
Stories 281 - 296 | << Prev 

Tasty Wine All In the Pricetag
Tasty Wine All In the Pricetag

Tasty Wine All In the Pricetag

Swapping price tags changed drinkers' opinions during study

(Newser) - The price of a bottle wine directly affects our enjoyment of it, a new study concludes. Volunteers were offered three different wines, with four different price labels, mixing up the order to see what effect price had on people’s tastes. Watching volunteers' brains via MRI scan, the researchers saw...

Investors Uncork Wild Wine Prices
Investors Uncork Wild Wine Prices

Investors Uncork Wild Wine Prices

Internet, foreign funds make even second-tier wines pricier

(Newser) - Investors are uncorking a new area of speculation these days: fine wine. Thanks to the Internet, which has turned an elite hobby into a worldwide auction, prices are overflowing. Buyers can even throw money at vino investment funds and an electronic trading exchange based in London, which is up 39%...

More Bubbly? French Farmers Are in Uproar

Champagne country expansion will enrich some, snub others

(Newser) - Champagne drinkers may soon taste the fruits of of a French government initiative to welcome new farmers into the exclusive club of those allowed to call their sparkling white wines Champagne, with a capital C. As demand skyrockets, a list has been drawn up of 40 communities that might be...

Pull Over, Father
Pull Over, Father

Pull Over, Father

Irish clergy oppose new drunk driving standard, fearing it would rule out communion

(Newser) - Irish priests are carping about a government proposal to lower the legal blood alcohol limit for drivers from .08 to .05, fearing that communion wine may make them legally drunk. “I don't like to use the word wine, as it is Christ's blood,” says one priest, “but...

America's Best Regional Brews
America's Best Regional Brews

America's Best Regional Brews

Beer gets interesting with a surge of flavors from unexpected locals

(Newser) - Beer isn't alcohol's second-class citizen any longer. To California chef and beer expert Sang Yoon, it's worthy of as much respect-—and connoisseurship—as any of its grape-based cousins. Food & Wine asked the "beer provocateur" for her five favorite regional brews:
  1. Alaskan Brewing Company Alaskan Amber (Juneau, AK)

French Sour on Wine Warnings
French Sour on Wine Warnings

French Sour on Wine Warnings

Labels must include health cautions for pregnant women

(Newser) - France's new wine label warning pregnant women of alcohol's dangers has vintners coming uncorked, the Washington Post reports. The spreading European penchant for aggressive advisories has led to pictorial warnings that are seen as sacrilege from Champagne to Burgundy. Part of the problem is that, until recently, French doctors didn’...

Martha Uncorks Wine Venture
Martha Uncorks Wine Venture

Martha Uncorks Wine Venture

Home diva teams up with California winemaker to market $15 bottles

(Newser) - Martha's Stewart's next move might sound a little tipsy. The home diva is teaming with California wine magnate Gallo to launch Martha Stewart Vintage, which will distribute $15 bottles of Sonoma County chardonnay, cab, and merlot. The initial 15,000 cases will be released in cities where Stewart has a...

In Vino ... a Fountain of Youth?
In Vino ...
a Fountain
of Youth?

In Vino ... a Fountain of Youth?

Harvard man finds red wine chemical helps mice live 24% longer

(Newser) - A Harvard scientist armed with great salesmanship and optimism has isolated a red wine ingredient he says will make humans live longer and healthier. Resveratrol may be the chemical at rainbow’s end in the quest to activate the SIRT1 gene, Technology Review reports; David Sinclair has shushed some doubters...

Grapevine Genome Yields Secrets
Grapevine Genome
Yields Secrets

Grapevine Genome Yields Secrets

Discovery reveals what makes wine taste good and why it's good for you

(Newser) - Grapevines have extra genes that are responsible for making wine taste and smell so good, a new study finds. A team of researchers from France and Italy (where else?) mapped a pinot noir-related grapevine's genome and found it has twice as many genes linked to resin and oil—which give...

Alcohol May Lower Risk of Kidney Cancer

Still probably bad for your liver, though

(Newser) - Adding to the cacophony of conflicting recommendation about alcohol consumption, a new study finds that drinking two or more glasses of red wine might reduce your risk of kidney cancer. In a study comparing the drinking habits of kidney cancer patients to others, red-wine drinkers had 40% lower risk than...

Italian Grapes Make Early Debut
Italian Grapes Make Early Debut

Italian Grapes Make Early Debut

Spooks Wine Country

(Newser) - This year's grape harvest in Italy will be unlike any one in living memory—for starters because it's happening in August. Because of sky-high temperatures and scanty rainfall, grapes are ripening three to four weeks ahead of normal schedules. Some grape growers blame it on global warming, but scientists warn...

Lifting That Glass Boosts Cancer Risk

Single large glass of wine a day ups colon cancer odds by 10%

(Newser) - What's a bloke to do? After the reassuring news that a glass of red wine a day helps fend off heart disease, now comes a British study that one large glass—or a pint of beer—increases the risk of colon cancer by 10%. ""The research shows quite...

7 Best New Wine Lists of 2007
7 Best New Wine Lists of 2007

7 Best New Wine Lists of 2007

These restaurants pair great food with excellent wines for the full dining experience.

(Newser) - Food & Wine magazine names its favorite new restaurant wine lists from around the country.
  1. Catalan, Houston, TX
  2. Addison, San Diego, CA
  3. Perbacco, San Francisco, CA
  4. Craftsteak, New York, NY
  5. Osteria di Tramonto, Wheeling, IL

Top 10 Online Wine Shops
Top 10 Online Wine Shops

Top 10 Online Wine Shops

Where to get the best bottles, without leaving home

(Newser) - In selecting these sites, Food & Wine considered ease of use, customer service, price tag and, most important, selection of wines—that is, range of choices. The picks range from megasites to quirkier, more esoteric ones.
  1. Appellation America (
  2. Avalon Wine (
  3. Bounty Hunter Rare Wine

Wine Buzz Grows, Beer Flattens
Wine Buzz Grows, Beer Flattens

Wine Buzz Grows, Beer Flattens

The beer class is finally embracing the grape, Slate says

(Newser) - The American middle class has become connoisseurs of everything—coffee, '80s Japanese garage-rock bands, environmentalist toilet paper, and now wine, writes Slate's Field Maloney. Fermented grape juice doubled its audience in the past decade, while consumption of lower-brow beer stagnated. And for the first time in history, Americans pollees prefer...

Drinking Slows Dementia
Drinking Slows Dementia

Drinking Slows Dementia

Add another item to list of alcohol-related miracles: It curbs cognitive decline

(Newser) - Score a victory for the nightcap: Booze may help halt dementia in the elderly, a new study suggests. The Italian research, published in the journal Neurology, concludes that a one-drink-a-day habit can slow the progression of dementia by 85% in those in people 65 and older who already show mild...

Stories 281 - 296 | << Prev