
Stories 121 - 140 | << Prev   Next >>

Newspapers, GOP to Rep. Wu: Resign

Pressure on Oregon Democrat David Wu increases

(Newser) - In the middle of last year’s campaign, Oregon Rep. David Wu sent a picture of himself wearing a tiger costume to his staff members. The Democrat ended up winning the election—handing him his seventh term—but the tiger picture and other strange revelations have led to calls for...

Congressman's Ex-Staffers Say He's Mentally Unstable

Oregon's David Wu refused their plea to get psychiatric help

(Newser) - Oregon Democrat David Wu recently won a seventh term to Congress, but several former staffers think he'd be better off in a psychiatric hospital instead of on the House floor. That's not an exaggeration, as the Oregonian explains. Staffers were so worried about his increasingly erratic behavior during the campaign—...

Busted Rep's Wife Stands By Her Man
Busted Rep's Wife Stands By Her Man

Busted Rep's Wife Stands By Her Man

'Other woman' has unsolicited advice for her: Get tested

(Newser) - In sickness and health, sure, but nobody said anything about when your husband gets caught trying to pick up women on Craigslist with the worst frat-astic cell-phone pic ever. Nevertheless, Michele Lee is "crushed," but standing by former Rep. Chris Lee, who a friend says "was supposed...

Rep Busted by Gawker Warned of Internet Dangers

Chris Lee penned op-ed about online predators

(Newser) - How’s this for irony: Chris Lee, the married ex-Congressman who resigned after Gawker busted him trolling for women on Craigslist, penned an op-ed all about "the dangers of the Internet" in 2009. Gawker points to the piece, originally printed in the Tonawanda News ; it focuses on legislation Lee...

Congressman Resigns, Busted by Gawker

Married Christopher Lee caught trolling for women on Craigslist

(Newser) - Gawker has a new political scalp to go with its new design. GOP Congressman Christopher Lee of upstate New York has resigned after the site printed an email exchange—complete with shirtless photo of Lee—between him and a woman he met on Craigslist. Lee, who is married, presented...

Kucinich Settles Olive Pit Lawsuit

Ohio Democrat provides all the gory details

(Newser) - The weird lawsuit involving Dennis Kucinich and an olive pit has been settled. The Democratic lawmaker sued the operator of a congressional cafeteria for $150,000 after cracking his tooth on said pit, reports the Plain Dealer . Kucinich didn't disclose the settlement because, you know, that's private. He did, however,...

Boehner: Fire Geithner, Summers

GOP minority leader says they've done enough damage

(Newser) - John Boehner—the House minority leader who could be House speaker if things go right for Republicans in the midterms—is generating headlines today for one of his economic prescriptions: Obama must fire Tim Geithner and Larry Summers.The duo must "see the handwriting on the wall" after the...

Rangel on House Floor: I'm Not Quitting

Embattled congressman urges colleagues to schedule ethics hearing

(Newser) - Charles Rangel has no plans to resign, wants a chance to address the ethics charges against him , and would rather be expelled than linger in limbo. In a rambling but impassioned half-hour speech on the House floor this afternoon, the New York Democrat said, "If I can't take my...

Stop Worshiping at the Altar of Paul Ryan
Stop Worshiping at the Altar of Paul Ryan
paul krugman

Stop Worshiping at the Altar of Paul Ryan

His praised financial plan is a 'fraud' that helps only the rich

(Newser) - Paul Ryan has been getting glowing press coverage of late, the kind that portrays the Republican congressman as one of his party's deep thinkers on fiscal matters. And then there's Paul Krugman's column today: "The Ryan plan is a fraud that makes no useful contribution to the debate over...

Congressman: WikiLeaker Should Be Executed

It's a capital offense, says Mike Rogers

(Newser) - Republican congressman Mike Rogers called for the execution of Army analyst Bradley Manning in a radio interview yesterday if investigators find that he leaked classified information to WikiLeaks. "If they don't charge him with treason, they ought to charge him with murder," said Rogers, who sits on the...

Senate Candidate Lied About Navy Award

Rep. Mark Kirk fixes his official bio

(Newser) - These are dangerous times for politicians with war records on their resumes. Republican congressman Mark Kirk of Illinois—a Senate candidate for President Obama's old seat—has admitted that his official bio was wrong in declaring that the Navy once gave him the prestigious Intelligence Officer of the Year Award....

Congressman Made Abstinence Video —With Mistress

Indiana's Mark Souder resigns after affair goes public

(Newser) - Things just got a little more embarrassing for the Indiana congressman who's resigning over trysts with a part-time staffer (maybe even in state parks, says the Washington Post ). Turns out Republican Mark Souder and that very same staffer, identified as Tracy Jackson, made a series of videos promoting his...

FBI Opens Inquiry of Massa
 FBI Opens Inquiry of Massa  

FBI Opens Inquiry of Massa

Feds looking at big payments in days before resignation

(Newser) - The hits just keep on coming for Eric Massa. Now the FBI and the Justice Department have launched an investigation into questionable payments he made just before resigning his seat in Congress, reports the Washington Post . The feds are looking at a $40,000 payment from campaign funds to top...

Rep. Grayson Raises $800K in First Quarter

People like 'congressmen with guts,' he explains

(Newser) - Florida congressman Alan Grayson's outspoken assault on Republicans is paying off: He raised a whopping $800,000 in the first quarter of 2010. Grayson, however, bristles at the notion that he's simply a lefty version of, say, Michele Bachmann, writes Greg Sargent at his Plum Line blog . "It’s...

Massa's Male Staffers Complained for a Year
Male Staffers Complained
for a Year

Massa's Male Staffers Complained for a Year

Ex-rep's aides cite lewd comments, touching

(Newser) - This was apparently no isolated tickle fest , no matter what Eric Massa says. A Washington Post investigation finds that the former congressman's male staffers began complaining about lewd overtures from him in March 2009, just 3 months after he took office. Massa's senior aides tried to handle it internally—for...

Bart Stupak Got Squeezed Into No-Man's Land
Bart Stupak Got Squeezed Into No-Man's Land
quick takes

Bart Stupak Got Squeezed Into No-Man's Land

His decision to retire isn't surprising

(Newser) - Bart Stupak is retiring from Congress, which is not-so-stunning news to pundits:
  • Ben Smith, Politico : "It seems reasonable to take it as a sign of how difficult and unpleasant it is right now, in the House in particular, to attempt to stand in the middle." Stupak moved health

Stupak Won't Rule Out Retirement

He's reportedly exhausted, and Democrats are worried

(Newser) - Democratic leaders are said to be in a full-court press on Bart Stupak again, this time trying to convince him not to retire from Congress. After MSNBC's First Read blog reported this morning that Stupak is "exhausted" after the abortion/health care fight, his office did little to squelch the...

Lawmaker Worried Guam May Tip Over
 Lawmaker Worried 
 Guam May Tip Over 

Lawmaker Worried Guam May Tip Over

Georgia's Hank Johnson raises concern to US admiral

(Newser) - Democratic congressman Hank Johnson of Georgia is taking a ribbing as a video makes the rounds showing his unusual concern about Guam. During questioning of a US admiral about plans to station 5,000 more Marines on the island, Johnson says he's worried that it "might tip over and...

White Powder Sent to Rep. Anthony Weiner

It came with a threatening letter over health care reform

(Newser) - The nastiness continues: New York congressman Anthony Weiner received a threatening letter with white powder today, forcing an evacuation of his Queens office. NYPD and federal officials are testing the powder. The letter railed health care reform, which the outspoken Weiner supported, reports the New York Post . He's one of...

Dem Rep's Brother Has Propane Gas Line Cut

FBI investigates incident in Virginia

(Newser) - Things continue to get nasty for lawmakers who backed health care reform. Someone apparently cut a propane gas line outside the home of the brother of a Democratic congressman in Virginia. The FBI tells Politico it is investigating. The incident occurred near Charlottesville at the home of Thomas Perriello's brother;...

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