Ted Kennedy

Stories 241 - 246 | << Prev 

Immigration Bill Fans, Foes Take to Airwaves

Senators launch PR offensive in run-up to crucial vote

(Newser) - This week's debate over the immigration bill, which is headed for a nail-bitingly close Senate vote, started on the Sunday talk shows. The improbable coalition behind the legislation—which President Bush supports—faces a tough job, Jeff Sessions made clear. The Alabama Republican vowed to "use every effort to...

Missing GI's Wife Faces Deportation
Missing GI's
Wife Faces Deportation

Missing GI's Wife Faces Deportation

Feds may send Boston- area woman home to Dominican Republic

(Newser) - While the US military searches for MIA Army specialist Alex Jimenez, the US government may be looking to deport his wife. Yaderlin Jimenez snuck into the country from the Dominican Republic six years ago; Alex, who disappeared in Iraq with two other soldiers last month, had tried in vain to...

Dems Withdraw Immigration Bill
Dems Withdraw Immigration Bill

Dems Withdraw Immigration Bill

Bill "on life support" - may revive this year

(Newser) - The hotly contested immigration reform bill collapsed on the Senate floor Thursday, after appearing to survive challenges from detractors in both parties. The measure fell 15 votes short of a move to curtail debate and move toward a final vote. That leaves it stalled, although the New York Times reports...

Bush Nominee Under Fire Over Anti-Gay Paper

Surgeon general candidate found gay sex unnatural, unhealthy

(Newser) - The Bush nominee for surgeon general is under fire over a 1991 academic paper in which he argued that  gay sex is unnatural and unhealthy. In the report, ridiculed by other doctors for imposing politics on science, Dr. James Holsinger compares sexual body parts with pipe fittings and concludes, "...

Business History Boosts, Bogs Down Romney

Controversial moves shadow onetime buyout specialist

(Newser) - Mitt Romney's business success gives him the resources necessary to run a presidential campaign, but his deal-making background also opens him to criticism. The success of Bain Capital helped Romney built his personal fortune, the Times report, and the fact that he wasn't afraid to cut jobs for the sake...

Immigration Bill Walks Fine Line
Immigration Bill Walks Fine Line

Immigration Bill Walks Fine Line

Senate coalition sees its bipartisan brainchild grow from concept to pending legislation

(Newser) - The "grand bargain"—the compromise on which the proposed immigration bill turns—is the product of a process that saw senators from every point on the political compass unite around a common goal. With the senate scheduled to take up the legislation this week, the LA Times goes...

Stories 241 - 246 | << Prev