
Stories 121 - 140 | << Prev   Next >>

Israel Readies Gaza Strike
 Israel Readies Gaza Strike 

Israel Readies Gaza Strike

Attack planned on Hamas stronghold

(Newser) - Israel is preparing a short, intense air and ground assault on militant positions in Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip, Haaretz reports. The Israeli cabinet has given the green light for an operation in retaliation for recent rocket attacks on civilian targets within Israel. Officials will meet again Sunday before any incursion, according...

Tolerance Museum Digs Up Trouble in Jerusalem

Arab angered as construction of Gehry-designed site disturbs remains

(Newser) - A parking lot in downtown Jerusalem is the latest battleground in the Arab-Israel conflict, Bloomberg reports, as plans for a museum of tolerance have inflamed tensions after initial construction work uncovered human remains in long-abandoned Muslim cemetery. The Israeli supreme court’s decision to approve the re-interment of Muslims remains...

Jerusalem Elects First Secular Mayor in 5 Years

Win ends years of ultra-Orthodox rule in Israel's capital

(Newser) - A secular, hardline millionaire has won a decisive victory for mayor of Jerusalem, ending 5 years of ultra-Orthodox rule, the Los Angeles Times reports. Nir Barkat has promised to transform the impoverished capital city by boosting tourism and tech ventures. He has also demanded more homes for Jews in East...

Jerusalem Votes in Bizarre Race for Mayor

Rabbi, investor and Russian soccer boss vie for control of holy city

(Newser) - Jerusalem went to the polls to elect a mayor today, and the selection of candidates is nothing if not eccentric, Time reports. Sure to capture the Orthodox Jewish vote is Meir Porush, a rabbi with a visage so imposing his campaign uses a cartoon on its posters. Vying for the...

Jesus-Era Bling Dug Up in Jerusalem

2000-year-old earring discovered

(Newser) - A spectacular gold, pearl, and emerald earring, dating to the time of Jesus, has been discovered in Jerusalem, AP reports. The 2,000-year-old find, close to the Old City walls, is causing a sensation because Roman-era jewelry is rare as the city was ultimately destroyed and what survived was often...

Oldest Hebrew Text May Shed Light on Bible's David

(Newser) - Archeologists in Israel say they have dug up the oldest known example of Hebrew text, a find that could answer questions about the scope and power of the ancient kingdom of David, Reuters reports. Researchers found the 3,000-year-old pottery shards at an excavation site near where the Bible says...

Livni Calls Off Coalition Talks, Wants Early Elections

(Newser) - Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni has given up trying to forge a political coalition and will recommend early elections when she meets with President Shimon Peres on Sunday, the Jerusalem Post reports. Elections could be held in February, and Livni faces a tough fight to become Israel's second female prime...

Diary That Survived Shuttle Blast Goes on Display

Pages written by Israel's first astronaut survived 37-mile fall from space

(Newser) - Pages from the diary of an Israeli astronaut who perished with the space shuttle Columbia  go on display tomorrow at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem, the AP reports. Ilan Ramon's diary was found in a field 2 months after the crash. It had fallen 37 miles to earth when the...

Holy Season for Two Faiths Intersects in Jerusalem

Jewish new year coincides with Muslim month of Ramadan in city special to both

(Newser) - This year’s intersection of Jewish new-year holidays and the Muslim holy month of Ramadan—a rarity due to Islam’s changing calendar—is felt particularly keenly in Jerusalem, a sacred city for both religions, Ethan Bronner notes in the New York Times. Night has become “a kind of...

In Blow to Bush, Olmert Rules Out Deal in 2008

Israeli PM calls timeline for Palestinian pact 'unrealistic'

(Newser) - Ehud Olmert said today it is "unrealistic" to expect a comprehensive Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement by the end of the year. The Israeli PM and Palestian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas pledged last year to make a deal by the end of 2008, and their inability to do so is a...

Obama Prays at Wailing Wall
 Obama Prays at Wailing Wall 

Obama Prays at Wailing Wall

Candidate wraps up Middle East tour with trip to one of Judaism's holiest sites

(Newser) - Barack Obama finished his Israel trip with a pre-dawn visit to Jerusalem's Western Wall this morning, Reuters reports. The candidate, wearing a skullcap, placed a prayer he had written in the wall as a rabbi read from a psalm. A heckler shouted "Jerusalem is not for sale"—but...

Next, Thicket of Arab-Israeli Conflict Awaits Obama

Dem to meet key Jordanian, Palestinian, Israeli figures; street expects little change

(Newser) - With the war leg of his foreign tour behind him, Barack Obama must next navigate the Middle East peace process. He’ll meet with top Israeli and Palestinian leaders tomorrow, the New York Times reports, and will visit the rocket-bombarded town of Sderot. US Jewish voters will be particularly attentive...

2nd Bulldozer Goes on Rampage in Jerusalem

Driver rams bus, cars before he's killed; 16 injured in copycat attack

(Newser) - A Palestinian bulldozer driver wreaked havoc in downtown Jerusalem today, injuring at least 16 people, one critically, before being gunned down, Haaretz reports. It was a copycat attack, coming just weeks after a similar bulldozer rampage killed three in the Holy City. Police said a civilian saw the bulldozer leave...

Obama: Goof on 'Undivided' Jerusalem

Democrat laments 'poor phrasing' in controversial speech

(Newser) - Amid continuing controversy over his comment that Jerusalem “must remain” the undivided capital of Israel, Barack Obama clarified his words, calling them “poor phrasing,” Reuters reports. “The point we were simply making is that we don't want barbed wire running through Jerusalem,” he said on...

Bulldozer Attack Kills 4 in Jerusalem

Palestinian overturns bus, cars; 44 injured

(Newser) - A Palestinian man drove a bulldozer into traffic in Jerusalem, overturning a bus and several cars and killing four people. Dozens of people were hurt, at least 7 critically, before a police officer shot the attacker dead. A BBC reporter on the scene saw hundreds of citizens fleeing the scene.

Lefties Livid Over Obama's Right Moves
 Lefties Livid
 Over Obama's
 Right Moves 

Lefties Livid Over Obama's Right Moves

'Element of distrust' as Dem tunes policy platform more toward center

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s general-election shift to the center is in full effect on issues from spy powers to taxes, and the liberal left is getting a little steamed, the Wall Street Journal reports. The Democrat's support for cutting corporate taxes, an undivided Israeli Jerusalem and—perhaps most importantly to left...

Gadhafi Has a Little Advice for Obama
Gadhafi Has
a Little Advice
for Obama

Gadhafi Has a Little Advice for Obama

Libyan leader slams candidate for speech on Israel

(Newser) - Muammar Gadhafi shot off his infamously intemperate mouth at Barack Obama yesterday, berating the candidate for saying Jerusalem should remain the undivided capital of Israel, and suggesting that he might have an inferiority complex because of his African origins. Either the candidate is ignorant of international politics, the Libyan leader...

In Israel, Some Jewish Women Take Up the Veil

Say God favors Muslims' modest dress; rabbis disagree

(Newser) - As she walks through Jerusalem, the veiled figure draws stares and curses. “They shout things at me because they think I am Arab,” she says. In reality, the woman is part of a small movement of Israeli women who are taking up the sal, a veil resembling the...

Attack Won't Derail Talks: Israel
Attack Won't Derail Talks: Israel

Attack Won't Derail Talks: Israel

Deadly seminary attack draws international condemnation

(Newser) - Israel has vowed that US-backed peace talks with the Palestinians will continue despite an attack on a Jerusalem seminary last night that killed eight students, the BBC reports. A Palestinian gunman fired into a group of 80 Jewish students before he was shot dead. Israel and Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas...

8 Dead in Jerusalem Shooting
8 Dead in Jerusalem Shooting

8 Dead in Jerusalem Shooting

Gunmen open fire at Jewish seminary; Gaza celebrates

(Newser) - At least eight people are dead and many more wounded after gunmen attacked a Jewish seminary tonight in Jerusalem, the BBC reports. The shooters—possibly as many as three—are Palestinian, Reuters adds, and two were killed. Witnesses said gunfire lasted 10 minutes. "They were still shooting when we...

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