Ted Kennedy

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Kennedy 'Conscious, Talking' in Hospital
 Kennedy 'Conscious,
 Talking' in Hospital 

Kennedy 'Conscious, Talking' in Hospital

Senator, 76, airlifted to Boston hospital after falling ill

(Newser) - Ted Kennedy is "conscious, talking, joking with family" after having a seizure at the family compound in Hyannisport this morning, the AP reports. The 76-year-old senator spent 2 hours in a Cape Cod emergency room before being flown to Massachusetts General in Boston, the Cape Cod Times reports. He...

Catholic School Grads Hear Fewer Pro-Choice Speakers

Pols run afoul of tightening rules

(Newser) - Catholic universities are increasingly leaving pro-choice politicians off their lists of possible commencement speakers and honorary-degree recipients, reports the Boston Globe. John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi, Ted Kennedy, and other Catholic pols who don’t hew to the church's party line, especially on abortion, find themselves sidelined as the 225 American...

Kennedy Wants 'Leadership,' Not Hillary, for VP

Democratic Sen. 'doesn't think it's likely given the tenor of the campaign'

(Newser) - Ted Kennedy vetoed a spot for Hillary Clinton on the Barack Obama ticket, saying their fellow senator needs a running mate “in tune with his appeal for the nobler aspirations of the American people.” He laughed off suggestions of a dream ticket, Politico reports, saying, “I don’...

Experts Doubt Clinton Claims on Kids' Health Care Legislation

Friends, foes dispute first lady's role

(Newser) - Legislators and advocates are disputing a key element of Hillary Clinton's stump speech: her description of her role in creating children’s health care legislation passed in 1997. The then-first lady often calls SCHIP an initiative “I helped to start,” the Boston Globe reports, but the White House...

Bush Vetoes Ban on Waterboarding
Bush Vetoes Ban on Waterboarding

Bush Vetoes Ban on Waterboarding

He says terrorist threat remains; Dems don't have votes to override

(Newser) - President Bush today vetoed a bill that would have prevented the CIA from using harsh interrogation techniques such as waterboarding, the New York Times reports. "We need to ensure our intelligence officials have all the tools they need to stop the terrorists,” the president said. Democrats do not...

Clinton, Obama Home In on Wisc.
Clinton, Obama Home In on Wisc.

Clinton, Obama Home In on Wisc.

Primary shapes up as test of momentum

(Newser) - Tomorrow's primary in Wisconsin won’t decide the Democratic nomination, but Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are fighting tooth and nail anyway, Politico reports, airing their first negative ads of the campaign and taking shots at each other through aides. At stake is momentum: Obama doesn’t want to break...

Clinton's Black Allies Defecting
Clinton's Black Allies Defecting

Clinton's Black Allies Defecting

John Lewis may switch vote; another House member already has

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton is starting to lose the support of prominent black leaders—and superdelegates— who previously backed her. Rep. John Lewis, a Georgia Democrat who carries great influence in Congress, says he's now tilting toward Barack Obama. Another Georgia Democrat, David Scott, already switched, the AP reports. “Something is...

Clinton Clings to Lead in Superdelegates

Democrats trade words about process; AP tallies votes

(Newser) - Even after Barack Obama's weekend primary victories, he and Hillary Clinton are neck-and-neck in the delegate race thanks to her lead among superdelegates. By the AP's count, Clinton has won endorsements from 243 of the 796 party officials and insiders who vote at the convention for the candidate of their...

Kennedy's Hot on the Stump for Obama

Legendary lion thrills to campaign, is surprise hit with MTV generation

(Newser) - When Ted Kennedy endorses you, he doesn't just phone it in: The 75-year-old Massachusetts senator is seriously stumping for Barack Obama—and taking the Southwest by storm. Since backing Obama in a fiery speech on Monday, Kennedy has tried out his Spanish in Santa Fe and sung on an LA...

Why Kennedys Tapped Obama
Why Kennedys Tapped Obama

Why Kennedys Tapped Obama

Massachusetts senator points to Barack's 'inevitability'

(Newser) - Why did three members of the Kennedy clan anoint Barack Obama as the heir to Camelot and Democratic standard-bearer? In interviews with Time, Ted and Caroline Kennedy both point to the Illinois senator as uniquely capable of overcoming factionalism and uniting the country. As for the timing—before Super Tuesday—...

Key Dems May Have Had Enough
Key Dems May Have Had Enough

Key Dems May Have Had Enough

Tired of Clintons' grip on party, many leaders defecting to Obama

(Newser) - As Hillary Clinton loses Democratic stalwarts like Tom Daschle, John Kerry, and now Ted Kennedy, the New Republic looks at Democratic power brokers who have had enough of the Clinton brand and many who dismiss the former first couple as power-hungry and legacy-obsessed. Although it’s not obvious outside Washington,...

Feminist Group Slams Kennedy for Obama Pick

Endorsement is 'the ultimate betrayal' of women, advocate says

(Newser) - Feminists denounced Ted Kennedy today for endorsing Barack Obama, calling it "the ultimate betrayal," the Times Union reports. The National Organization for Women's New York chapter released a statement that Kennedy has "joined the list of progressive white men who can't or won't handle the prospect of...

Kennedys Endorse Obama; JFK Comparisons Fly

Caroline and Ted see candidate generating new hope

(Newser) - Ted Kennedy endorsed Barack Obama today, making repeated references to JFK and calling the Illinois senator someone “who appeals to the hopes of those who still believe in the American dream.” At a Washington, DC, rally, the Camelot heir picked apart Hillary Clinton’s criticisms, saying Obama’s...

Ted Kennedy to Endorse Obama
Ted Kennedy to Endorse Obama

Ted Kennedy to Endorse Obama

Critical nod a new blow to Clinton ahead of Super Duper Tuesday

(Newser) - Ted Kennedy, the heir to his slain brothers' Camelot ideal, will endorse Barack Obama's bid for the Oval Office tomorrow, the Boston Globe reports, ending his year-long seat on the fence and giving the candidate's surging chances a second Kennedy boost in a day. The Democratic godfather's coveted nod is...

Hill's Attack Mode Gets Backlash
Hill's Attack Mode Gets Backlash

Hill's Attack Mode Gets Backlash

Many rank-and-filers are rethinking the Clintons

(Newser) - Hillary and Bill Clinton are facing backlash for their aggressive tone toward Barack Obama, as the former First Couple stands accused of conduct unbecoming of party leaders. As the Clinton campaign harps on discredited charges, the Washington Post writes, many neutral Democrats worry the harshness might hurt in the general...

Top Dems Tell Bill to Chill
Top Dems Tell Bill to Chill

Top Dems Tell Bill to Chill

Clinton's anti-Obama tactics inappropriate, say party leaders

(Newser) - Top Democrats are telling Bill Clinton to tone down his anti-Obama rhetoric, Newsweek reports. He draws crowds, money, and support for his wife, but Democratic leaders like Ted Kennedy and Rahm Emanuel have confronted Clinton about his down-and-dirty approach. They see it as unpresidential, not beneficial to the party, and...

Dems Demand Probe Over CIA Tapes
Dems Demand Probe Over
CIA Tapes

Dems Demand Probe Over CIA Tapes

Kennedy draws Nixon comparison; others see obstruction of justice

(Newser) - Democrats accused the CIA of a cover-up today in the wake of the revelation that the agency destroyed interrogation tapes and called for the attorney general to investigate. Ted Kennedy rejected the agency's excuse that it scrubbed the tapes to protect interrogators and suggested the censors merely knew how “...

Kennedy Inks Blockbuster Deal for Memoir

Senator will discuss failed presidential bid, Chappaquiddick

(Newser) - After a 6-day auction, Ted Kennedy's memoirs have sold for more than $8 million, the New York Times reports. Assuming the Senate Ethics Committee OKs the deal, Kennedy will discuss his lengthy career, infamous car crash, and failed presidential bid. He’s “walking, talking history,” gushed the book's...

House Bans Bias Against Gays at Work

Major civil rights measure now moves to Senate

(Newser) - It took more than 30 years, but House Democrats today passed a bill banning workplace discrimination against homosexuals, the New York Times reports. Thirty-five Republicans joined 200 Democrats to pass the legislation, which would amend the Civil Rights Act and safeguard workers against discrimination because of their “actual or...

Congress Delivers Loan Relief for Needy Students

Broad overhaul of student loan industry earns broad bipartisan support

(Newser) - Congress yesterday passed a student loan reform bill that slashes billions of dollars from lender subsidies and redirects the funds into grants for low-income students, the New York Times reports. The sweeping measure will cut $20B from federal lender subsidies, halve the interest rate on need-based loans, and pump $12B...

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