Election 2008

Stories 581 - 600 | << Prev   Next >>

As McCain Falls, NH Senator Faces Trouble

Sununu in hotly fought battle as Granite State turns on GOP

(Newser) - One of this year's most bitterly contested Senate races is in New Hampshire, where the Republican John Sununu is facing a rematch with Jeanne Shaheen, whom he defeated in 2002. In the famously independent Granite State, Sununu was counting on the popularity of John McCain to propel him to victory....

Palin Sorry for 'Pro-America' Remark

Candidate says sorry for misunderstanding; discusses what she'd do as VP

(Newser) - Sarah Palin apologized last night for any misunderstandings created by her remarks about "pro-America areas of this great nation." The candidate told a CNN interviewer she hadn't meant to imply that parts of the country are unpatriotic. "If that's the way it came across, I apologize,"...

Al-Qaeda Crows About US Credit Crisis

Some supporters hope for McCain victory

(Newser) - Al-Qaeda websites are celebrating the crippling crisis sweeping the US economy and financial markets, with some internet postings crediting al-Qaeda for luring the nation into a war that has exhausted its resources, reports the Washington Post. Some writers are penning messages expressing hope for renewed terror attacks and a John...

Only Dems Fear Obama Loss
 Only Dems Fear Obama Loss 

Only Dems Fear Obama Loss

Despite polls, "pessimistic" party can't shake that sinking feeling

(Newser) - Despite all evidence to the contrary, lots of Democrats "have convinced themselves that John McCain is going to be the next president,” writes Tucker Carlson in the Daily Beast. Having “snatched defeat from the jaws of victory” so many times, Democrats remain superstitious. Or just shell-shocked. “...

Obama Takes 10-Point Lead
 Obama Takes 10-Point Lead 

Obama Takes 10-Point Lead

(Newser) - Barack Obama has opened a double-digit lead over John McCain in the latest NBC/Wall Street Journal poll. Obama is up 52% to 42% in the poll, up 4 points from 2 weeks ago and his widest lead to date. While voters continue to view McCain as the candidate best prepared...

GOP Ticket's Disagreements May Be His Idea ... Or Hers

Palin could be shoring up support for her political future

(Newser) - Sarah Palin has publicly disagreed with John McCain on several issues, from giving up in Michigan, to the gay marriage ban, to attacking Barack Obama’s connection to Rev. Wright. A VP hopeful’s job main job is to agree with the ticket, notes John Dickerson for Slate, so why...

SNL Expects Obama Nov. 1
 SNL Expects Obama Nov. 1 

SNL Expects Obama Nov. 1

Meyers spills the beans to Palin at afterparty, aide tells blogger

(Newser) - Saturday Night Live has lined up Barack Obama for Nov. 1—the weekend before the election, blogger Martin Eisenstadt says he’s hearing from an aide to Sarah Palin. In boozy glee over the successful Palin appearance Saturday, SNL political writer Seth Meyers blurted, “just wait til you see...

London's Mayor Plugs Obama
 London's Mayor Plugs Obama 

London's Mayor Plugs Obama

Dem can restore US as beacon of hope, Boris Johnson writes

(Newser) - After President Bush managed an “astonishing double whammy,” damaging both democracy, via Iraq, and capitalism, on Wall Street—“the two great pillars of the American idea”—London mayor Boris Johnson sees Barack Obama as the candidate who can rejuvenate “the greatest country on earth,”...

Poll: Obama Is Most-Liked Candidate Since Reagan

Palin's high negatives dragging down Mac

(Newser) - Barack Obama is the most well-liked first-term presidential candidate in 28 years, New York Times/CBS polls found. More than half of voters, 53%, have a favorable impression of the Illinois senator, a 10-point increase over last month. And though John McCain’s approval ratings held steady, voters with a negative...

Wrong on Iraq, Wrong on Barack
 Wrong on Iraq, 
 Wrong on Barack 

Wrong on Iraq, Wrong on Barack

Obama endorsement brings Powell's judgment into question — again

(Newser) - Just as Colin Powell overlooked UN corruption before the Iraq war, he's overlooking Barack Obama's flaws as a candidate, Claudia Rosett writes in the National Review. His endorsement lacked any specifics about the transformations Obama will bring about, leading her to revisit Powell's previous "blind spots." Rosett doesn't...

Colo. Cops Tackle Palin Protesters

Motorcade almost flattens officer

(Newser) - Police dragged away a group of protesters who were attempting to block Sarah Palin’s motorcade today in Colorado, and tackled at least two of them, CNN reports. A group of eight to 10 protesters broke from a larger group to stand in front of Palin’s car, holding up...

Small Print Lets Donors Write Big Checks

Individuals are giving as much as $70K to candidates and parties

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s small donors have grabbed the headlines this election, but the latest campaign finance reports reveal that big donors have been playing their biggest role in ages, the New York Times reports. Both candidates have used joint committees, which raise money for both the candidates and their parties,...

Dems Loath to Punish Traitor Joe

The party is ticked, but this might not be the time for vengeance

(Newser) - Joe Lieberman has crossed nearly every line there is in supporting John McCain—on Sunday he even praised Sarah Palin—and many liberals want him ousted from the Democratic caucus. But Harry Reid and company show no signs of moving against Lieberman, Salon reports. “We're going to have to...

This Boy's Off the Bus
This Boy's
Off the Bus

This Boy's Off the Bus

Citing logistics, McCain camp boots Time 's Klein from campaign planes

(Newser) - John McCain’s campaign won’t let Time columnist Joe Klein on its planes, Politico reports. Though he rode with McCain during the primaries, Klein hasn’t been allowed onto McCain or Palin jets since June, when he asked McCain a tough question about Iran. Though the campaign said he...

Black Voters May Tip House Contests
 Black Voters May 
 Tip House Contests 

Black Voters May Tip House Contests

Obama coattails could mobilize enough to play decisive role in at least 10 districts

(Newser) - With black voters expected to come out in record numbers on Nov. 4, Democrats think a surge could flip as many as 10 hotly contested House districts in their favor, the Washington Post reports. “I was just thinking about the need to vote Democratic down the line,” said...

McCain Bets the Farm on Pa.
 McCain Bets the Farm on Pa. 

McCain Bets the Farm on Pa.

GOP battles Dems' big advantage in polls, registration

(Newser) - John McCain is going full throttle in Pennsylvania, but his work is cut out for him: He’s behind 12-15 points in state polls, and Democrats vastly outnumber Republicans in the state, the Philadelphia Inquirer reports. McCain, wife Cindy, and Sarah Palin have stumped heavily there all week. “We...

Bachmann Backlash a Bonanza for Dems

Minnesota Rep. draws fire, challenger, over call to investigate "anti-American" behavior

(Newser) - Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann has prompted so much outrage by attacking Barack Obama's patriotism that she’s attracted an opponent who doesn’t even want to win. He just wants to help her lose, writes Nick Coleman in the Minneapolis Star Tribune. Bachmann also recently suggested that every member of...

Tales From Crypt Casts Palin

Tales From the Crypt takes a swipe at censorship with Palin cover

(Newser) - Pop culture can’t get enough of Sarah Palin right now: The vice-presidential candidate will grace the cover of Tales From the Crypt’s next issue, reports the New York Daily News. In a swipe at Palin's book-banning inquiries as Wasilla mayor, she brandishes a hockey stick at three of...

How Obama's Grandma Visit Could Help Him

Humanizing move could warm ex-prof's 'aloof' image

(Newser) - Is it risky for Barack Obama to step off the trail so close to the election? No, writes Carl Lavin in Forbes, and here’s why: first, the move humanizes the former law professor, showcasing his “compelling family story.” Second, opponents can’t really attack a guy who’...

Drive-Through Voting Debuts in SoCal

OC voters vote fast-food style

(Newser) - You couldn't get a Big Mac at this drive-through, reports the AP—just democracy. Voters didn't need to leave their cars yesterday to either register or cast ballots at an electronic drive-through station. The one-day-only offer came on the last day of voter registration for Californians. An Orange County elections...

Stories 581 - 600 | << Prev   Next >>