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How to Leak to the Media Without Being IDed
How to Leak to the Media Without Being IDed

How to Leak to the Media Without Being IDed

You'll feel like you're in a TV show, but you're not: Nicholas Weaver

(Newser) - What with the Justice Department seizing AP phone records , Nicholas Weaver is thinking about how a modern-day whistleblower can safely leak info to the media without being identified. The sad truth, he writes in Wired , is that "we now live in a world where public servants informing the public...

Cops Pursue Whistleblower in China Sex Scandal

Zhu Ruifeng released sex tape that led to official's ouster

(Newser) - A Chinese blogger thought he was safe after releasing an incriminating video of a party leader—but last night, police arrived at his house. Zhu Ruifeng dialed a reporter: "They are standing outside my door right now, knocking and even kicking the door, telling me to open it,"...

Ex-CIA Man Kiriakou Gets 2.5 Years for Leaks

Judge says she would have given him worse sentence if not for plea deal

(Newser) - Former CIA officer John Kiriakou was sentenced today to more than two years in prison by a federal judge who rejected arguments that he was acting as a whistleblower when he leaked a covert officer's name to a reporter . A plea deal required the judge to impose a sentence...

FBI Whistleblower Tipped Cantor Off to Petraeus Affair

House majority leader in turn tipped off the FBI

(Newser) - Deep in the New York Times report about "harassing" emails that Paula Broadwell allegedly sent another woman lies this coda in the downfall of David Petraeus: An FBI whistleblower reached out to House Majority Leader Eric Cantor two weeks ago to alert him to the affair. “I was...

Star Witness McQueary Sues Penn State

Whistleblower suit says school ruined him over Sandusky case

(Newser) - Mike McQueary is suing Penn State for $4 million over the way he says he was treated in the Jerry Sandusky sex-abuse case, reports the Philadelphia Inquirer . The former assistant football coach says in his whistleblower suit that the university fired him for cooperating with authorities and cast doubt on...

IRS Gives Bank Whistleblower $104 Million

Bradley Birkenfeld tattled on UBS

(Newser) - Bradley Birkenfeld just became the most popular guy in his halfway house. The IRS has given the former UBS banker the staggering sum of $104 million under its whistleblower program, reports Bloomberg . Birkenfeld spelled out how the bank helped rich Americans dodge taxes by stashing their money in Swiss accounts,...

Video Alleges Abuse at Pig Farm

Humane Society footage prompts investigation in Wyoming

(Newser) - Wyoming officials are investigating alleged animal abuse at a pig farm after a secret video of conditions there was released. In the footage, workers are seen punching, kicking, and jumping on pigs and tossing piglets, reports CBS in Denver . Other pigs have untreated abscesses, notes the Huffington Post . The footage...

Mike McQueary Suing Penn State as Whistleblower

It's unclear why

(Newser) - Some might think of Mike McQueary as the antithesis of a whistleblower, but the former receivers coach has notified Penn State that he intends to sue the university for an amount beyond normal arbitration rules in a whistleblower lawsuit, the Centre Daily Times reports. The notice doesn't indicate precisely...

FDA Whistleblowers: Our Email Was Monitored

Group of employees files lawsuit

(Newser) - A group of FDA scientists and doctors says that their personal emails were monitored by the agency after they acted as whistleblowers, and that the information gleaned from the surveillance led to their harassment or dismissal. The employees had complained internally, beginning in 2007, about approved or soon-to-be-approved cancer-screening devices...

Vatican Transfers Corruption Whistleblower

Vatican confirms letters penned by whistleblower, calls reports 'banal'

(Newser) - Italy is reeling from news last night that a high-ranking official of Vatican City who tried to blow the whistle on corruption was ignored and was forced to transfer positions, reports Reuters . Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, who was the No. 2 man at Vatican City in charge of maintaining the...

Air Force Lost Fallen Soldiers' Body Parts

Probe finds 'gross mismanagement' of dead at Dover Air Force Base mortuary

(Newser) - Federal investigators savaged officers in charge of the Dover Air Force Base mortuary today, accusing them of “gross mismanagement” in their handling of America’s war dead. Among their alleged screw-ups: losing body parts, keeping poor inventory records, and, in one case, sawing off a dead Marine’s arm...

Ex-WikiLeaks Rep Deletes 3,500 Files

Founder Julian Assange accuses him of 'sabotage'

(Newser) - In the latest chapter of WikiLeaks' apparent implosion, a former spokesman for the group says he has destroyed 3,500 of its unpublished files, der Spiegel reports. Daniel Domscheit-Berg says he took the files when he left WikiLeaks last year and "shredded" them "in order to ensure that...

News of the World Whistleblower Found Dead

Sean Hoare's body found a week after he made new accusations

(Newser) - Sean Hoare—the former News of the World reporter who was the first to publicly accuse editor Andy Coulson of knowing about his staff's phone hacking practices—has been found dead in his home. Police say they were called to check on his well-being, and discovered Hoare's body...

40 Years Later, Pentagon Papers Officially Released

1st Amendment landmark pivotal moment in presidential history

(Newser) - The National Archives has at long last published the entire 7,000-page Vietnam report known as the Pentagon Papers. The documents are among the most important in modern presidential history, leading the Nixon administration to crack down on leaks that led to phone taps, break-ins, and arguably even Watergate, the...

Enron Whistleblower Finally Gets His Sweet Reward

More than 10 years later, he collects $1.1M from IRS

(Newser) - Two years before Enron’s 2001 implosion, a whistleblower tipped off the IRS to the company’s abusive tax shelters and fictitious income. Now that whistleblower is finally getting his reward, to the tune of $1.1 million from the IRS, the Washington Post reports. He remains anonymous, but his...

Small Pharmacy Makes Millions Fighting Fraud

Ven-A-Care exposes drug companies that overcharge Medicare

(Newser) - Ven-A-Care started out as a small pharmacy supplying intravenous drugs for AIDS and cancer patients, but these days it doesn’t make its money off drugs—at least, not the ones it sells. Instead, it’s pulled in $380 million since 2000 by acting as a professional whistleblower, suing drug...

'WikiLeaks Banker' Rudolf Elmer Arrested in Switzerland
 Swiss Arrest WikiLeaks Banker 

Swiss Arrest WikiLeaks Banker

Whistleblower Rudolf Elmer accused of breaking secrecy laws

(Newser) - From one legal mess to another: The Swiss last night arrested an ex-banker who appears to have broken the country's strict banking secrecy laws in spectacular fashion. Rudolf Elmer—who handed Julian Assange details on 2,000 holders of offshore accounts this week—is being detained while authorities investigate the...

Lawsuit Accuses Marshals of Dirty Madoff Loot Sale

Victims of white-collar criminals deprived of millions

(Newser) - The head of a US Marshals Service unit sold off millions in assets forfeited from white-collar criminals—including some seized from Bernie Madoff’s family—at a deep discount to his “business contacts,” swindling crime victims out of a pile of money, according to a whistle-blower lawsuit from...

Ex-WikiLeakers Start Own Service: Openleaks

Group plans to be 'messenger' for whistleblowers

(Newser) - Former workers for the beleaguered WikiLeaks have a new whistle-blowing project, and it’s set to launch Monday, Mashable reports. Openleaks, whose founders left WikiLeaks over differences with Julian Assange, hopes to act “as far as possible” as a “messenger” between whistleblowers and publishers of leaked material. That...

CIA Chief: Everybody Stop Leaking Stuff

Leon Panetta plans WikiLeaks probe

(Newser) - CIA chief Leon Panetta has sent a memo to employees of the nation's spy agency warning them that leaks of classified information "cannot be tolerated." Panetta warned that "a damaging spate of media leaks on a wide range of national security issues" has endangered lives and compromised...

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