
Read the latest Facebook news today on Newser.com

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Glenn Beck: Zuckerberg Is Going to Meet With Me

Facebook rep confirms Zuck will meet with conservative VIPs

(Newser) - Following allegations that Facebook is burying conservative news , Glenn Beck says he will be meeting with Mark Zuckerberg to discuss the issue. Zuck had said he planned to reach out to conservative leaders, even though there's currently "no evidence" Facebook really is burying anything. In a Facebook post...

Zuckerberg Confronts Alleged Conservative Bias

He'd like to meet with conservative leaders to hear their POVs

(Newser) - When conservative leaders are finished feuding over Donald Trump's candidacy, Mark Zuckerberg would like a chat. In a Facebook post on Thursday, the CEO addressed reports that journalists working on the site's "Trending Topics" feature had buried news that would interest conservatives, reports the San Francisco Chronicle...

It's Time to Start Worrying About Facebook

The company has unrivaled power to shape world events

(Newser) - "The question isn’t whether Facebook has outsize power to shape the world—of course it does, and of course you should worry about that power," Farhad Manjoo writes for the New York Times . In 2010, a study demonstrated Facebook was able to get users to vote just...

'This Is Who I Married': Photo of Lost Finger Goes Viral

Libby Sanders says she can't imagine "a sweeter, kinder man"

(Newser) - Libby Sanders' husband is willing to let her paint one of his pinky nails for life—because she lost hers, US Weekly reports. The Indiana mother of five had her left pinky finger amputated in March after a freak accident with a screen door that seemed mild at first, per...

Facebook Curator: We Buried Conservative News

Former employee tells Gizmodo of bias

(Newser) - A former curator of Facebook's "trending news" feature says employees often deliberately kept conservative news out of the spotlight, reports Gizmodo . “Depending on who was on shift, things would be blacklisted or trending,” says the anonymous ex-employee. For example, stories about the IRS' Lois Lerner scandal,...

Warren: I'll Fight 'Toxic' Trump Every Step to White House

Mass. senator goes on Facebook rant against presumptive GOP nominee

(Newser) - Donald Trump is now the GOP's presumptive nominee , and that has some moving straight into "defeat Trump" mode. Count Elizabeth Warren among their number with what Fortune calls an "epic" social-media rant Tuesday night following Trump's big win in Indiana. In her Facebook diatribe against the...

Keeping Mark Zuckerberg Safe Doesn't Come Cheap

That better be some darn good security

(Newser) - It takes a whole lot of money to keep the fourth richest person in the US safe, CNET reports. According to Quartz —citing a regulatory filing made Wednesday—Facebook paid $4.26 million last year to keep founder Mark Zuckerberg safe. That was actually down from 2014, when the...

Ohio Murder Victim Was Threatened on Facebook

Christopher Rhoden Jr., 16, received the threat

(Newser) - A new development in Ohio: One of the eight family members killed in a horrific mass slaying had already been threatened on Facebook, CBS News reports. The threat was directed at Christopher Rhoden Jr., who at 16 was the youngest of the victims. "I'm aware of the Facebook...

Mom Has Gallons of Breast Milk Confiscated at Heathrow

Jessica Coakley Martinez didn't take it lightly

(Newser) - Ever sighed at having to toss out a bottle of water at airport security? Then consider Jessica Coakley Martinez, who was forced to throw away almost four gallons of breast milk at London's Heathrow Airport, the Washington Post reports. "This wasn’t some rare bottle of wine or...

Rising Seas Set to Swamp Facebook, Google

'They built on a very low site—I don't know why they chose to build there'

(Newser) - Facebook has built its new headquarters in a place where employees may soon have to commute by canoe, according to even the most optimistic forecasts of rising sea levels. The shiny headquarters of Facebook and other Silicon Valley tech giants are among many Bay Area properties, worth around $100 billion...

Mark Zuckerberg Calls Out Trump and Other 'Fearful Voices'

'It takes courage to choose hope over fear'

(Newser) - Mark Zuckerberg launched what the Guardian calls a "thinly veiled attack" against Donald Trump, his policies, and his supporters during his keynote address at the F8 conference on Tuesday. "I hear fearful voices calling for building walls and distancing people they label as others. For blocking free expression,...

Cousin: Photo of Bound, Gagged Babies Just 'a Joke'

Memphis police were investigating

(Newser) - A disturbing photograph posted on Facebook has prompted a police investigation in Memphis, Tenn. The picture shows two young children, one of them with tears in her eyes, bound and gagged with duct tape. The caption reads: "Kids for sale, 45% off because they bad." The Facebook user...

Peer Inside the Secret Groups of Facebook

There are rules, punishments, and lots of loyalty

(Newser) - "A constant stream of brutally frank chatter about relationships, work, sex, race, gender, and, yes, cats." That's how Kristen V. Brown, writing for Fusion , describes Girls Night In. The exclusive (and secret) Facebook group comprising some 1,500 LA-area women in their 20s and 30s also is...

Cops Ticket Man After He Posts Video on How to Beat Traffic

'Can they do that?' guy asks. Police response: 'Yep'

(Newser) - Michael Dalton found a shortcut in his Colorado neighborhood that helps beat congestion and avoids a nearby highway, so he posted it on Facebook in an attempt to help his neighbors, WCMH reports. Just two problems: The shortcut involves driving through private property, which earned Dalton criticism from some viewers...

Teen Hunts for Dad After Mom&#39;s 1996 Concert Encounter
 Teen Hunts for 
 Dad After Mom's 
 1996 Concert 
in case you missed it

Teen Hunts for Dad After Mom's 1996 Concert Encounter

His Facebook post quickly garnered 12K shares and 3K comments

(Newser) - Calling all Jasons from Syracuse who attended the "K-Rockathon" concert in Vernon, NY, in July 1996: Your biological son, Jette Collins, is now 18 and looking for you. But, he assures you, he only wants to meet and say hi, he tells ABC News . After a little prodding from...

Facebook to Learn New Slang Before the Cool Kids

It filed a patent for a 'social glossary' last month

(Newser) - Facebook just patented something that could help all the parents on Facebook finally understand what their kids are saying, Business Insider reports. The social media company was granted a patent for a "social glossary" in February, and the patent filing was published by the US Patent and Trademark Office...

Guy Figures Out How to Hack Any Facebook Account

He got $15K for his trouble

(Newser) - He could have posted hilarious status updates for millions at the very least. Instead, after discovering a days-old flaw in Facebook's login system that allowed him to hack any account, Anand Prakash took the high road. The Indian security engineer reported the bug—which allowed hackers to test unlimited...

Facebook to Pay Each UK Worker $1.1M Bonus

Not for purely altruistic reasons, though—it's to save big on its tax bill overseas

(Newser) - Facebook has found a creative way to drastically bring down its tax bill in the UK: Pay each employee who works there a million bucks, NBC News reports. As first noted in the Sunday Times , the company will pay out nearly $397 million in bonuses to UK staffers, which comes...

Mark Zuckerberg May Face Hate Speech Charges in Germany

'I think Facebook has changed German society—not for the good'

(Newser) - A pair of German lawyers are hoping to squeeze a $163 million fine out of Mark Zuckerberg by claiming Facebook allows users to post anti-Semitic messages and other hate speech, Vice reports. "I think Facebook has changed German society—not for the good," attorney Chan-jo Jun says. It'...

Mayor&#39;s Facebook Post Reveals His Porn Browsing
Mayor's Facebook Post Reveals His Porn Browsing
in case you missed it

Mayor's Facebook Post Reveals His Porn Browsing

Besides, the Internet connection was too slow to actually watch any of it

(Newser) - It was only research. So says a German mayor who, via a post on his town's official Facebook page, inadvertently busted himself for checking out online porn. Thomas Koppl of Quickborn, in the course of a political debate, posted a screenshot of the German constitution to Facebook. He neglected...

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