Election 2008

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Poll: Race Tightens Up

  Poll: Race Tightens Up 

Poll: Race Tightens Up

Obama leads McCain by 5 points, down from 8

(Newser) - The presidential race is tightening, with Barack Obama leading John McCain 51% to 46% among likely voters, down from an 8-point gap, a CNN/Opinion Research Center poll shows. McCain’s boost may be linked to a drop in the number of people who think he’ll continue President Bush’s...

Hillary, Obama Blitz Fla. for Early Votes

Clinton, Obama take to the stage together as Dems battle to flip the Sunshine State

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton threw herself into the battle for Florida as early voters packed polling places yesterday, the Washington Post reports. Barack Obama, pulling out all stops in an effort to flip the state to the Democratic side, led a crowd of 50,000 in chants of "Hil-lar-y" as the...

Swing Voters Don't Like 'Hothead' McCain

Crisis turns voters towards 'cool and collected' Obama

(Newser) - Doubts over John McCain's disposition are pushing undecided voters Barack Obama's way, according to the Los Angeles Times. Swing voters interviewed by the newspaper say McCain's negative body language over the last few weeks and his "hothead" outbursts have given them strong misgivings—as did his snap decision to...

Limbaugh: Powell's Endorsement All About Race

Radio host stands by his questioning of Powell's motive

(Newser) - Right-wing mouth Rush Limbaugh stood by his comments Sunday that Colin Powell's endorsement of Barack Obama was about the color of his skin, CNN reports. "This was all about Powell and race, nothing about the nation and its welfare," Limbaugh said on his radio show yesterday. He chided...

SC Justice, 88, May Break Term Record Under Obama

Liberal Stevens still going full steam

(Newser) - The longest-serving Supreme Court justice may defy expectations and stay on the bench even if fellow Chicagoan Barack Obama is elected, the Chicago Tribune writes. Many observers believe that liberal-leaning John Paul Stevens, 88, would choose to step down and let Obama choose his successor. But others think he may...

Obama to Leave Trail for 2 Days, Visit Sick Grandma

(Newser) - Barack Obama is canceling nearly all his campaign events Thursday and Friday to fly to Hawaii to visit his suddenly ill 85-year-old grandmother, his spokesman said today. Robert Gibbs told reporters that Obama's grandmother, Madelyn Payne Dunham, who helped raise him, was released from the hospital late last week. But...

Mac Irked at Powell for Not Calling

(Newser) - John McCain is disappointed that longtime friend Colin Powell didn't even call him before backing Barack Obama, the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review reports. McCain didn't like Powell's criticism of Sarah Palin, either. "I wished he had taken the opportunity to meet Governor Palin," McCain said. "I'm proud to have...

Early Voters Mob Fla. Polls
 Early Voters Mob Fla. Polls 

Early Voters Mob Fla. Polls

(Newser) - The start of early voting in Florida today brought hordes to polling places, forcing voters to contend with long lines and voting machine failures, the Miami Herald reports. Miami-Dade and Broward counties added a million registered voters each to their rolls this year. The crowds signaled the usefulness of the...

McCain Sees Comeback; Tightening Race More Like It

Broader, old-school attacks bringing some GOP voters back to fold, but that's no surge

(Newser) - As supporters get increasingly giddy about Barack Obama’s persistent lead in the polls, advisers to John McCain charge the media is ignoring a comeback by their candidate, writes Chris Cillizza in the Washington Post. The McCain campaign credits a return to a traditionally Republican tax-based argument for some recent...

Baldwin on SNL: 'It's Not Meet the Press'

(Newser) - If you saw Alec Baldwin's courtly interaction with Sarah Palin on Saturday Night Live and you're wondering what's gotten into the well-known liberal firebrand, he's wondering something, too: What's your problem? "What did some of you people actually think would happen?" he writes in a post that went...

'Outsider' Palin Used Media Insiders to Win VP Nod

PR firm helped her woo pundits, make case

(Newser) - Sarah Palin likes to play up her outsider credentials while decrying the media elite, but she’s relied on both throughout her career. Belying her mockery of the “mainstream media,” Palin hired a well-connected PR firm to target East Coast journalists and courted conservative media insiders who eventually...

Amid Questions, Biden Releases Medical Records

Gaps in VP hopeful's history raise some lingering issues

(Newser) - As questions about the medical history of all four national candidates continue to circulate, Joe Biden released a cache of records today that indicate the 65-year-old VP hopeful is in good health, the AP reports. Like many men his age, Biden takes a cholesterol-lowering drug and has an enlarged prostate,...

Ignored Hoosiers May Turn Blue
 Ignored Hoosiers May Turn Blue 

Ignored Hoosiers May Turn Blue

Obama is within striking distance in typically Republican Indiana

(Newser) - Indiana has voted Republican 16 times in the past 17 presidential elections, so why is Barack Obama even bothering to run ads and rally? The state that favored George W. Bush over John Kerry 60-39% is showing surprising support for Obama—enough that he could scrape out a win, ...

Powell's Anti-Islamophobia Stance Tops Endorsement

Too many in both parties let stabs at Muslim faith go unparried

(Newser) - Colin Powell's Barack Obama endorsement wasn’t the only, or even most, notable aspect of his Meet the Press appearance: equally crucial was his rejection of Islamophobia, an issue too long skirted in this country, Abed Z. Bhuyan writes in the Washington Post/Newsweek Faithbook blog. In doing so, “Colin...

VP? If She Can Do It, So Can I
 VP? If She Can Do It, So Can I 

VP? If She Can Do It, So Can I

Ex-mayor of tiny Calif. hamlet lists his qualifications to hit the trail

(Newser) - If being mayor of a town of 6,000 puts you on course for the vice presidency, then Mark Friedman, former mayor of El Cerrito, Calif., is ready for Washington, he writes in Salon. “I have proved I have the inspirational qualities required to say a few words at...

Campaign Heightens Humor's Liberal Bent
 Campaign Heightens 
 Humor's Liberal Bent 

Campaign Heightens Humor's Liberal Bent

Buttoned-up righties may be easier to mock, but some say it's gone a little too car

(Newser) - Comedy is taking a prominent place in the US election, and may be leaning even more leftward than usual, the Boston Globe reports. Tina Fey and David Letterman have brought the highest ratings in years with mockery of Sarah Palin and John McCain. And Jon Stewart, a savage critic of...

Democrats See On-Edge Exurbs as Election Key
Democrats See On-Edge Exurbs as Election Key

Democrats See On-Edge Exurbs as Election Key

Economic unease, shifting demographics sap GOP strength

(Newser) - Economic anxiety may give Democrats a chance to advance into traditionally Republican outer suburbs this year, the Washington Post reports. In many key states, especially Virginia, the downturn and housing-market meltdown have severed the outer edges of metropolitan areas from the GOP. Largely centrist voters in exurban Virginia have driven...

Michelle Obama Keeps Focus on Military Families

Would-be first lady reaches traditional GOP constituency

(Newser) - Michelle Obama has quietly carved out a niche that helps offset concerns about her husband's lack of military background: reaching out to spouses of service members. Rather than just delivering a speech, she's been hosting roundtable discussions, Politico reports. “I am here to listen and to do a...

Obama: Powell Would Advise Me
 Obama: Powell Would Advise Me 

Obama: Powell Would Advise Me

Role could be formal or informal

(Newser) - Officially or otherwise, Colin Powell would have a place in a Barack Obama White House, the presidential frontrunner said yesterday. The former secretary of state “will be one of my advisers,” Obama told Today. “Whether he wants to take a formal role, whether that's a good fit...

Race Didn't Defeat Bradley: He Was Too Liberal
Race Didn't Defeat Bradley: He Was Too Liberal

Race Didn't Defeat Bradley: He Was Too Liberal

And if Obama loses, it'll be for the same reason

(Newser) - If Barack Obama loses in November, the media will surely cite the Bradley Effect, the theory that voters lie to pollsters to hide racial biases. It’s named after Tom Bradley, the black mayor of Los Angeles who lost the 1982 governor’s race in California, despite huge leads in...

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