Bill Clinton

Stories 581 - 600 | << Prev   Next >>

Who's the Iron Fist, Who's the Velvet Glove?

On campaign trail, one Clinton takes the high road and the other ... doesn't

(Newser) - As the former First Couple endeavors to become the future First Couple, they’re splitting up on the campaign trail so Hillary can stay positive while Bill plays the attack dog, CNN reports. Compare their responses to the Nevada caucuses lawsuit: Bill jumped down a reporter’s throat with scorn...

Chelsea Hits Road on Mom's Behalf
Chelsea Hits Road on
Mom's Behalf

Chelsea Hits Road on Mom's Behalf

Daughter sheds hard-earned privacy to court Obama constituency

(Newser) - Chelsea Clinton has put aside her quiet life as a Manhattan hedge-fund executive to hit the campaign trail solo in California and Nevada, hoping to bring her mother's message to young voters—the crucial demographic currently enamored of Barack Obama. Chelsea, 27, is pressing the flesh everywhere from sororities to...

Matthews: Hillary Jab Was 'Nasty'
Matthews: Hillary Jab Was 'Nasty'

Matthews: Hillary Jab Was 'Nasty'

Beleaguered Hardball host backs down from anti-Hillary remarks

(Newser) - It took protesters outside NBC's studios, a letter of complaint signed by Gloria Steinem, and a little pressure from on high, but after 10 days Hardball host Chris Matthews backed down from sexist remarks about Hillary Clinton, the Washington Post reports. He admitted last night that saying Clinton's political career...

Judge OKs Vegas Casino Caucuses
Judge OKs Vegas Casino Caucuses

Judge OKs Vegas Casino Caucuses

Clinton supporters' suit dismissed; Obama seen as beneficiary

(Newser) - A federal judge today dismissed an effort by Hillary Clinton supporters to block Saturday caucuses for Las Vegas Strip shift workers, reports the AP. The lawsuit claimed the at-large precincts created for the workplace caucuses gave those voters too many delegates. The decision is expected to benefit Barack Obama, who...

Tyra, Hillary Dish About Bill
Tyra, Hillary Dish About Bill

Tyra, Hillary Dish About Bill

Clinton: 'I never doubted Bill’s love for me ever'

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton talked about her husband's affair with Monica Lewinsky during a taping of The Tyra Banks Show yesterday, People reports. No tears were shed (it's New York, not New Hampshire), and Clinton said she "never doubted Bill’s love for me, ever." Asked to offer advice to...

Obama Cools Race Rhetoric, Praises Hillary

Clinton says MLK dispute doesn't show 'what is in our hearts'

(Newser) - Troubled by the "tenor of the campaign," Barack Obama cooled off the recent race row with Hillary Clinton and praised her for being "on the right side of civil rights issues," the Swamp reports. But he added that her recent comments on Martin Luther King, Jr....

Clintons Try Easing Racial Flap
Clintons Try Easing Racial Flap

Clintons Try Easing Racial Flap

Bill goes on Sharpton's show, explains 'fairy tale' remark

(Newser) - Bill Clinton was in damage control mode yesterday, going on Al Sharpton’s radio show to clear the air over remarks that some have called racially insensitive. Clinton offended by calling Obama’s campaign a “fairy tale,” but Bill says he was referring to Obama’s statements on...

Bill Loses It, Calls Barack Story 'Fairytale'

'Give me a break,' Clinton sneers at 'charismatic figure'

(Newser) - While his wife was nearly in tears yesterday, Bill Clinton was losing his cool, angrily telling a crowd that the press has given Barack Obama a free ride and that his seductive political narrative is “the biggest fairy tale I’ve ever seen.” The ex-prez said Obama had...

'Comeback Kid' Hitting Wall in Granite State

A subdued Bill isn't filling rooms, rousing crowds for Hillary

(Newser) - Bill Clinton is running into a Granite wall. Stumping for Hillary's floundering campaign in the state that catapulted his own floundering 1992 campaign to the White House, the master politician is finding half-empty gyms and half-asleep crowds, reports the New York Times. Bill's turned down the wattage, to avoid upstaging...

Clinton Tactics Second-Guessed
Clinton Tactics Second-Guessed

Clinton Tactics Second-Guessed

Supporters pan 'inevitability' mantle; urge senator to embrace defeat

(Newser) - Despite a decisive defeat in Iowa—and much second-guessing around the campaign campfire—Hillary Clinton is sticking with the theme that won her third place in Iowa: that she has the experience to bring about change. But some advisers warn that the experience/change message could be a logical contradiction. One...

Bill's Next Job: Supreme Court?
Bill's Next Job: Supreme Court?

Bill's Next Job: Supreme Court?

Hillary could try to appoint Bill if elected, some believe

(Newser) - She may not have gotten off to a great start in Iowa, but a Hillary Clinton victory in November could give the family access to the only branch of federal government it hasn't cracked yet, CNN's Bill Mears writes—the judicial branch. Indeed, Bill Clinton as Supreme Court justice has...

So Much for Clinton's Air of Inevitability

Obama's message of change sits better with voters

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton is suddenly an underdog and must now prove she has the same resilience her husband showed after a sluggish start in the primaries 15 years ago. The strategy of running as an incumbent  didn't play with Iowans, Margaret Carlson notes on Bloomberg. "The folks in Iowa didn't...

Campaigning's a Family Affair— Except for Rudy

Barack's kids, Fred's grandkids trotted out, but Judith is MIA

(Newser) - Bill Clinton yesterday gave up a precious New Year's Day on the couch watching football games to stump for his wife in Iowa, where he joked to the crowd that his football sacrifice prompted Hillary to say, "Finally, after all these years I know you do love me,"...

What's Bill Doing in This Picture?
What's Bill Doing in This Picture?

What's Bill Doing in This Picture?

Billary could become first woman* president, opines Politico scribe

(Newser) - Once, Hillary Clinton wanted to keep Bill and his baggage tucked safely in the backseat. Now, as panic takes hold in Iowa, she's set him loose, the latest swerve in a "herky-jerky" campaign that has hopped from strategy to strategy, writes the Politico’s Elizabeth Drew in an analysis...

Hillary Haters Just Don't Like Her
Hillary Haters Just Don't
Like Her

Hillary Haters Just Don't Like Her

More than politics, Clinton antipathy is deeply personal

(Newser) - With a week to go before the Iowa caucuses, GQ looks at a subculture that hasn't gone away: the "Hillary Haters," a loose-knit collection of virulently anti-Clinton activists who can't wait to swiftboat her presidential bid. What unifies those who can't bear the thought of a Madam President...

Hillary Was Adviser, Not Decider
Hillary Was Adviser, Not Decider

Hillary Was Adviser, Not Decider

First Lady didn't handle intel but was a presidential sounding board

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton spent her 8 years in the White House informally advising her husband and jetting around the world mediating social crises, the New York Times says, but the first lady had little direct experience with war or terrorism. She didn’t do “the heavy lifting of foreign policy,...

Bon Jovi: Political Power Broker
Bon Jovi: Political Power Broker

Bon Jovi: Political Power Broker

Candidates rush to appeal to NJ rocker

(Newser) - If you want to play in New Jersey politics, there’s one man you have to talk to: Jon Bon Jovi. He's a good friend of the Clintons and has held court with John Edwards and Al Gore. Barack Obama’s still hoping. State politicians rush to consult the rocker,...

Candidates' Mates Have Us Running
Candidates' Mates Have
Us Running

Candidates' Mates Have Us Running

From trophy wives to Slick Willie, spouses factor more than ever

(Newser) - One has a life-threatening illness. One broke up her husband's earlier marriage. Several are more charismatic, and more beloved, than their mates. Never before have candidates' spouses played such an important and unpredictable role in a presidential election, writes Emily Yoffe in the Washington Post—whether they're assets, like the...

Bill and Hill: Campaigning or Competing?
Bill and Hill:
Campaigning or Competing?

Bill and Hill: Campaigning or Competing?

Clinton camp 'panicked and perplexed' about former prez's 'help'

(Newser) - Caught up again in what she calls the Clintons' "conjugal psychodrama," New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd says there is "panic and perplexity" in the Hillary camp about whether the prospective First Laddie is helping or hurting things. “For the first time since the Marc Rich...

Dem Primaries: A Referendum on Clintonism
Dem Primaries: A Referendum on Clintonism

Dem Primaries: A Referendum on Clintonism

Bill's legacy, deeper than memory tells, will decide the nominee

(Newser) - The Democratic presidential primary contest will be “a judgment on the ‘90s,” writes the New York Times’ Matt Bai: The left is deeply conflicted about Bill Clinton and his "third way," and Hillary's “fortunes are bound up with his,” Bai says. "They...

Stories 581 - 600 | << Prev   Next >>