Bill Clinton

Stories 541 - 560 | << Prev   Next >>

Clintons Push 'Dream Ticket' —With Obama as Veep

Critics cry hypocrisy at not-so-generous offer

(Newser) - Both Clintons are hinting that Hillary's camp wants to unite the nation's Democrats by joining forces with Barack Obama—with him as No. 2, Reuters reports. This dream ticket would be an "unstoppable force," Bill has said on the stump, attempting to position his wife as winner and...

Superdelegates Waiting to Pick Sides

Batch of party elites could pick the next nominee

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton lost Wyoming yesterday, but today the Washington Post has some welcome news for the Democratic underdog: Many superdelegates say they’ll wait until the end of the primaries to chose a candidate. “You’re going to see a lot of delegates remaining uncommitted,” said one neutral...

Blair to Take Yale Post This Fall
Blair to Take Yale Post This Fall

Blair to Take Yale Post This Fall

Former British PM will combine religion, politics classes with Middle East peace mission

(Newser) - Tony Blair’s ties to President Bush are getting thicker by the minute: The former British prime minister will take a teaching position at Yale, Dubya's alma mater, this fall, the Guardian reports; Blair's son Euan is a grad student at the university, the Yale Daily News reports. Blair, who's...

Would-Be First Spouse Thrives Out of Spotlight

Attack dog no more, Bubba courts donors, rural men

(Newser) - Six weeks after Bill Clinton’s aggressive role in his wife’s campaign jeopardized her African-American support and helped drive Ted Kennedy to endorse Barack Obama, the potential First Gentleman is taking a more subdued tack, working far from the media eye to shore up rural voters, bring in the...

Who's Funding Bush's Library?
Who's Funding Bush's Library?

Who's Funding Bush's Library?

Money coming in during presidency raises concerns over quid pro quo

(Newser) - President Bush's coy refusal to name the mystery donors helping to erect his $200 million presidential library is problematic, writes David Corn in Mother Jones' MoJo blog. Though the law doesn't require him to reveal names, his actions raise serious ethical questions. "What's problematic is the prospect of a...

Chelsea Shows Best of Both Clintons

On the stump for mom, she looks like a political natural

(Newser) - Chelsea Clinton has come into her own on the campaign trail, “self-assured, soothing … at once affable and urbane,” even “the ideal amalgam of her parents’ political talents,” glows Lloyd Grove in a New York profile. Bill and Hillary have adroitly managed their daughter's public persona,...

Gay Voters Defect as Clinton Falters

Early support erodes ahead of crucial Tuesday primaries

(Newser) - As first lady, Hillary Clinton marched in New York's pride parade and cemented her standing as a defender of gay rights. But her stalwart support in the gay community is waning, Bloomberg reports. Although both Democratic candidates oppose gay marriage and support civil unions, only Barack Obama wants to repeal...

Obama Surges in National Poll
Obama Surges in National Poll

Obama Surges in National Poll

He opens 16-point lead, seen as having best shot against McCain

(Newser) - Barack Obama has opened up a lead of 16 points over Hillary Clinton among voters nationwide and is seen as the candidate with the best chance to beat John McCain, according to a new poll from CBS and the New York Times. Obama had a lead of 54% to 38%...

Wounded Hillary Marches On
Wounded Hillary
Marches On

Wounded Hillary Marches On

As Clinton's campaign falters, morale dips and advisers are on edge

(Newser) - With Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign on the ropes, morale is low and advisers are screaming at each other in back rooms, the New York Times reports. While the candidate appears resolute, she no longer expresses the supreme confidence she once did and has stopped prefacing sentences with "when...

Richardson Is Out of the Race, But In Demand

Clinton, Obama vie for backing of NM governor

(Newser) - The remaining Dem hopefuls have been pursuing Bill Richardson since he left the presidential race, the New York Times reports. In fact Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are calling the New Mexico governor daily seeking his endorsement. Obama’s approach is “a surgical bomb,” Richardson said, while “...

Dems Hope to Head Off Convention Feuding

Al Gore could play peacemaker

(Newser) - Concerns about party unity are keeping Al Gore and other senior Democrats neutral in the Barack Obama/Hillary Clinton face-off—at least for now, the New York Times reports. Party elders are painfully aware that infighting or back-room dealing at the Democratic National Convention could look like the will of the...

Bill's Critics Wrong About His Legacy
Bill's Critics Wrong About His Legacy

Bill's Critics Wrong About His Legacy

Hillary lures poorer voters because of his progressive policies

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton’s hold on poorer Democratic voters can be attributed to “unquestionable” leftward progress on the economy during her husband’s presidency, David Greenberg writes in Slate. Her campaign may downplay the first Clinton years, but that era produced a progressive budget that included “the most significant...

The Playbook for a Comeback
The Playbook for a Comeback

The Playbook for a Comeback

Strategists outline how they'd take back momentum for Clinton's campaign

(Newser) - Can she get back on her feet before she’s counted out? The Washington Post’s Chris Cillizza asked Democratic strategists how Hillary Clinton could regain momentum in her faltering campaign. The four-point play:
  • Follow Bill’s “It’s the economy, stupid” lead: Put out a "white paper"

Winehouse Sweeps Grammys
Winehouse Sweeps Grammys

Winehouse Sweeps Grammys

Herbie Hancock in surprise win for best album

(Newser) - Troubled Brit Amy Winehouse was the big winner at last night's Grammys, taking five awards for her album Rehab and beaming in to perform via satellite from Britain, where she's in rehab. The upset of the night was 67-year-old Herbie Hancock's win for best album.

Clinton Manager Calls It Quits
Clinton Manager Calls It Quits

Clinton Manager Calls It Quits

Campaign chief mum on motive after Obama sweeps 4 races; will remain as adviser

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton's campaign manager quit today, reports ABC News, giving no explanation in an email to staffers other than the campaign "has required enormous sacrifices from all of us and our families." Patti Solis Doyle will stay on as a senior adviser, but passes the torch to Maggie...

Super Delegate Situation a Tangled Thicket

796 insiders must walk line between public's wish, party allegiances

(Newser) - Both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have long been courting superdelegates—the 796 Democratic insiders whose votes are becoming ever more critical to their party's nomination—but the situation is rife with potential pitfalls, explains the Washington Post. The idea that the votes of everyday Democrats may not end up...

Bill Admits He Is Unlike 'Any Other Spouse'

Playing offense for Hillary was inapt, ex-prez says

(Newser) - Bill Clinton said yesterday he took the wrong approach in defending his wife before the South Carolina primary. “The mistake that I made is to think that I was a spouse like any other spouse," he said in an interview with a TV reporter in Maine. "I...

Clinton: In my White House, I'll Wear the Pantsuits

Hoarse hopeful banters with Letterman on Super Tuesday eve

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton showed off her lighter side in a Super Tuesday eve appearance on David Letterman, joking to the talk-show host that in her White House, "we'll know who wears the pantsuits." Clinton said she was hoarse from rooting for the Giants in a Minneapolis sports bar, and...

Obama and JFK: A Third Way
Obama and JFK: A Third Way

Obama and JFK: A Third Way

Can gift for oratory enable bring about change without partisan trench warfare?

(Newser) - On the now familiar territory of JFK-Obama comparisons, Obama shares Kennedy's weaknesses more than his strengths, Frank Rich points out in the New York Times.  Kennedy, too, was judged too glib and inexperienced, a purveyor of mere pretty words. But the dichotomy between Obama's inspirational speech and  Hilary Clinton's...

Clinton Helped Crony Land Mining Deal
Clinton Helped Crony Land Mining Deal

Clinton Helped Crony Land Mining Deal

After trip to Kazakhstan, buddy tapped uranium, Bill's charity got $31M

(Newser) - Two days after former president Bill Clinton took pal and mining mogul Frank Giustra to meet Kazakhstan's de facto dictator, Giustra landed a monster contract to mine uranium with state-run mining company Kazatomprom, the New York Times reports—despite his firm’s lack of relevant experience. Shortly thereafter, Clinton’s...

Stories 541 - 560 | << Prev   Next >>