
Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>

VA Accused of Retaliating Against Whistleblowers

Meanwhile, Obama's pick for health undersecretary backs out

(Newser) - As if the cloud over the Department of Veterans Affairs wasn't dark enough, the Office of Special Counsel has now launched an investigation into allegations that it retaliated against 37 whistleblowers—including some that tried to bring the waiting list scandal to light, the Washington Post reports. Employees in...

Playboy Must Pay $6M to Fired Whistleblower

Thought to be the largest whistleblower payout under 2002 law

(Newser) - A former controller at Playboy Enterprises who was fired in 2012 may have just won the largest payout ever under a 2002 law that protects whistleblowers. Playboy has been ordered to pay Catherine Zulfer $6 million for her wrongful termination, Reuters reports. Zulfer says in 2010 she refused to accrue...

Snowden Elected Rector at Glasgow University

Students show their support for former NSA contractor

(Newser) - Taking office may be a little tricky, but Edward Snowden still supported students at Glasgow University in Scotland who elected him their new rector. The NSA whistleblower said he was "humbled by ... this historic statement in defense of our shared values," the Guardian reports. Indeed, it was a...

Hospital Gave False HIV+ Diagnoses: Lawsuit

Whistleblower: I've been mistreated and assaulted at work

(Newser) - Imagine being falsely diagnosed with HIV. Or told you don't have Hepatitis C after you've just tested positive. Both are allegations made by a whistleblower at King County Hospital Center in Brooklyn, Gawker reports. Lili Hutchison, a 51-year-old lab worker, has been alleging misconduct on the job for...

Snowden: Russia Can't Get Hands on Secret Documents

...because he didn't bring any with him, he tells NYT

(Newser) - In an encrypted email interview with the New York Times , Edward Snowden calms fears that the Russians and Chinese have gotten their hands on classified US documents. He claims "there's a 0% chance" that's happened, and the NSA knows that's the case. Why is he so...

Edward Snowden Finally Emerges
Edward Snowden 
Finally Emerges

Edward Snowden Finally Emerges

NSA whistleblower accepts award for integrity in intelligence

(Newser) - With Edward Snowden's dad visiting Russia , the NSA whistleblower emerged from hiding today to be photographed and accept an award for "integrity in intelligence," the AP reports. Sporting an open-necked blue shirt and black suit, Snowden smiled in a photo with the award's presenters: British Wikileaks...

ATF to Whistle-Blower: You Can't Publish a Book

John Dodson wrote account of Operation Fast and Furious

(Newser) - ATF agent John Dodson blew the whistle on Operation Fast and Furious , in which feds accidentally handed Mexican drug cartels 2,000 guns. Now Dodson's bosses say he can't publish a book on the scandal—though he plans to do so anyway, Fox News reports. Dodson gave the...

Next Up for Bradley Manning: Sentencing

Next phase starts today, could take weeks

(Newser) - Now that Bradley Manning has been convicted on 20 of 22 counts , his court-martial moves on to the sentencing phase today. Neither side was allowed to present evidence during the trial regarding Manning's motives or any actual damage caused by his leaks (harm to national security or US troops...

Snowden Was Right to Flee: Daniel Ellsberg

Pentagon Papers leaker slams 'United Stasi of America'

(Newser) - Don't blame Edward Snowden for skipping town when he made his big revelations about NSA surveillance: so says one of his most famous whistleblowing predecessors, Daniel Ellsberg, who stayed in the US after his own leaks. "The country I stayed in was a different America, a long time...

Snowden Was 'Certified Ethical Hacker': Resume

Took course in defensive hacking techniques

(Newser) - During his time as an NSA contractor, Edward Snowden was certified as an "ethical hacker," or an expert in hacking techniques and thinking who uses his skills on behalf of an employer, his resume reportedly says. The course that led to his certification—not to mention "six...

Focus on the Leaks, Not on Snowden

 Focus on the 
 Leaks, Not 
 on Snowden 

Focus on the Leaks, Not on Snowden

Ben Smith wonders why the leaker has become the story

(Newser) - Before the 24-hour news cycle, sources used to be just that—sources who perhaps revealed stories that were interesting, but who were not actually interesting themselves. Journalists often didn't even like their sources, but they liked the scoops those sources provided. That's all changed now, and Edward Snowden...

Snowden's Resume Had Issues: Source

But Booz Allen hired him anyway

(Newser) - NSA contractor Booz Allen Hamilton hired Edward Snowden even though it had questions about his resume's accuracy, an insider tells Reuters . The details remain hazy, but the issues seem to relate to claims about his educational background. The future whistleblower, for instance, said he'd taken computer classes at...

WikiLeaks to Iceland: Grant Snowden Asylum

Assange cites 'personal sympathy' for leaker

(Newser) - After a year in Ecuador's embassy , Julian Assange is now seeking asylum for someone else. WikiLeaks is in talks with Iceland's government to secure asylum for Edward Snowden, Assange said; an Iceland spokeswoman said Snowden supporters have indeed been pushing for it, the New York Times reports. The...

Snowden's Dad: 'Come Home and Face This'

Lon Snowden calls on son not to commit treason

(Newser) - Edward Snowden 's dad has a message for his son, via Fox News : It's time to come home. In the meantime, "I hope, I pray and I ask that you will not release any secrets that could constitute treason," Lon Snowden says. Some would like...

Ron Paul Fears Drone Strike on Snowden

NSA leaker should be praised, he says

(Newser) - Ron Paul is afraid the US government aims to kill NSA leaker Edward Snowden—if it can find him. "I'm worried about somebody in our government might kill him with a cruise missile or a drone missile," the Republican said in a Fox interview, praising Snowden for...

As Snowden Vanishes, Russia Reaches Out to Him

NSA whistleblower drops out of sight in Hong Kong

(Newser) - Edward Snowden checked out of his hotel in Hong Kong yesterday and has essentially disappeared. And while he is believed to still be in the territory, Russia has suggested it might welcome the man who exposed the NSA's secret surveillance, the Wall Street Journal reports. If a request for...

Whistleblower's Employer Has Cozy Ties to Uncle Sam

98% of its revenue in last fiscal year came from government

(Newser) - If you haven't previously heard of Booz Allen Hamilton, the employer of NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, it's not for its lack of ties with Washington, DC. Some 98% of the company's revenue in the past fiscal year came from its government contracts, and 23% of that—or...

Hong Kong a Huge Gamble for NSA Whistleblower

Beijing could veto Snowden extradition

(Newser) - While Hong Kong is undoubtedly a more pleasant place to spend time than an Ecuadorian embassy—let alone a US prison—analysts are baffled by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden 's decision to take refuge there, as are lawmakers in the largely self-governing Chinese territory. Hong Kong has an extradition...

5M Americans Can Access Classified Info

'Top secret' info available to 1.4M

(Newser) - If all the Americans cleared to access classified information lived in the same US city, it would be second only to New York City in population, USA Today finds in the wake of the NSA's leaked surveillance program . More than 4.9 million people have some kind of government...

NSA Whistleblower Outs Himself

29-year-old defense contractor Edward Snowden is now hiding out in Hong Kong

(Newser) - The whistleblower who leaked details of the NSA's secret surveillance programs has revealed himself as 29-year-old Edward Snowden, a former technical assistant with the CIA who has been working at the NSA for four years for a number of outside contractors. Snowden asked the Guardian to unveil his identity...

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