Election 2008

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New 'Real' America Sheds Swagger for Idealism: Klein

Klein: Vote for Obama is "ratification" of new national identity

(Newser) - Hey, John McCain—welcome to the new Real America. Joe Klein writes in Time that Barack Obama’s victory isn’t just a changing of the guard, but fundamentally redefines how we think of the country. We’ve been living in Ronald Reagan’s America for years, writes Klein, nostalgic...

Washington Faces Seismic Shift
 Washington Faces Seismic Shift 

Washington Faces Seismic Shift

Obama will be one of the most powerful presidents of the modern era, says Politico

(Newser) - The election of a relatively young black man to the presidency carries obvious historical significance—but beyond the symbolism, John F. Harris and Jim VandeHei write for Politico, last night marked one of the most momentous political transformations in modern American history. The rout of the Republican party means that...

Palin May Eye Senate Stop on Road to 2012

VP nominee sketches a path to 2012

(Newser) - If Sarah Palin makes a run for the presidency in 4 years—a widely anticipated possibility—she'll need a more visible post than the governorship of Alaska, writes the Washington Post. Palin might well gun to polish her resume in the Senate, especially if a victorious Ted Stevens is forced...

Politicos Jockey for Obama's Senate Seat
Politicos Jockey for Obama's Senate Seat

Politicos Jockey for Obama's Senate Seat

Jackson Jr. among possibilities as Illinois guv looks to fill spot

(Newser) - Now that Barack Obama is officially headed for the Oval Office, Illinois’ political class has turned its attention to his Senate replacement, Time reports. The choice rests with unpopular Democratic governor Rod Blagojevich, who is no doubt looking for a pick that will save his own political skin. Rep. Jesse...

Headlines Herald Obama Victory

 Headlines Herald Obama Victory 

Headlines Herald Obama Victory

Front pages get creative in election reports

(Newser) - "It's Obama," "In Our Lifetime," and simply "Obama": Front pages of newspapers across the country told the news of Barack Obama's election victory in a variety of ways. See a few here, and click the link below for more.

Congratulations, Mr. President
 Mr. President 

Congratulations, Mr. President

President Barack Obama. Who'da thunk it? Besides all the polls

(Newser) - “Barack Obama, 44th president of the United States: Like so many millions of Americans, we savor the phrase.” So begins the Washington Post’s gleeful editorial this morning, ushering in a “new political era,” under a president who seems ready for the monumental tasks before him....

Extra! Extra! Obama Win Sells Out Newspapers

Chicago Tribune , Washington Post , others go back to presses

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s victory was excellent news for the newspaper business. Papers sold out so fast the Chicago Tribune, Washington Post and Cincinnati Enquirer fired up presses for a second run, with the Post rattling off 150,000 extra copies. Lines formed outside the New York Times building and Tribune...

Calif. Passes Gay-Marriage Ban

Measure narrowly passes after sides pumped $70M into campaign

(Newser) - California voters have narrowly decided to ban gay marriage, the Wall Street Journal reports. Proposition 8, which will amend the state constitution to define marriage as being between a man and a woman, currently commands a 52.1%-47.9% lead with 94.6% of precincts reporting. The decision is a...

Governing Will Make Campaign Look Easy
Governing Will Make Campaign Look Easy

Governing Will Make Campaign Look Easy

Prioritizing amid economic downturn will present enormous challenge

(Newser) - The challenges ahead for Barack Obama are perhaps the largest facing any new president since FDR, Dan Balz writes in the Washington Post. He'll have sizable congressional majorities, but with a redrawn electoral map—including a number of formerly GOP states in his column—he'll have to wrestle immediately with...

Oprah on Obama Win: 'We Did This'

TV host plans special election show today

(Newser) - Oprah Winfrey began to open up about the election last night in Chicago, and today on her show, she’ll “unleash” her views on Barack Obama’s victory, her website says. “This happened because we did this,” she told Mark Halperin at Obama’s rally. "We...

Electoral Vote in Nebraska's 2nd District Still Up for Grabs

Omaha may have to wait a week for results

(Newser) - Nebraska was never a swing state, but its unique system of assigning electoral votes has left it with a surprising question mark after election night. The 2nd Congressional District, which includes Omaha, remains too close to call, with John McCain leading President-elect Barack Obama by 569 votes. And 9,000...

Who Voted for Obama
 Who Voted for Obama  

Who Voted for Obama

Politico breaks down the exit polls to understand the makeup of Obama's historic victory

(Newser) - How did the first African-American president piece together such a decisive winning coalition? In Politico, David Paul Kuhn picks apart the pieces of the Barack Obama vote:
  • Obama won a solid 43% of the white vote, matching Bill Clinton’s 1996 performance in that group and nearly Jimmy Carter’s

The Civil War Ended Last Night; Time for Reconstruction

Already a historic prez, Obama can be great

(Newser) - The American Civil War finally ended last night, writes Thomas Friedman in the New York Times. The struggle that began at Bull Run was brought to a close when white America elected a black American president—the ‘Bradley effect” trumped by the “Buffett effect” of rich whites secretly...

Obama Taps Emanuel as He Moves Into Transition

President-elect expected to move 'quickly, but not hastily' to fill top jobs

(Newser) - The president-elect has offered the job of White House chief of staff to Rep. Rahm Emanuel, Jake Tapper reports this morning. Emanuel, who Tapper calls a "sharp-tongued, sharp-elbowed, keenly intelligent veteran of the Clinton White House," hasn't given his answer, Tapper's source says. Meanwhile, campaign insiders tell the...

Tomorrow's Obama Day in Kenya

Step-grandmother, others hit streets to celebrate

(Newser) - Kenya has declared tomorrow a national holiday to honor Barack Obama’s presidential victory, the BBC reports. “We the Kenyan people are immensely proud of your Kenyan roots,” President Mwai Kibaki said. Obama’s father was Kenyan; his step-grandmother danced and cheered outside her home after the family...

Coleman Beats Franken by 762 Votes

Dem demands a recount in Minnesota's squeaker Senate race

(Newser) - Norm Coleman has defeated Al Franken in one of Minnesota's tightest Senate elections ever, declares the AP. The GOP incumbent led by 762 votes out of nearly 2.9 million cast. Coleman had 42.03%, Franken 42%, and third-party candidate Dean Barley 15%. But the former comedian has not conceded...

Turnout Looks to Hit Century High

130M headed to polls as trends favored Obama

(Newser) - Though the official percentage isn’t in, yesterday saw what could have been the highest voter turnout in a century, the Wall Street Journal reports. One expert foresaw 64% of Americans casting ballots, the AP notes, as some 30 million voted early, with 100 million more thought to have stormed...

Six Ways to Rebuild the McCain Brand
Six Ways
to Rebuild the
McCain Brand

Six Ways to Rebuild the McCain Brand

In defeat, the maverick can remind Americans why they liked him

(Newser) - The fight for the presidency has left John McCain's reputation battered and bruised, but Christopher Beam of Slate suggests six steps the senator should take to return to glory.
  • Remeet the press. The bad blood between McCain and the media can be removed if he stops clamming up and "

Prop. 8 Backers Declare Victory; Foes Won't Concede
Prop. 8 Backers Declare Victory; Foes Won't Concede

Prop. 8 Backers Declare Victory; Foes Won't Concede

States shoot down abortion limits, ban gay marriage, back assisted death

(Newser) - Backers of a gay marriage ban have declared victory after a tight race in California but opponents refuse to concede until all the ballots are counted, the San Diego Union-Tribune reports. The Prop. 8 measure was one of several divisive social issues put to a vote yesterday. Measures that would...

Six Ways for Obama to Walk It Like He Talks It
Six Ways for Obama to Walk It Like He Talks It

Six Ways for Obama to Walk It Like He Talks It

Embrace Mac, appoint Repubs, work free, urges Slate scribe

(Newser) - Barack Obama has promised a new kind of presidency, and John Dickerson of Slate has six ways for the president-elect to transform that promise into action.
  • Embrace John McCain. A meeting with McCain would show graciousness in victory and could gain Obama a powerful ally for bipartisan action.
  • Appoint Republicans.

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