
Read the latest Facebook news today on Newser.com

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Man's Flag Burning Fires Up Internet, Gets Him Arrested

But it wasn't Bryton Mellott's free-speech exercise alone that brought the heat

(Newser) - In almost 30 years, the Urbana Police Department hasn't had to enforce a flag desecration statute on the books, but that changed Monday with the arrest of a 22-year-old Illinois man, Forbes reports. Bryton Mellott posted pictures on Facebook Sunday showing him burning the American flag (only one image...

Facebook Reunites Lost-at-Sea Pup With His Family

Ryder's humans thought he couldn't swim when he went overboard off Connecticut coast

(Newser) - Facebook isn't always used for good , but a Connecticut woman whose puppy fell overboard is now giving the social media site a giant "like" after what happened over the weekend. Clare Shaw and her family were out on their boat Sunday outside of Noank when Ryder, their 8-month-old...

Maybe You Should Borrow This Security Trick From Zuckerberg

He covers his laptop's camera with tape

(Newser) - It was meant solely to be a celebratory post by Mark Zuckerberg about Instagram reaching the milestone of 500 million users. But as CNET reports, the Internet was far more interested in what Zuckerberg revealed inadvertently: His laptop is in the background, and it shows that Zuckerberg puts a piece...

Heartbreaking Image of Girl Standing on Toilet Goes Viral

What she's doing there is devastating

(Newser) - Stacey Feeley thought she'd caught a silly moment recently when she found her 3-year-old daughter standing atop one of their home's toilets. She took a picture, planning to send it to her husband to amuse him. Then the little girl told her mom what she was doing: practicing...

If Clinton Wants to Be Bold, This VP Pick Would Do It

Columnist makes the case for Sheryl Sandberg

(Newser) - The smart money is on Hillary Clinton making a predictable pick for her running mate—think Tim Kaine or Sherrod Brown, or perhaps Cory Booker, Elizabeth Warren, or Julian Castro, writes William Whalen at RealClearPolitics . But Whalen suggests another name that doesn't appear on the regular short lists: Facebook...

Facebook Live, Where Murder Is Broadcast in Real Time

Antonio Perkins' murder was apparently broadcast live

(Newser) - Lately, logging on to your favorite social media site has gotten a little more gruesome than watching videos of your friends' kids or pets: With Facebook Live allowing people to broadcast live video to followers, Facebook users were recently privy to the apparent live killing of one Chicago man and...

Florida Assistant State Attorney Bashes Orlando on Facebook

Kenneth Lewis has been suspended

(Newser) - While the rest of the country organized blood drives and memorials for the 49 people killed at Pulse nightclub in Orlando last weekend, Florida Assistant State Attorney Kenneth Lewis penned a Facebook post blasting the entire city, which he called a "national embarrassment" and a "melting pot of...

Marine's Jaw-Dropping Photo: 'Coming to Gay Bar Near You'

1st Marine Expeditionary Force has promised 'appropriate action'

(Newser) - Two Marines are under investigation after a photo was posted Wednesday to Facebook showing a uniform-clad corporal with his hand on the trigger of a rifle aimed at the camera and the message, "Coming to a gay bar near you!" The image, believed to be from Snapchat, was...

Cops: Gang Member Films Own Shooting on Facebook Video

The last image is of blood-spattered grass

(Newser) - Chicago police say they're investigating the killing of a gang member who appears to have captured his own fatal shooting in a real-time video post on Facebook, the AP reports. The Cook County Medical Examiner's Office identified the man as 28-year-old Antonio Perkins. He was shot Wednesday. Police...

Mateen Ranted on Facebook Hours Before Slaughter
Shooter Ranted on Facebook Hours Before Slaughter

Shooter Ranted on Facebook Hours Before Slaughter

Gunman even searched for posts about Pulse as shooting was underway

(Newser) - Omar Mateen used Facebook before—and even during—the Orlando mass shooting, ranting against the West and searching for posts on the massacre, according to a lawmaker's letter to Mark Zuckerberg. Sen. Ron Johnson, GOP chair of the Homeland Security Committee, quotes posts including: "The real muslims will...

Facebook Blunder Implies Philippines Is at War

Oh, and happy Independence Day

(Newser) - The Philippines is at war—according to Facebook. The social media site accidentally posted a banner celebrating Independence Day in the Philippines on Sunday with an image of the Philippine flag upside down, per the Philippine Star . As several users pointed out, Philippine law requires that the flag be displayed...

Facebook Makes Move for Zuckerberg's Power If He Leaves

Board wants to curb his voting clout if he departs

(Newser) - It's hard to imagine Facebook without the face of Mark Zuckerberg at its helm, but that's exactly what the site's board of directors is anticipating in its latest proposal to the SEC. Per Reuters , the board submitted a proxy filing Thursday, notifying the federal agency that it...

Photo of Slain Woman Stays on Facebook for 36 Hours

Man charged with murdering girlfriend also posted bloody selfie, claims it was suicide pact

(Newser) - Family and friends say it took Facebook a day and a half to remove a photo of a murdered Texas woman, despite their pleas. “I asked them to remove it several times,” the sister of Jennifer Streit-Spears' tells the Daily Dot . “They told me I could block...

What It Means When Moms Go Baby Crazy on Facebook

They might be trying to live up to societal expectations

(Newser) - Baby pictures clogging up your Facebook feed could signal a new mom on a risky search for approval, according to a study of 127 working moms from Ohio. The fact that 98% uploaded photos of their baby to Facebook wasn't surprising. What interested researchers, however, was that those who...

Facebook, Microsoft to Run Mega-Cable From Va. to Spain

MAREA will be the highest-capacity trans-Atlantic cable yet

(Newser) - Virginia Beach soon be tethered to Bilbao, Spain, thanks to what Computerworld calls "an epic shift that will change everything." A joint initiative between Facebook, Microsoft, and an overseas telecommunications company, the 4,100-mile-plus MAREA subsea cable will be the highest-capacity cable to span the Atlantic, with an...

Husband Writes of Battle to Get Pregnant With Humor, Honesty

'I have not felt the vertigo of infinity like when we were told our baby was dead'

(Newser) - After trying to get pregnant for three years and suffering a miscarriage in the process, a Cincinnati couple have decided to go public with their story of joy and heartbreak and joy again as they announce not just their pregnancy but the many ups and downs of their path to...

Facebook Dumps News Outlets as 'Trending Topics' Gauge

After allegations the social network was suppressing conservative news

(Newser) - Facebook is dropping its reliance on news outlets to help determine what gets posted as a "trending topic," a move adopted after backlash over a report saying it suppressed conservative views, the AP reports. Facebook's general counsel outlined the change in a 12-page letter Monday to Republican...

Facebook Sorry for Calling Plus-Size Photo 'Undesirable'

Feminist group was told to find healthier image

(Newser) - Facebook has apologized for telling a feminist group promoting a body positivity event that their photo of a plus-size model in a bikini showed "body parts in an undesirable manner"—and suggesting they use an image of someone "running or riding a bike." Australian group Cherchez...

Dad Belatedly Realizes He&#39;s Live Streaming Son&#39;s Birth
 Dad Belatedly Realizes He's 
 Live Streaming Son's Birth 

Dad Belatedly Realizes He's Live Streaming Son's Birth

Sarah Dome didn't know she was a Facebook star until afterward

(Newser) - There is sharing, and then there is oversharing. A dad streaming the birth of his son on Facebook Live may be a case of the latter. To be fair, Kali Kanongata'a says he didn't realize the video he was shooting was viewable by the general public, at least...

Sinead O'Connor Rages Online: 'You Left Me to Die'

The singer writes scathing Facebook post

(Newser) - Sinead O'Connor was found Monday after an apparent disappearance , but all isn't well. The singer wrote a seething, expletive-filled Facebook post Monday night accusing family members of casting her aside as she struggles with a suicidal condition, the New York Daily News reports. "You all abandoned me...

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