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Clinton Kicks Off Mideast Peace Talks With Pep Talk

She expresses confidence, acknowledges 'we've been here before'

(Newser) - And they're off: Benjamin Netanyahu and Mahmoud Abbas have begun formal peace talks after a public pep talk from Hillary Clinton. How intractable is their task? The Washington Post headline begins "Clinton Urges Patience," while the New York Times says "Clinton Calls for Bold Steps." One...

Israel Looks a Lot Like North Korea
Israel Looks a Lot
Like North Korea

Israel Looks a Lot Like North Korea

Both are isolated except for a superpower

(Newser) - Be careful, Israel, you're starting to look like "gulp—North Korea," writes Daniel W. Drezner. Israel may not be in similarly dire financial straits, but the parallels are "pretty eerie" beyond that, writes Drezner in Foreign Policy . Let us count the ways:
  • "Both countries are diplomatically

Israel OKs More Work in Jerusalem
Israel OKs
More Work
in Jerusalem

Israel OKs More Work in Jerusalem

Netanyahu 'spit into Obama's eye, this time up close,' says critic

(Newser) - The Jerusalem municipality has approved 20 new apartments for Jews in an Arab neighborhood of east Jerusalem, in a move that could stir a new diplomatic crisis with the US just as Israel's leader is in Washington on a fence-mending visit. The announcement marked the second time this month that...

Obama Created US-Israel Crisis
 Obama Created 
 US-Israel Crisis 

Obama Created US-Israel Crisis

Administration 'turned gaffe into showdown'

(Newser) - Israel's announcement of settlement expansion in Jerusalem during Joe Biden's visit was lousy timing, but President Obama has turned this "gaffe" into a crisis, writes Charles Krauthammer. The Israelis did their best to smooth it over but the administration used the incident to tell Israel it had to show...

US Envoy Cancels Trip Amid US-Israel Feud

Row fuels tension in volatile East Jerusalem

(Newser) - An American envoy today postponed a trip to Israel, deepening the diplomatic crisis that erupted during Joe Biden's visit last week. The feud is fueling tensions in east Jerusalem, where Israel plans to build 1,600 apartment for Jews. Early this morning, masked Palestinians hurled rocks at Israeli police and...

Joe Biden Condemns Israeli Settlement Snub

Ministry announces new Jerusalem apartments as he visits

(Newser) - Joe Biden condemned an Israeli plan to build hundreds of homes in disputed east Jerusalem today, casting a cloud over a high-profile visit that had been aimed at repairing ties with the Jewish state and kickstarting Mideast peace talks. His remarks came after Israel's Interior Ministry said it had approved...

'Jesus-Era' Shroud Suggests Turin a Fake

First-of-its-kind find in Jerusalem casts further doubt

(Newser) - An ancient shroud found in a Jerusalem tomb confirms that the Turin Shroud, which supposedly wrapped Jesus, is a fake, according to a team of archeologists. The shroud, which they believe is typical of burial cloths of the time, is very different from the Turin version and involves a much...

EU to Call for Divided Jerusalem

Israel outraged, Livni says move 'not helpful and wrong'

(Newser) - European Union foreign ministers will call for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, with East Jerusalem serving as the capital of Palestine, when they meet in Brussels next week. A Swedish draft of the resolution obtained by Haaretz implies that the EU would recognize a Palestinian declaration of statehood....

Israelis, Palestinians Clash at Jerusalem's Holiest Site

Sharon's 2000 visit to contested shrine sparked years of violence

(Newser) - Israeli forces stormed Jerusalem's holiest shrine today, firing stun grenades to disperse hundreds of stone-throwing Palestinian protesters in a fresh eruption of violence in the country's most volatile spot. A wall of Israeli riot police behind plexiglass shields sent many protesters—overwhelmingly young men—running for cover into the black-domed...

Palestinians, Jews Clash at Holy Site

Civilians, police injured in Jerusalem confrontation

(Newser) - Palestinian civilians and Israeli police were injured when Jews and Arabs clashed at a Jerusalem holy site yesterday. Palestinians praying at the site—which includes the Dome of the Rock and al-Aqsa mosques—pelted a Jewish group with rocks, leading police to respond with stun grenades, reports CNN. The Palestinians'...

Homeless Holocaust Survivor Leaves $100K Gift

(Newser) - Hebrew University has received a surprise donation of more than $100,000 from an unexpected benefactor—a woman who survived the Nazi Holocaust and appeared to be destitute, a university official said today. Upon her death 2 years ago, a homeless Holocaust survivor living on the streets of New York...

Israel to US: We Won't Halt Housing in Jerusalem

(Newser) - Amid intense US-Israeli negotiations over settlements, Israel today brushed off Washington’s request to stop an American millionaire's housing project in East Jerusalem, the Jerusalem Post reports. Palestinians have complained that it would change demographics in the Arab-dominated area. But Obama "had crossed a red line" in asking...

Young Jews Spew Racist Anti-Obama Rants

Americans in Jerusalem call president 'terrorist,' use racial slur

(Newser) - The night before Barack Obama's landmark Cairo speech, a documentary filmmaker headed out to the streets of Jerusalem to ask young Israelis and "droves" of American Jews what they thought of the president's Middle East overtures, notes Gawker. The result is "the most shocking footage I have ever...

Mideast Peace Possible: Pope at Holy Sepulcher

Benedict makes pilgrimage to Jerusalem church

(Newser) - Pope Benedict XVI assured his followers in the Holy Land that peace is possible, as he ended his Mideast visit today as a pilgrim to the site of Jesus' crucifixion. A traditional escort of men in black robes and red fezzes accompanied the pontiff as he entered the Church of...

Pope Visits Holy Sites of Judaism, Islam

Benedict meets with leading Muslim cleric after visit to Dome of the Rock

(Newser) - Pope Benedict XVI began the second day of his Holy Land tour at one of the most contentious sites in the Arab-Israeli conflict: the Dome of the Rock, where Muslims believe the Prophet Muhammad ascended to heaven, and the adjacent Western Wall. The pontiff urged both sides to engage in...

Vatican Stews Over Israel's Last Supper Fight

(Newser) - Israeli-Vatican tensions are expected to heat up yet again during Pope Benedict's visit today as the pontiff presses Catholic claims over a room in Jerusalem believed to be the site of Christ's last supper. The room is in a building that served for centuries as a mosque and is now...

Pope Arrives in Uneasy Mideast
 Pope Arrives in Uneasy Mideast 

Pope Arrives in Uneasy Mideast

(Newser) - Pope Benedict landed in Jordan today to begin what could be a tense Middle East tour, the New York Times reports. Next week the pope will visit Israel and the Palestinian territories, delivering 32 speeches at some of the world’s holiest sites for Christians, Jews, and Muslims. But with...

Pope Must Hide Cross at Jerusalem Site: Rabbi

'I wouldn't go into a church wearing Jewish symbols,' Rabinovitch says

(Newser) - Pope Benedict XVI plans to visit the Western Wall in Jerusalem next month as a show of mutual understanding and sensitivity between Catholicism and Judaism—but a request from a prominent rabbi almost ensures he’ll offend someone, Time reports. Rabbi Shmuel Rabinovitch said the pontiff should remove the cross...

Jerusalem Bulldozer Attack Ends With Palestinian Dead

(Newser) - A Palestinian driver rammed a construction vehicle into a bus and police car on an Israeli highway today, wounding two officers before he was shot dead. It was the third bulldozer attack in Jerusalem in the past eight months. Witnesses described a yellow front-loader speeding along Begin Highway, dragging the...

Arabs, Jews United Against Jerusalem Tram

Streetcar none desire creates common foe for city's eternally feuding people

(Newser) - Jerusalem's bitterly divided residents have finally found something they can agree on, the Wall Street Journal reports. From ultra-orthodox rabbis to the PLO, just about everybody has found cause to dislike the new tram system currently under construction. Even the city's secular mayor has questioned the wisdom of continuing the...

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