Bill Clinton

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Clintons Made $109M Since 2000
 Clintons Made $109M Since 2000 

Clintons Made $109M Since 2000

7 years of returns show Bill was bigger earner; couple paid $33M in taxes

(Newser) - Of the $109 million the Clintons pulled in the past seven years, Bill pulled in the lion’s share: That’s the news in tax files released today, Ben Smith reports on Politico. The long-awaited documents reveal that, with Bill bringing in $80 million from books and speeches, the couple...

Bill Surprises Delegates With Rant About Richardson

Bubba also furious over media treatment of Hillary

(Newser) - Bill Clinton surprised a group of 15 California superdelegates with an angry rant about Bill Richardson’s endorsement of Obama, media bias, and the calls for Hillary to drop out, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. A finger-pointing Bill vented about his old friend: “Five times to my face he...

Bill Richardson: Don't Call Me Judas
 Bill Richardson:  
 Don't Call Me Judas 

Bill Richardson: Don't Call Me Judas

Former candidate says Democrats need to move beyond insults

(Newser) - Bill Richardson defended himself today from the "personal attacks and insults" he has received—most notably from James Carville, who likened him to Judas—since he  endorsed Barack Obama. “We need to move on from the politics of personal insult,” the New Mexico governor wrote in a ...

Bill to Dems on Primaries: Chill!

Let primary process continue, he urges party faithful

(Newser) - Former President Bill Clinton told California Democrats to "chill out" and let the long, bruising battle between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama for the Democratic nomination continue. "We are going to win this election if we just chill out and let everybody have their say," Clinton told...

Hillary Says She Won't Drop; Obama Thinks That's OK

She says she'll take her battle all the way to the convention

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton insisted today that she will not drop out of the race early, and Barack Obama thinks that's just fine. Clinton told the Washington Post that she will compete in every primary, then take her fight to the convention in August if necessary. Could any scenario change her mind?...

Chelsea Draws the Monica Query
 Draws the
 Monica Query 

Chelsea Draws the Monica Query

Tells college questioner it's 'not any of your business'

(Newser) - “Presumably, the question had to come at some point,” write the LA Times’ Andrew Malcolm and Mark Silva, but Chelsea Clinton dealt with an audience query on Monica Lewinsky “quite neatly” yesterday. The question came at the end of an Indiana college appearance when a man asked...

They're Just Not That Into You
They're Just
Not That
Into You

They're Just Not That Into You

Clinton must dominate next 3 primaries or face the music

(Newser) - The Clinton-Obama slugfest resembles the “drawn-out and painful break-up of a relationship,' Michael Tomasky writes in the Guardian—and the sparring couple might be on its last rounds. "Mark down May 7," he suggests. "That's the date by which Clinton should be one of two...

Obama Recalls Sparring With Preacher
Obama Recalls Sparring With Preacher

Obama Recalls Sparring With Preacher

Candidate says he had to 'agree to disagree' with Wright

(Newser) - “This is not a crackpot church,” Barack Obama told a conservative Philadelphia radio host in an interview defending Trinity Church, Politico reports. The Democratic hopeful says that despite Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s “very offensive views,” he built “one of the finest churches in Chicago. Witness...

Obama Backer Compares Clinton to McCarthy

Retired general blasts Bill's patriotism remark

(Newser) - A retired Air Force general yesterday compared Bill Clinton to red-baiting Sen. Joe McCarthy, after Clinton made comments that seemed to question Barack Obama's patriotism. The former president said at a North Carolina rally, "I think it would be a great thing if we had an election year where...

Bill Clinton Welcomed Wright
 Bill Clinton Welcomed Wright 

Bill Clinton Welcomed Wright

Photo from 1998 shows controversial pastor no fringe character

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s controversial former pastor was twice invited to the Clinton White House with groups of influential clergy, Politico reports, demonstrating that he is not the fringe figure he's been made out to be in the recent flap over his views. A photograph of Jeremiah Wright with Bill Clinton...

First Lady Skeds Were Sanitized
 First Lady Skeds Were Sanitized

First Lady Skeds Were Sanitized

Very little remains in Clinton's calendars for historians, or foes

(Newser) - Schedules from Hillary Clinton’s time as first lady don’t reveal much, Newsweek reports. The mound of documents consists only of her public engagements, rather than her private calendar, meaning many potentially revealing details are left out. The thousands of pages don’t, for example, mention her four-hour Whitewater...

Papers Show First Lady Away at Key Foreign Policy Moments

Mining schedule may highlight Hillary's role

(Newser) - As historians and political strategists pore over newly released documents from Hillary Clinton’s years in the White House, the Guardian jumps in with a first look at whether she was present when big foreign policy decisions were reached. Clinton has made her role in the administration a central peg...

Clinton to Release First Lady Schedules

All 11,046 pages of them

(Newser) - The public can finally get a look at Hillary Clinton’s record as first lady—all 11,046 pages of it. The National Archives will release all of Clinton's daily schedules, it announced yesterday, responding to a Freedom of Information Act request made almost a year ago. The documents detail...

Blair Offered to Meet Hooded IRA Militants

And Bill Clinton advised him to do it, new book reveals

(Newser) - A new tell-all book by Tony Blair's chief of staff reveals that the former British prime minister offered to meet with eight leaders of the Irish Republican Army during a critical moment in Northern Irish peace talks. Jonathan Powell, one of Blair's longest-serving allies, admits in a memoir being serialized...

Superclass Exposes Global Elite . . .Sort Of
Superclass Exposes Global Elite . . .Sort Of
Book Review

Superclass Exposes Global Elite . . .Sort Of

Ultra-powerful rule the world, author argues, and that's not all bad

(Newser) - What do Bill Clinton, Osama Bin Laden, and Bono have in common? All are members of the powerful global elite that’s reshaping the planet, David Rothkopf argues in his new book Superclass. But Rothkopf’s isn’t a conspiracy-laden indictment, writes Salon’s Laura Miller. Rather, he contends that...

Superdelegate Wants Some Peace and Quiet

Mo. woman weary of candidates' outreach

(Newser) - With superdelegates like this, who needs Republicans? The Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton campaigns may be pondering that question after getting Leana Medley's voicemail again, but she doesn't care. "I'm more likely to take a call from a reporter," the director of Missouri’s National Education Association tells...

Noonan to McCain: Tell Us What You Believe In
Noonan to McCain:
Tell Us What You Believe In

Noonan to McCain: Tell Us What You Believe In

Journal pundit criticizes candidate for lack of guiding philosophy

(Newser) - Peggy Noonan takes the measure of John McCain in today's Wall Street Journal and wonders "what does he stand for, really?" A friend of the senator's speculates on his "complacency" now that he's secured the nomination, and Noonan goes off: "You have to want the presidency or...

She Shouldn't Stand by Him
She Shouldn't Stand by Him

She Shouldn't Stand by Him

Spitzer takes backlash for taking wife along; reactions run along gender lines

(Newser) - Eliot Spitzer is going up in flames, but Americans are wondering why his wife has to go with him:
  • The Los Angeles Times talks to angry people on the street, including one divorcee who insists, “She should’ve said, ‘This is your fight. ... You stand there and get

Clinton-Obama Race Ups Stakes for Secret Service

Agents deploy to protect two unique candidates

(Newser) - The race for the Democratic nomination is confounding an unlikely group—the Secret Service, which started covering Barack Obama earlier than any previous candidate and has protected Hillary Clinton since Bill's nomination in 1992. And the throngs of passionate supporters—as many as 30,000—at campaign events “definitely...

Can Spitzer Hurt Clinton?
Can Spitzer
Hurt Clinton?

Can Spitzer Hurt Clinton?

Fellow New Yorker's fall from grace is an unwanted distraction, unpleasant reminder

(Newser) - Will the Eliot Spitzer scandal hurt fellow New York Democrat Hillary Clinton, who's all too familiar with the travails of philandering men? Writers are weighing in:
  • Clinton had trouble securing Spitzer's endorsement, writes John Nichols in the Nation, and now, "He is a distraction—the big player in her

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