Election 2008

Stories 301 - 320 | << Prev   Next >>

Franken Race Too Close to Call
 Franken Race Too Close to Call 

Franken Race Too Close to Call

Recount looms as Minnesota Senate contest goes down to the wire

(Newser) - Minnesotans may have to wait days to learn the winner of their state's close-fought Senate race, the Minneapolis Star-Tribune reports. Republican incumbent Norm Coleman and Democratic challenger Al Franken are locked in a dead heat, and the winning margin will almost certainly be slender enough to trigger an automatic...

Dems Gain a State With Nixon Win in Missouri
 Dems Gain a State With Nixon Win in Missouri
governors races

Dems Gain a State With Nixon Win in Missouri

They take 7 of 11 governor contests

(Newser) - Democrats captured a Republican governor's seat last in Missouri, where state Attorney General Jay Nixon defeated Rep. Kenny Hulshof, AP reports. And in the night's closest races, Democrats Bev Purdue won in North Carolina and Christine Gregoire beat her opponent in Washington. With all 11 races in, Democrats now control...

'This Is Our Moment. This Is Our Time.'

(Newser) - President-elect Barack Obama addressed the country and the world for the first time tonight, vowing to unite a nation beset by trouble at home and abroad, the Chicago Tribune reports. "Change has come to America," Obama told a crowd of tens of thousands at Chicago's Grant Park and...

the presidential race


Early results likely to set tone

(Newser) - Barack Obama won the crucial battleground states of Florida, Virginia, Ohio, and Pennsylvania to clinch victory over John McCain and secure his place in history, MSNBC reports. The 47-year-old Illinois senator will become the nation's first black president when he succeeds George W. Bush in January. Obama reached the 270...

Hagan Defeats Dole; Dems Flip 5 Seats So Far
Hagan Defeats Dole;
Dems Flip 5 Seats So Far
senate results

Hagan Defeats Dole; Dems Flip 5 Seats So Far

(Newser) - Kay Hagan defeated Elizabeth Dole in North Carolina and at least four other Democrats captured Republican seats in the Senate as the party inched toward a filibuster-proof goal of 60 seats, ABC News reports. It's going down to the wire. Democrats now have 56 seats, and four races remain undecided,...

Dems Pad Majority; Murtha Survives, But Shays Out
Dems Pad Majority; Murtha Survives, But Shays Out
House results

Dems Pad Majority; Murtha Survives, But Shays Out

(Newser) - House Democrats, who held a 36-seat lead going in, beefed up their advantage tonight and appeared likely to keep padding it as results continued to pour in. Christopher Shays, the lone Republican in the New England delegation, was the highest-profile victim of an emerging landslide, but John Murtha of Pennsylvania...



(Newser) - Barack Obama started his push to 270 with few surprises, taking Vermont—and then most of New England, including major wins in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Florida. Here's a rundown on the states the Obama/Biden ticket clinched on its road to victory:
  • Vermont (3)
  • Massachusetts (12)
  • Delaware (3)
  • DC (3)



(Newser) - In the race to 270, John McCain came up short, but turned a chunk of the map red, kicking things off by scoring 8 electoral votes in Kentucky and winning much on the South. Here's what the McCain/Palin ticket took:
  • Kentucky (8)
  • South Carolina (8)
  • Oklahoma (7)
  • Tennessee (11)

Jubilant Obama Supporters Swarm Grant Park

Obama supporters collect in Chicago; McCain staff relaxed and confident

(Newser) - Hundreds of thousands of Barack Obama supporters have been collecting in Chicago's Grant Park, watching results come in on a Jumbotron screen while they await the candidate's rally tonight. The Lollapalooza-like atmosphere includes blankets spread out on the grass and vendors offering t-shirts and buttons, reports the Chicago Tribune. Obama...

State Polling Results You're Not Seeing on TV
State Polling Results You're Not Seeing on TV
Exit Polling

State Polling Results You're Not Seeing on TV

Obama has most leads, but take these with a big chunk of salt

(Newser) - Huffington Post got its hands on the exit polling information shared with media outlets at 5pm but not reported by television networks. They show Barack Obama leading in most swing states, though the HuffPo cautions that the numbers are extremely unreliable; believe at your own risk. The list has Obama...

Economy No. 1 Issue for 62% of Voters
 Economy No. 1 Issue 
 for 62% of Voters 
exit polls

Economy No. 1 Issue for 62% of Voters

(Newser) - The economy is the top issue for voters, today's exit polling confirmed, with 62%  of those interviewed saying it was their No. 1 priority. Iraq was most important to 10%, and terrorism and health care were each named by 9%. For those most concerned with the economy, CNN said, more...

Witness Disputes Report of Black Panther Intimidation

Fox News story said threatening men stood outside Pa. polling station

(Newser) - An Obama campaign volunteer says there’s nothing to Fox News’ story that two Black Panthers were intimidating voters at a polling place in Pennsylvania, Greg Sargent reports on Talking Points Memo. One was an official poll watcher, and though he is a Panther, he was not “blocking the...

Election Lawsuits Emerge in Ohio, NH

GOP contests provisional-ballot issues in Ohio; judge sides with party on observers in NH

(Newser) - The Ohio GOP is suing the state over rules concerning provisional ballots, the Toledo Blade reports, in an atmosphere tense enough that Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner has been assigned extra security following death threats. The GOP amended an extant suit to challenge instructions that county boards of election could...

McCain Plane Lands Safely in NM After Mid-Air Scare

'Straight Talk Air' aborts landing due to runway traffic

(Newser) - On his way to Albuquerque to thank New Mexico volunteers for helping his campaign, John McCain had a little aerial excitement as his “Straight Talk Air” 737 abruptly aborted just before it landed, the Chicago Tribune reports. The plane then circled, staggered one way, then the other and finally...

Space: The Final Voting Frontier

Two astronauts vote from space station

(Newser) - Two US astronauts on the International Space Station did their civic duty from afar yesterday, casting absentee ballots from space using laptops with secure connections. Commander E. Michael Fincke and flight engineer Greg Chamitoff  are the only voters who could actually see all those red and blue states, reports Bloomberg....

Recession, Losing Bush as Muse Will Hurt US Artists

Economic woes will put creativity in the red

(Newser) - The end of the Bush era could mean tough times for the arts, the Morgan Falconer writes in the Times of London. Not only will artists, filmmakers, and writers lose the muse who has inspired critical works, but the economic crisis will drain financial support. John McCain already implied he...

'I Have Never Seen Anything Like This'

Huge turnout gums up voting system, but most Americans take it in stride

(Newser) - Huge turnout caused long waits for some voters today, but most politely waited their turn, the AP reports. New Yorkers lined up at polling places well before dawn, and long lines persisted throughout the day. California’s voting system bent but did not break under the weight of estimated 80%...

Voter Activist Tim Robbins Rejected at Polling Place

Glitch forces celeb to fight for his right to vote

(Newser) - Tim Robbins’ Election Day was complicated by a glitch in the voter rolls, leaving the actor in exactly the situation he has described when urging Americans to fight for their right to vote. Workers at the Chelsea polling station where he's voted for more than 10 years couldn’t find...

Foes Campaign 'Til the End
 Foes Campaign 'Til the End 

Foes Campaign 'Til the End

McCain makes swing to Colo.; Obama touts chances in Ind.

(Newser) - John McCain and Barack Obama both made final pushes today, trying to invigorate voters in battleground states, the Chicago Tribune reports. McCain hit Colorado, hotly contested, and told supporters. “I feel momentum, I feel it. We're going to win it.” Obama also went next door. “I think...

If Not Elected VP, Palin Hopes to Be a 'Uniter'

GOP candidate aims for more conciliatory role in national politics

(Newser) - Sarah Palin hopes to become a less divisive figure in national politics, assuming she’s not headed to Washington with John McCain, the vice-presidential nominee said after voting today in Alaska, CNN reports. “If there is a role in national politics, it won’t be so much partisan,”...

Stories 301 - 320 | << Prev   Next >>