
Stories 2821 - 2840 | << Prev   Next >>

Suu Kyi OK With Lifting Sanctions on Burma: Webb

(Newser) - Burma’s imprisoned opposition leader may be OK with a “new approach” toward the country’s oppressive military regime, Sen. Jim Webb told reporters today. Webb met with Aung San Suu Kyi on Saturday, during his visit to the country. “It was my clear impression from her that...

Chinese Police Beat, Detain Artist at Earthquake Trial

(Newser) - Ai Weiwei, China's leading artist and a prominent critic of the country's government, said yesterday he was beaten and detained when he tried to testify at a civil rights advocate's trial. Ai told the New York Times that dozens of police officers barged into his hotel room in Chengdu, the...

US Grads Turn to China
 US Grads Turn to China 

US Grads Turn to China

(Newser) - Large numbers of American graduates shut out of the job market at home are turning to the East for opportunities, the New York Times reports. A surge of young Americans have left to try their luck in Shanghai and Beijing in recent years, attracted by the strong economy and the...

Taiwan Mudslide Buries 500 in Wake of Typhoon

Taiwan, Japan, Philippines, China hit; at least 35 dead

(Newser) - A typhoon-spawned mudslide engulfed a mountain village in southern Taiwan, burying up to 600 people, a police official and a rescued villager said today. Earlier, Typhoon Morakot had struck the Philippines, leaving at least 22 dead. Another typhoon slammed into Japan's west coast today, bringing heavy rain that triggered floods...

Thousands Stranded as Typhoon Rams China

(Newser) - Typhoon Morakot shredded homes, sent water gushing over banks, and uprooted trees in southeast China yesterday, leaving thousands of people stranded. The storm left a trail of destruction in the Philippines and Taiwan, killing dozens, before striking China's coast. The storm's eye turned the sky black and torrential rains washed...

China's eBay Thrives in Global Downturn

(Newser) - China's version of eBay is flourishing despite a crawling global economy and critics accusing the company of abetting black marketeers, the New York Times reports. Started 6 years ago, offers free listings, which forced eBay out of China and lured 120 million users who generate $15 billion in...

1M Flee as Typhoon Hits China
 1M Flee as Typhoon Hits China 

1M Flee as Typhoon Hits China

(Newser) - Some one million people on China's southeast coast have fled ahead of a massive typhoon spawning 30-foot waves and packing 74 mph winds, reports the BBC. Typhoon Morakot made landfall early today in Fujan Province after authorities sent more than 8 million text messages warning residents to evacuate. Morakot dumped...

Teen Beaten to Death at Camp for Internet Addicts

Staff killed 16-year-old for running too slowly

(Newser) - A Chinese teen was beaten to death by staff at a boot camp in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, the Global Times reports. The parents of Deng Senshan, 16, paid $1,024 to send him to the Guangxi Qihang Survival Training Camp to cure his Internet addiction. Deng was put in...

China Trusts Prostitutes More Than Politicians

Oldest profession comes in third in poll; farmers are tops

(Newser) - The Chinese people trust prostitutes more than they trust politicians, scientists, or soldiers, according to a new survey from Insight China Magazine. Sex workers finished third, the BBC reports, with 7.9% of the vote, just behind farmers and religious workers. “A list like this is at the same...

China Recruits Astronauts: Bad-Breathed Need Not Apply

'Super human beings' must meet 100 criteria

(Newser) - China’s looking for astronauts for its new space program, but getting the job won’t be easy: Applicants must conform to some 100 specs, including a ban on bad breath, the BBC reports. “Bad body odor will affect fellow colleagues in the narrow confines of a space shuttle,...

China Isolates Town After 2 Die of Plague

10,000 quarantined in Tibetan region after outbreak at funeral

(Newser) - China has quarantined a remote town of 10,000 after two people died of pneumonic plague, one of the world's deadliest diseases. The Times of London reports that the first victim died after burying his dog, and 11 people at the funeral then fell ill, one fatally. Pneumonic plague is...

China Ditching Dollar for Own 'Redback'

(Newser) - China is speeding up efforts to encourage the use of its currency in international trading, with analysts predicting that the Chinese renminbi will become one of the three top currencies by 2012, reports the Times of London. In recent months Beijing has inked currency-swap deals with central banks from Korea...

China Reports 13M Abortions Annually

Health officials blame lack of birth control for unmarried women

(Newser) - China performs about 13 million abortions every year, mostly for single young women who experts say know little about contraception, according to a rare disclosure by government health officials. China imposed strict birth controls in the 1970s, limiting most couples to just one child, but the policy tends to overlook...

Whale Saves Drowning Diver
 Whale Saves Drowning Diver 

Whale Saves Drowning Diver

(Newser) - A beluga whale came to the rescue of a woman who got into trouble during a free-diving contest at a Chinese aquarium, the Telegraph reports. The woman, who wasn't wearing breathing equipment, suffered cramps near the bottom of the aquarium's Arctic pool and found herself unable to rise. The whale,...

China Says It Will Slash Executions
China Says It Will Slash Executions

China Says It Will Slash Executions

With 72% of the world's capital punishment, they've got a ways to go

(Newser) - China holds more executions yearly than any other country—but this week, state media announced China will be more forgiving, the New York Times reports. Only “an extremely small number” should be executed, said the vice president of the Supreme People’s Court. In 2008, Amnesty International claims, China...

Greenpeace: 3 China Firms Emit More Carbon Than All of UK

(Newser) - China's inefficient power plants and heavy reliance on coal are dragging down global efforts to curb climate change, a Greenpeace report warned yesterday. The report found that major Chinese power companies are responsible for a huge amount of the country's coal use and emissions, with the top three producers alone...

Obama Calls for Era of Cooperation With China

(Newser) - President Obama opened bilateral talks with China today with a friendly speech, saying the US-China relationship would “shape the 21st century” and highlighting areas in which the nations have common interests, like nuclear proliferation, terrorism, and the global economy. He also touched on climate change, noting that the US...

Stolen School Records Rob Chinese of Their Future

(Newser) - Missing or stolen school records are turning Chinese students' once bright futures into nightmarish misfortune, reports the New York Times. Without the documents, graduates have no proof of their degrees and honors, and the would-be chemists can quickly become day laborers. The likely culprit of the missing files? Mistrusted Communist...

Chinese Sow Stakes in French Wine Country

Foreign buyers retool prominent Chateaus for exports to China

(Newser) - Mao wouldn't likely approve on a couple of fronts, but Chinese investors looking to introduce their countrymen to the best in wine are buying up storied chateaus in the heart of French wine country, the Washington Post reports. Two companies paid several million dollars each to own Chateau Richelieu and...

Scientists Breed Mice From Stem Cell Alternative

Researchers turn adult, not embryonic, skin cells into stem cells

(Newser) - Scientists in China have created mice using stem cells made from modified skin cells—hinting at an alternative to embryonic stem cells, the Washington Post reports. Separate teams used viruses to manipulate genes that caused mice skin cells to regress back into induced pluripotent stem cells—which, within a placenta...

Stories 2821 - 2840 | << Prev   Next >>