
Stories 2701 - 2720 | << Prev   Next >>

Snowy Beijing Grinds to a Halt

(Newser) - Heavy snow and frigid temperatures brought quiet to Beijing today, as officials closed highways and most flights in and out of China's busiest airport were delayed or even canceled. The metropolis has gotten very little snow in recent years, so today's bounty of just a few inches, combined with single-digit...

China Lenders Step Up as Western Banks Struggle

Overseas loans soar as China moves beyond US debt

(Newser) - China's state-owned banks tripled their lending this year, even as Western banks were scaling back, becoming the principal engine of global recovery and life-savers for many international corporations. Beneficiaries range from Southwest Airlines to Dubai's Civil Aviation Authority to Foster's brewery in Australia, the Washington Post notes, in what seems...

Panda Moms Worn Out By Baby Boom

Chinese institute boasts just four births this year

(Newser) - The breeding program at China's Chengdu panda institute has produced just four pandas this year. Researchers say the panda mothers are mostly too exhausted to conceive more babies after last year's record 18 births, the Times of London reports. This year's births included twins Wen Li and Ya L, born...

Hey, Obama: Embrace the Dissidents
 Hey, Obama: 
 Embrace the 

Hey, Obama: Embrace the Dissidents

Obama risks repeating Gerald Ford's big mistake

(Newser) - How can Barack Obama give voice to the voiceless? With a simple photo op, writes William McGurn in the Wall Street Journal . Dissidents under “nasty” governments in China, Iran, Cuba, and elsewhere—thus far dissed by the White House—are wondering: “‘Where is the president of the...

China Executes British Drug Smuggler

Akmal Shaikh, said to be mentally ill, dies by firing squad

(Newser) - Despite protests from the British government and human-rights activists worldwide, China today executed by firing squad a Briton convicted of smuggling drugs into the country. Supporters say Akmal Shaikh, 53, had bipolar disorder; the Foreign Office’s complaint centered on concerns China had not taken those issues into account in...

For US Adoptees Seeking Roots in China, Only Obstacles

Search for birth parents leaves many frustrated

(Newser) - For the US adoptive families who return to China in search of their children's birth parents, their travels often, and frustratingly, wind their way to dead ends. Adoptions in China remain defiantly closed and shrouded in mystery—the country prohibits the abandoning of children, so most babies are abandoned anonymously,...

Models Head to China as Foreign Looks Are Hot

 Models Head  
 to China as 
 Foreign Looks 
 Are Hot   
here come the blondes

Models Head to China as Foreign Looks Are Hot

Western looks take over runways, ad campaigns, even mannequins

(Newser) - Canadian blondes, Eastern European brunettes, Swiss redheads: Hundreds of Western models are working in China these days, as China's fashion industry looks increasingly to foreigners to make their brands chic. Ad campaigns and runway shows are suddenly looking for variety and attitude that Chinese models don't project, fashion editors tell...

China Gives Dissident Liu 11 Years in Prison

Convicted of subversion after questioning Communist rule

(Newser) - A Chinese court sentenced prominent dissident Liu Xiaobo to 11 years in jail today on subversion charges after he called for sweeping political reforms and an end to Communist Party dominance. Liu sentencing comes despite international appeals for his release, which China sternly rejected as interference in its internal affairs.

Forget Soccer Moms— Meet Ping-Pong Parents

Immigrants' kids dominate table tennis scene

(Newser) - Good old-fashioned American sports parenting meets immigrant drive at the India Community Center in the Silicon Valley town of Milpitas, Calif., which is churning out the country’s best young ping-pong players. Top coaches from India and China are schooling the children of high-tech workers who know the drill for...

I Saw China Wreck the Copenhagen Talks
I Saw China Wreck the Copenhagen Talks
Obama's Innocent

I Saw China Wreck the Copenhagen Talks

The West's getting the blame, but Beijing's the real villain here

(Newser) - Barack Obama is getting the blame for the limp Copenhagen deal, but Mark Lynas knows it was China that really scuttled it—because he watched it happen. Sitting in on the closed-door meetings, the Guardian writer “saw Obama fighting desperately to salvage a deal, and the Chinese delegate saying...

Top Chinese Dissident Goes on Trial

Liu Xiaobo accused of writing document calling for political reform

(Newser) - Liu Xiaobo, one of the Chinese government’s top critics, went on trial today in Beijing, for, unsurprisingly, criticizing the government. Charged with “inciting subversion of state power,” Liu pleaded not guilty, but the trial lasted just two hours, the Times reports. The verdict, and sentence, are scheduled...

Ford in Deal to Sell Volvo to Chinese

Final agreement with China's Geely expected early next year

(Newser) - Ford says it is close to selling its loss-making Volvo unit to China's Geely and expects a final deal in the first quarter of next year. "All substantive commercial terms relating to the potential sale have been settled," Ford said in a statement. Ford chose Geely as the...

Tibetan Mastiff Fever Sweeps China

Majestic breed becomes status symbol

(Newser) - A dog bred to guard farms and herds on the Tibetan plateau has become the latest status symbol for China's wealthy elite. Purebred Tibetan mastiffs, one of the biggest breeds of dogs, can sell for over $500,000 in China. Celebrity mastiffs, weighing in at close to 180 pounds, can...

Obama's Pact Is Slap at Progressive Ideals

Copenhagen deal creates 'league of super-polluters'

(Newser) - The Copenhagen climate deal President Obama struck with China, India and South Africa flies in the face of progressive values, environmental writer Bill McKibben rages. Here’s how:
  • Obama made the UN obsolete: “The clear point is, you poor nations can spout off all you want on questions like

Obama, Leaders Reach Agreement on Emissions
Obama, Leaders Reach Agreement on Emissions
climate summit

Obama, Leaders Reach Agreement on Emissions

Copenhagen summit yields basic deal to fight climate change

(Newser) - President Obama and the leaders of China, India, and South Africa reached a "meaningful agreement" tonight in Copenhagen on steps to curb greenhouse gas emissions, the White House announced. The deal requires the nations of the world to list their actions to curb emissions and sets up a framework...

Obama, Wen Meet, Report 'Progress'
 Wen Meet, 
copenhagen talks

Obama, Wen Meet, Report 'Progress'

But world leaders still seem far apart on fundamental issues

(Newser) - The two men who hold the fate of the Copenhagen climate talks in their hands met face-to-face for nearly an hour today. President Obama and Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao discussed a possible accord, with the White House saying only that they "made progress." Earlier, Obama declared that the...

Obama Challenges China: We Need Emission Monitors

President addresses Copenhagen summit, urges action

(Newser) - President Obama took direct aim this morning at China's resistance to climate change monitoring, saying any deal that emerged from Copenhagen "would be empty words on a page" without such measures. They “need not be intrusive, or infringe upon sovereignty,” said Obama. The issue's been a sticking...

China Bans Personal Web Sites
China Bans
Personal Web Sites

China Bans Personal Web Sites

Only businesses may launch sites

(Newser) - China has banned individuals from registering personal domain names as part of its toughest crackdown yet on the Internet. Anyone seeking to register web sites must now supply a business license under the new regulations. Millions of existing web sites in China are being checked and will be taken offline...

Copenhagen Summit a Face-off Between US, China
Copenhagen Summit a Face-off Between US, China 

Copenhagen Summit a Face-off Between US, China

Tensions flaring over whether China deserves international aid

(Newser) - The Copenhagen talks are starting to look like an economic face-off between Washington and Beijing, with the US concerned by China’s growing footprint and China accusing the US of not living up to its responsibilities. Nearly half the growth in global greenhouse gas emissions over the next 20 years...

New Proposals Boost Hopes of Copenhagen Deal
New Proposals Boost Hopes of Copenhagen Deal
climate summit

New Proposals Boost Hopes of Copenhagen Deal

Negotiators appear ready to extend, build on Kyoto protocol

(Newser) - New draft proposals at the Copenhagen summit have renewed optimism that negotiators will find consensus on a substantial deal. One plan would renew and extend the Kyoto protocol—this time, presumably, with a US endorsement—which is set to expire in 2012. Another draft proposal, framed as a "Kyoto...

Stories 2701 - 2720 | << Prev   Next >>