
Stories 2841 - 2860 | << Prev   Next >>

Climate 'Urgency' Takes a Backseat to Progress: Will

(Newser) - At their recent summit, the G8 nations vowed to cut emissions 80% ... within 41 years. That seems like a pretty lethargic response to a so-called “emergency,” but as Italy’s Silvio Berlusconi said, the effort is virtually futile while “5 billion people continue to behave as they...

Worker Kills Himself Over AWOL iPhone 4G Prototype

(Newser) - A Chinese worker accused of stealing an iPhone 4G prototype jumped to his death from the 12th floor of his apartment building in the southern city of Shenzhen, the BBC reports. The man, 25, responsible for shipping 16 iPhone prototypes to Apple, had reported one missing. His friends say he...

Colossal Chinese Dustball Circles Earth in 13 Days

(Newser) - A dust cloud weighing nearly a million tons kicked into the atmosphere by a massive storm in China's Taklamakan desert circled the world almost intact in 13 days, the Telegraph reports. Scientists, who used NASA satellites to track the path of the dustball until it fell apart over the Pacific...

In China, Binge Drinking Is All in a Day's Work

(Newser) - Getting wasted is all part of the job for many Chinese bureaucrats, and it's becoming such a serious problem that it has led to illness and death, reports Reuters. Government officials are required to offer large amounts of alcohol at public functions and drink frequent toasts to honor guests. "...

Look Out, Detroit: Geely on Track to Be the New Toyota

(Newser) - The crash of the US auto market has sped up the global auto industry's shift toward emerging markets, and no one is better poised to take advantage than the Chinese, the Wall Street Journal reports. Geely, one of the few Chinese auto firms that operate without a foreign partner, has...

China Censors Artist Leading Quake Inquiry

Police stake out whistleblower's studio, shut down blog

(Newser) - The Chinese artist who has made investigating the deaths of children in the Sichuan earthquake a personal crusade is facing a government crackdown, reports the CBC. Ai Weiwei's widely read blog has been deleted, and plainclothes police officers are staking out his studio in Beijing. Ai has relaunched his blog...

Unrest Shines Light on Chinese Ethnic Fractures

'Monolithic myth' fades after riots

(Newser) - The government clings to the notion of a “harmonious” country, but China is home to 56 “official” ethnic groups and many unofficial divisions—which are widening as some push for “increased cultural nationalism and resistance to Beijing central control,” writes Dru Gladney in the Wall Street ...

That Cheap Bookshelf Has a Global Cost
That Cheap Bookshelf Has
a Global Cost
Book Review

That Cheap Bookshelf Has a Global Cost

But new book finds it's not all China's fault and IKEA is a hypocrite

(Newser) - Though you might have hand-crafted antiques handed down from your grandparents, chances are your grandkids aren't getting their mitts on that wood-veneer bookshelf you just schlepped home from IKEA, writes Stephanie Zacharek for Salon. The modern desire for cheap, replaceable goods is a cause and a symptom of a global...

China Closes Urumqi Mosques, Imposes Curfew

(Newser) - Chinese authorities forced mosques in Urumqi to stay closed today and reimposed a curfew in the restive western city, reports the BBC. The curfew was lifted after thousands of troops had seemed to restore order between Han Chinese and Uighur Muslims, who have battled in the worst ethnic violence China...

Hundreds Injured in Deadly China Quake

(Newser) - At least one person was killed and hundreds injured when a powerful 6.0 earthquake rocked China's Yunnan province yesterday evening, Bloomberg reports. Officials say 18,000 houses in the region have been destroyed and 75,000 other buildings damaged. Eight aftershocks hit as rescue teams and relief officials rushed...

US Exile Is Voice of Uighurs

(Newser) - The crisis in China's Xinjiang province has given an activist living in America and the Uighur movement a rare moment in the spotlight, reports the New York Times. Rebiya Kadeer, 62, has been championing the rights of China's Muslim minority from a Washington office since 2005 when she came to...

As Riots Quiet, China Vows to Execute Killers

Anyone found guilty of murder will be executed, says party head

(Newser) - After thousands of troops were deployed to quell ethnic unrest in the Chinese city of Urumqi, “the situation is under control,” said officials—who vowed to execute anyone behind the riot's 156 deaths. Most of those charged with murder so far have been students, said the city’s...

Chinese Prez Ditches G8 to Grapple With Ethnic Crisis

(Newser) - Chinese President Hu Jintao abandoned plans to attend the G8 summit and returned to China from Italy to deal with growing unrest in Xinjiang after some 160 people were killed in riots there, the Financial Times reports. Troops have flooded into the provincial capital, Urumqi, in a bid to restore...

Han Chinese Retaliate Against Uighurs

(Newser) - Thousands of ethnic Han Chinese rioted in the western city of Urumqi today, destroying shops and property belonging to Muslim Uighurs in retaliation for Han deaths over the weekend, the Guardian reports. Police tried to disperse the mob with tear gas, but many rioters remained, throwing rocks at mosques and...

China Locks Down Xinjiang as Fresh Protests Erupt

(Newser) - China has clamped down hard on Xinjiang province after at least 156 people died in riots in Urumqi Sunday night, the New York Times reports. More than 1000 people have been detained and 20,000 security forces deployed in the capital. Cell phone and Internet services have been cut off...

As Riot Death Toll Mounts, China Blames Uighur Exiles

Uighur activists claim police opened fire on peaceful demonstration

(Newser) - Chinese state media are reporting that 156 people are dead and at least 828 injured and in the western city where clashes broke out between paramilitary police and Uighur demonstrators, Al Jazeera eports. Though the protests in Urumqi, Xinjian province, seemed to have died down, police are said to be...

Mugabe Welcomes US Envoy Calling Him an Idiot

Zimbabwe pres: 'I hope he was not speaking for Obama'

(Newser) - Robert Mugabe met with a US envoy for the first time in years last week, and promptly called him an "idiot," Bloomberg reports. The Zimbabwean president went on to say that nothing came out of talks with Johnnie Carson during a conference in Libya. “I hope he...

140 Dead in China Muslim Riots
 140 Dead in China Muslim Riots 

140 Dead in China Muslim Riots

1,000 said to have protested Beijing's handling of Uighur/Chinese incident

(Newser) - At least 140 people have been killed and 800 injured in clashes between rioters and police in China’s restive oil-rich Xinjiang region, reports the BBC. The clashes are the deadliest outbreak of violence in China in several years. The violence began after more than 1000 protesters—primarily Uighur Muslims—...

China Sends 'Internet Addicts' to Boot Camp

(Newser) - Chinese families are unplugging Internet-addicted loved ones and shipping them off to boot camps, Radio Free Netherlands reports. The Internet Rehabilitation Centre of the People’s Liberation Army, which houses some 50 patients, is one of thousands of online addiction clinics around the country. "They don't only have psychological...

Friedman: China May Beat Us in Green Race
Friedman: China May
Beat Us in Green Race

Friedman: China May Beat Us in Green Race

Country's dire, polluted situation is forcing it to innovate

(Newser) - How do you say “clean your clock” in Chinese? asks Thomas Friedman in the New York Times. Americans may soon find out, because China could outmaneuver us in the next great global industry: clean power technologies, warns Friedman. China’s been forced to go green in a hurry because...

Stories 2841 - 2860 | << Prev   Next >>