Bill Clinton

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Dems: Who Can Beat McCain?
Dems: Who Can Beat McCain?

Dems: Who Can Beat McCain?

As GOP rallies round McCain, Hillary must battle Obama and the Clinton negatives

(Newser) - With the presidential race narrowed by yesterday's big defections, David Broder sees a clear favorite in each party. Despite lingering opposition from "unelected conservative ideologues," McCain's got the nod, the payoff for dogged stumping in New Hampshire and huge endorsements heading into the big states. But on the...

Sniping Heats Up as Obama Calls Clinton a 'Step Back'

Invokes White House rerun as negative

(Newser) - He claims he didn't snub her at the State of the Union, but Barack Obama was definitely on offense against Hillary Clinton yesterday, arguing that another Clinton in the White House would be a step backward, AP reports. "I know it is tempting, after another presidency by a man...

Carter Backs Obama, Almost
Carter Backs Obama, Almost

Carter Backs Obama, Almost

Ex-president won't endorse, but calls senator 'extraordinary and titillating'

(Newser) - Jimmy Carter came tantalizingly close to endorsing Barack Obama in an interview with the Wall Street Journal, calling the Illinois senator's campaign "extraordinary and titillating for me and my family." While he's officially neutral, the former president and Nobel Prize winner heaped praise on Obama, predicting that he...

Key Dems May Have Had Enough
Key Dems May Have Had Enough

Key Dems May Have Had Enough

Tired of Clintons' grip on party, many leaders defecting to Obama

(Newser) - As Hillary Clinton loses Democratic stalwarts like Tom Daschle, John Kerry, and now Ted Kennedy, the New Republic looks at Democratic power brokers who have had enough of the Clinton brand and many who dismiss the former first couple as power-hungry and legacy-obsessed. Although it’s not obvious outside Washington,...

Hillary to Sideline Attack Dog Bill
Hillary to Sideline Attack Dog Bill

Hillary to Sideline Attack Dog Bill

Ex-prez may have done irreparable harm

(Newser) - As Hillary Clinton reels from her blowout defeat in South Carolina, Democrats worry that her husband's attacks on Barack Obama may have done irreparable harm to her candidacy—and her aides are preparing to push Bill toward the wings. Step 1 will be returning Bill Clinton to the sunnier presence...

GOP Will Lose, Unless Hillary Faces McCain
GOP Will Lose, Unless Hillary Faces McCain

GOP Will Lose, Unless Hillary Faces McCain

'Billary' could mean Dems' demise, writes Frank Rich

(Newser) - Despite a crippled GOP, the Dems could still lose the White House in '08, Frank Rich writes in the New York Times: All they need is for Clinton to face McCain. 'Billary' alone would provide "two fat targets" to unite Republican rage. Plus a vetting of donors to Bill's...

GOP Hopefuls Can Agree on Something
GOP Hopefuls Can Agree on Something

GOP Hopefuls Can Agree on Something

Pundits see Clintons uniting Republicans, splintering Democrats

(Newser) - A Hillary Clinton presidency is the only thing that makes fractious Republicans “forget their differences and join hands in common purpose,” ex-Bush speechwriter Michael Gerson writes in the Washington Post. It’s not her policies but the specter of a partisan past that means the senator is “...

They're Off&mdash;and Raspy
They're Off—and Raspy

They're Off—and Raspy

Nonstop race takes toll on candidates' vocal cords

(Newser) - Listen to the candidates in this year's grueling presidential race and you'll discover one of the first casualties of political war: vocal cords. With a dozen or so speaking engagements every day, the candidates are hoarse, raspy, and desperate for fixes. John McCain swears by pre-debate olive oil, the Wall ...

Clintons, Obama Play Nice
Clintons, Obama Play Nice

Clintons, Obama Play Nice

South Carolina attack ads pulled after nasty week

(Newser) - Hostilities in the Clinton-Obama feud appear to have ceased for now, reports the Washington Post.  Attack ads were pulled from South Carolina local radio, starting with one from Hillary Clinton's campaign calling Barack Obama a closet Republican and a Ronald Reagan fan. The Obama response ad, saying Hillary will...

Hill's Attack Mode Gets Backlash
Hill's Attack Mode Gets Backlash

Hill's Attack Mode Gets Backlash

Many rank-and-filers are rethinking the Clintons

(Newser) - Hillary and Bill Clinton are facing backlash for their aggressive tone toward Barack Obama, as the former First Couple stands accused of conduct unbecoming of party leaders. As the Clinton campaign harps on discredited charges, the Washington Post writes, many neutral Democrats worry the harshness might hurt in the general...

The Executive vs. The Visionary
The Executive vs. The Visionary

The Executive vs. The Visionary

Democratic race offers a competing views of the presidency

(Newser) - The choice between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama boils down to two fundamentally different views of the presidency, writes the New Yorker's George Packer—the political pragmatism of Clinton or the inspiration of Obama. Clinton embraces nuts-and-bolts governance and scoffs at political naivety. Obama has a far more visionary view,...

Bill Accuses Obama of 'Hit Job'
Bill Accuses Obama of  'Hit Job'

Bill Accuses Obama of 'Hit Job'

Confronts CNN reporter on race claims

(Newser) - The bitter rivalry between the Clintons and Barack Obama took a toxic new turn yesterday as Bill Clinton, defending himself against accusations of injecting race into the campaign in South Carolina, accused Obama of "putting out a hit job" on him. During questioning by a CNN reporter, the former...

The Dream Ticket, Despite Odds
The Dream Ticket, Despite Odds

The Dream Ticket, Despite Odds

Conventional wisdom says no, but Clinton-Obama might be perfect

(Newser) - Conventional wisdom has reservations about a Hillary Clinton-Barack Obama ticket, Peter Ross Range writes in Der Spiegel, but the pairing might just be perfect enough to overcome them. The two Democratic contenders are not geographical or ideological complements, they’ve “hit bottom in personal terms” and they’d be...

$20M Payday May Await Bill Clinton
$20M Payday May Await
Bill Clinton

$20M Payday May Await Bill Clinton

Ex-prez will cut ties to Ron Burkle's company, ruler of Dubai

(Newser) - Hoping to insulate his wife’s presidential campaign from potential conflicts of interest, Bill Clinton is negotiating to untangle himself from a business relationship with billionaire Ron Burkle that includes a potentially sensitive link to Dubai, the Wall Street Journal reports. In the process, Clinton could earn a $20 million...

Obama Parries 2 Clintons in Harsh, Personal Debate

Debate turns ugly as Barack decries tag-team

(Newser) - Last night's acrimonious Democratic presidential debate saw Barack Obama confront an increasingly aggressive Hillary Clinton, reports the Washington Post, but the Illinois senator was really countering two Clintons at once. Over the past two weeks Bill has led the charge against Obama's credibility and record, most notoriously with his "...

Dem Debaters Get Feisty
Dem Debaters Get Feisty

Dem Debaters Get Feisty

Policy talk devolves into bickering between Clinton, Obama

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama drowned out policy talk in a South Carolina presidential debate tonight as they bickered over Ronald Reagan and what Obama called Clinton's "corporate" past, CNN reports. On economic policy, they wrangled over Senate votes as much as subprime bailout plans. “This kind of...

King's Church Rings With Praise
King's Church Rings With Praise

King's Church Rings With Praise

Bill Clinton, Huckabee pay respects to civil rights leader

(Newser) - The Atlanta church where Martin Luther King Jr. preached his message of racial equality rang with praise today for the slain civil rights leader, reports the AP. Hundreds of notables, including Bill Clinton, Mike Huckabee, and Atlanta Mayor Shirley Franklin, crammed into Ebenezer Baptist Church. "King's legacy gives light...

Top Dems Tell Bill to Chill
Top Dems Tell Bill to Chill

Top Dems Tell Bill to Chill

Clinton's anti-Obama tactics inappropriate, say party leaders

(Newser) - Top Democrats are telling Bill Clinton to tone down his anti-Obama rhetoric, Newsweek reports. He draws crowds, money, and support for his wife, but Democratic leaders like Ted Kennedy and Rahm Emanuel have confronted Clinton about his down-and-dirty approach. They see it as unpresidential, not beneficial to the party, and...

Obama: The Gloves Come Off
Obama: The Gloves Come Off

Obama: The Gloves Come Off

Putting up his dukes with the Clintons

(Newser) - Barack Obama is ratcheting up the aggression in his campaign, lashing Bill and Hillary Clinton both for “unbelievable falsehoods” about his stance on Iraq and his praise for Ronald Reagan. The new tone was evident in appearances yesterday and in an interview aired this morning on "Good Morning...

Nev. Union Bullied Voters, Clinton Claims

Workers' rep calls it 'ludicrous'; Obama wants formal complaint

(Newser) - Bill Clinton said today he personally witnessed reps from the pro-Obama Culinary Workers union threaten members who vowed to vote for Hillary in the Nevada caucuses. Workers who weren't pro-Obama would have their schedules changed to keep them from voting, Clinton claimed. “This is ludicrous,” the union’s...

Stories 561 - 580 | << Prev   Next >>