
Stories 2721 - 2740 | << Prev   Next >>

DC's Beloved Panda Headed for China

Capital glum as Tai Shan's time runs out

(Newser) - The panda bear once called Washington's most important citizen by its mayor will soon be departing the capital for a homeland he's never seen. Tai Shan, born at the National Zoo in 2005, has always been Chinese property, and zoo officials are expected to announce his imminent return to China...

Chinese Weddings Fuel Real Estate Boom

Newlyweds help boost property prices by 80%

(Newser) - The biggest wedding boom in history is helping power China's economic growth and may push its housing market into dangerously overinflated territory. Children of China's baby boomers are coming of age in the tens of millions, and as coddled only-children who did not inherit their parents' thrift, are throwing lavish...

Chinese Gene Mapping Links Dialects, Disease

Study of 8,200 Chinese from north and south shows .3% variation

(Newser) - A massive gene study of ethnic Chinese in the north and south of the country has revealed key divergences that correspond to dialect groups and could account for some hereditary diseases. The study of 8,200 people from 10 provinces and Singapore found significant variation in .3% of the genome,...

Big Thinkers Reflect on 2009, Make 2010 Predictions
Big Thinkers Reflect on 2009,
Make 2010 Predictions
keep one eye on iran

Big Thinkers Reflect on 2009, Make 2010 Predictions

China ascendant, Pakistan dangerous, Iran is one to watch

(Newser) - Foreign Policy asked 100 luminaries—from Bill Clinton to Francis Fukuyama to David Petraeus—to weigh in on just what happened in the past year, and what the future holds. Some of their opinions and predictions:
  • Obama's doing all right: The average rating for Obama's first year in office

China Jails Radical US Environmentalist

He is sentenced to 3 years in prison on drug charges

(Newser) - An environmental activist from New Jersey who faces arson charges in the US has been sentenced to 3 years in prison in China on drug charges. Justin Solondz, 30, had been hiding out under a pseudonym in the mountainous town of Dali, which the New York Times describes as a...

Garlic Investors Smell Money
 Garlic Investors Smell Money 

Garlic Investors Smell Money

Hoarding, speculation create garlic millionaires in China

(Newser) - A massive rise in demand for garlic is making plenty of people in China stinking rich. Prices in China—the world's largest garlic producer by far—have risen 15-fold in big cities and even more in far-flung regions. Two key factors seem to be behind it: garlic's reputed powers to...

White House: UN Nuke Vote a 'Clear Message' to Iran

International community united against Tehran's nuclear program

(Newser) - The IAEA vote demanding that Tehran stop its nuclear enrichment demonstrates a broad international consensus against the nation’s nuclear program, the White House said today. "Our patience and that of the international community is limited, and time is running out," said press secretary Robert Gibbs. Gibbs noted...

China Pledges to Cut Greenhouse Gases
 China Pledges to Cut 
 Greenhouse Gases 
hope for copenhagen

China Pledges to Cut Greenhouse Gases

Beijing will peg its reductions to GDP

(Newser) - China said today that it plans to ramp up efforts to cut emissions of greenhouse gases and that Premier Wen Jiabao will attend next month's climate conference in Copenhagen. The announcement comes a day after President Obama said he, too, would attend to lay out US reductions. The developments raise...

Obama Headed to Copenhagen for Climate Talks
Obama Headed 
to Copenhagen 
for Climate Talks

Obama Headed to Copenhagen for Climate Talks

He'll propose 17% cut in US emissions of greenhouse gases

(Newser) - Barack Obama will head to Copenhagen on Dec. 9—the day before his Nobel Prize ceremony in Oslo—to advocate for a comprehensive global climate accord. The White House had vacillated on whether Obama should go, since no one expects a legally binding treaty, insiders tell Politico . But Obama decided...

China Executes Two Over Tainted Milk

But popular villain Tian Wenhua gets off with life in prison

(Newser) - China put two people to death today for their role in the tainted milk scandal, but many Chinese feel betrayed that a third wasn’t executed. The executed men, dairy farmer Zhang Yujun and production base manager Geng Jinping, were relative unknowns. Popular rage has centered instead on Tian Wenhua,...

Chinese Mine Explosion Kills 42, Traps 66

Gas buildup cited for blast at state-run mine

(Newser) - A gas explosion tore through a state-run coal mine in northern China on Saturday, killing 42 people and leaving 66 others trapped underground as rescuers worked hastily to save them. More than 500 people were working in the Xinxing mine in Heilongjiang province at the time of the 2:30am...

Live Fish Dinner on YouTube Sparks Uproar

PETA rips cruel food video

(Newser) - Footage of Chinese diners tucking into a still-breathing fish has outraged animal rights groups. The video, which has attracted thousands of viewers on YouTube, shows the fish being picked apart with chopsticks as diners laugh and the fish gapes. It had been kept alive during cooking with a wet towel...

Obama: We Won't Make Gitmo Deadline

Pres tells Fox's Major Garrett prison will close after Jan 2010

(Newser) - Guantanamo Bay prison won't close by the January deadline he set when he took office, President Obama admitted today, but he still hopes to shut it next year. Obama is "not disappointed" in missing the deadline, he says in a FoxNews interview airing this morning, since closing the facility...

Obama Tone in China Reflects New Power Realities

US needs China's help as never before

(Newser) - President Obama's starkly different tone in his visit to China—more congratulatory than confrontational—is less a shift in policy from his predecessors than a change in the two country's roles, write Andrew Higgins and Anne Kornblut in the Washington Post . When President Clinton visited in 1998, the US was...

Great Wall of China 'Magical': Obama

President visits landmark, heads to South Korea

(Newser) - Following in the footsteps of Richard Nixon and every president since then, Barack Obama today wound up his visit to China with a stop at the Great Wall, where he stoked his hosts' pride in ancient Chinese civilization by reflecting on the wall's enduring nature. "It's magical," Obama...

Obama's China Visit Achieves Little
 Obama's China Visit 
 Achieves Little 

Obama's China Visit Achieves Little

In fact, it just illustrates the 'yawning' economic differences

(Newser) - President Obama and Chinese leader Hu Jintao paid lip service today to the idea of stronger US-China relations, but Obama's visit has done nothing but highlight the "yawning differences" between the two nations on economic issues, writes Dexter Roberts. "Lofty statements of common interests aside, the all-important Sino-US...

Fox News Lands Obama Interview
 Fox News Lands 
 Obama Interview 

Fox News Lands Obama Interview

Prez will sit down with Garrett in Beijing

(Newser) - President Obama has apparently softened on Fox News and will grant the network an interview while in Beijing. “I will interview POTUS on camera,” tweets Fox’s Major Garrett. “4 other networks will too. 10 mins per. Many had asked. Can say now.” Though the White...

Obama, Hu Begin Bridging Divide

Superpowers work to find common ground on nukes, climate, economy

(Newser) - President Barack Obama and Chinese President Hu Jintao emerged from intense talks today determined to marshal their combined clout on crucial issues, but still showing divisions over economic, security, and human rights issues that have long bedeviled the two powers. "The relationship between our two nations goes far beyond...

US Needs to Regain Faith in the Future
 US Needs to Regain 
 Faith in the Future 

US Needs to Regain Faith in the Future

China shouldn't have monopoly on dynamism

(Newser) - America needs to overcome its "crisis of faith" caused by China's phenomenal growth, writes David Brooks. Today's China is optimistic, forward-looking, and dynamic in the way America once was and should hope to be again, he points out in the New York Times . Surveys show that 86% of Chinese...

China Censors Obama Speech
 China Censors Obama Speech 

China Censors Obama Speech

National coverage of school event cut after a few minutes

(Newser) - President Obama’s entreaty for greater personal freedoms in China did not reach most of nation’s residents, apparently because of a last-minute decision by censors. Though authorities initially agreed to broadcast the speech, which Obama hoped would be the central event of his China visit, all national transmission was...

Stories 2721 - 2740 | << Prev   Next >>