore Endorses Obama
 Gore Endorses Obama 

Gore Endorses Obama

Democratic party heavyweight urges support for presumptive nominee

(Newser) - Al Gore will endorse Barack Obama for president tonight at a rally in Detroit, ABC News reports. "From now through Election Day, I intend to do whatever I can to make sure he is elected President of the United States," Gore said of Obama in an email to...

GOP Lawmakers Holding Out on McCain

At least 14 say they won't endorse candidate

(Newser) - At least 14 GOP lawmakers are refusing to publicly support John McCain’s White House bid, and more than a dozen more are keeping mum about whether they back the senator, the Hill reports. A few say they are supporting their party’s candidate without going so far as endorsing...

Primary Winners and Losers— Beyond Barack and Hillary

Big gambles led to big payoffs, losses

(Newser) - Barack Obama may be the big winner, but loads of other political fortunes hung in the balance this primary season. Politico breaks down the winners and losers. Winners:
  • Claire McCaskill: Got tons of air-time and used it brilliantly for Obama
  • Nancy Pelosi: Pulled off a nifty trick by remaining neutral,

Clinton, Obama Laughing as They Part

Pair have 'positive' talk; Hillary will endorse him today

(Newser) - Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were laughing together after a private hourlong meeting at a Senate colleague's home, reports the AP. California Sen. Dianne Feinstein said the pair chatted away in her living room late Thursday in a "positive" head-to-head, their first since Obama clinched the nomination. Clinton is...

Penn Endorses Obama, Then Blasts Him

Cannes jury prez 'excited,' but Dem's voting record 'inhuman'

(Newser) - Sean Penn used his platform as president of the Cannes jury to express his excitement "by the hope that Barack Obama is inspiring," the Telegraph reports—though the firebrand actor-director also had some choice words for the Democratic candidate. Obama has much to live up to, Penn said,...

Edwards' Endorsement Is No Game-Changer
 Edwards' Endorsement
 Is No Game-Changer 

Edwards' Endorsement Is No Game-Changer

Move was inevitable, says Newsweek analyst

(Newser) - John Edwards’ endorsement of Barack Obama may “hammer another nail into Clinton’s subterranean coffin,” but it won’t do much to sway primary voters, Andrew Romano writes in Newsweek. Had Edwards taken a pro-Obama stand a few months ago, it might have helped the senator with blue-collar...

Why Is Edwards AWOL in North Carolina?

Former senator has surprisingly little clout in home state

(Newser) - Why has John Edwards maintained silence as the precarious Democratic contest heads to his home state of North Carolina? Could be, Politico posits, because he knows he has little sway there. According to insiders, the state, which holds its primary Tuesday, knew the senator only fleetingly before he leapt to...

Oklahoma Gov. Henry Endorses Uniter Obama

Superdelegate bucks state primary results, rips 'politics as usual'

(Newser) - Oklahoma Gov. Brad Henry endorsed Barack Obama yesterday, saying the Illinois senator was the only one who could “transcend partisan games.” Henry is the third Oklahoma superdelegate to back Obama, the Tulsa World reports, bucking the results of the state’s Feb. 5 primary—which Hillary Clinton won...

The Boss Thinks Barack Rocks
 The Boss Thinks
 Barack Rocks 

The Boss Thinks Barack Rocks

Springsteen deems Obama 'head and shoulders above the rest'

(Newser) - Rocker Bruce Springsteen endorsed Barack Obama today, calling the candidate “head and shoulders above the rest.” The Boss cited Obama’s leadership on the war, economic and racial justice, and the environment, the New York Times reports; he also criticized the “bitter” flap, saying Obama's opponents were...

Indiana Pols Avoid Obama/ Clinton Decision

Host of factors makes five House Dems wary of May 6 endorsement

(Newser) - Indiana is poised to become a major battleground in the Democratic presidential race, but Indiana’s Democratic House representatives look like they’re ducking the firefight. Four of the five are in their first terms, seemingly unwilling to risk angering party brass or alienating voters. Indiana’s contest looks incredibly...

Clinton Camp 'Ticked Me Off': Richardson

NM governor backed Obama after Hillary got aggressive

(Newser) - Bill Richardson says negative ads and arm-twisting phone calls from the Clinton camp pushed him to back Barack Obama last month, the Los Angeles Times reports. The New Mexico governor, labeled a "Judas" after supporting Obama, says he almost backed Hillary until her "3 a.m." ads...

Carter Closer to Backing Obama
 Carter Closer to Backing Obama 

Carter Closer to Backing Obama

Former president, superdelegate coy in dangling endorsement

(Newser) - Jimmy Carter all but endorsed Barack Obama as the Democratic presidential nominee, Reuters reports. His home state of Georgia went to Obama, Carter reminded a Nigerian newspaper, and his children and their families support the Illinois senator. "As a superdelegate,” he continued, “I would not disclose who...

Obama Wins Hamilton Nod
Obama Wins Hamilton Nod

Obama Wins Hamilton Nod

Longtime Indiana congressman can lend candidate national security cred

(Newser) - Barack Obama picked up an endorsement today from longtime Indiana rep Lee Hamilton, who was the co-chairman of both the 9/11 Commission and the Iraq Study Group. Hamilton, who said Obama "has the best opportunity to create a new sense of national unity," should help his candidate both...

Pa. Senator to Endorse Obama
Pa. Senator to Endorse Obama

Pa. Senator to Endorse Obama

Backing represents big break; Casey had vowed to stay neutral in crucial race

(Newser) - Pennsylvania Sen. Bob Casey will endorse Barack Obama today, the Philadelphia Inquirer reports, in what could be big break for the presidential hopeful who's been trailing Hillary Clinton in polls there. Not only can Casey help Obama with Keystone State Democrats, says Politico’s Ben Smith, but his endorsement could...

Edwards Endorsement Seems Unlikely
Edwards Endorsement
Seems Unlikely

Edwards Endorsement Seems Unlikely

Genuinely torn between candidates, prefers to play party elder role

(Newser) - Neither Barack Obama nor Hillary Clinton should hold their breath for an endorsement from John Edwards, Politico reports. People close to the influential former candidate expect him to parlay neutrality in the primary fight into a "party elder" role like that of Al Gore.  In a Leno appearance...

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