Sarah Palin

Stories 561 - 580 | << Prev   Next >>

Palin Compares Herself to Shakespeare
Palin Compares Herself to Shakespeare
bard of wasilla

Palin Compares Herself to Shakespeare

...while asking Muslims to 'refudiate' Ground Zero Mosque on Twitter

(Newser) - "Ground Zero Mosque supporters: doesn't it stab you in the heart, as it does ours throughout the heartland? Peaceful Muslims, pls refudiate," Sarah Palin tweeted yesterday afternoon. Apparently realizing the word refudiate doesn't exist, Palin then pulled down the message and took a second stab, this time misusing...

Romney Blasts 'Numbskull' Advisers for Palin Slams

GOP frontrunner defends rival on Twitter

(Newser) - Time quoted anonymous advisers to Mitt Romney dissing Sarah Palin in this article yesterday, and today Romney himself came to her defense. On Twitter , no less: "TIME says unnamed advisors disparaged @SarahPalinUSA. Anonymous numbskulls. She's proven her smarts; they've disproven theirs."

Bristol, Levi in Reality Show Talks

Oh yes, it's (probably) happening

(Newser) - Set your DVRs now: Looks like the Bristol Palin-Levi Johnston reality show is actually in the works. Insiders tell TMZ the reunited pair is shopping “multiple reality shows” (because obviously the world needs more than one). The top concept at this point revolves around “parenting issues” and features...

Sarah Palin in 2012? It's Looking More Likely
Sarah Palin in 2012?
It's Looking More Likely
opposing views

Sarah Palin in 2012? It's Looking More Likely

Pundits are split on whether it's a smart move

(Newser) - Pundits watching Sarah Palin are smelling a 2012 presidential run. Here are two takes on her prospects:
  • Mark Halperin, Time : In a piece headlined "Why She's for Real," he lauds her fundraising and improved media savvy (especially the Mama Grizzlies video ). And much to her advantage, she'd

Palin's Genius Isn't the Message, It's the Messenger
Palin's Genius Isn't the Message, It's the Messenger
Kathleen Parker

Palin's Genius Isn't the Message, It's the Messenger

She is now The Good Woman

(Newser) - Don't hate Sarah Palin, writes Kathleen Parker. Instead, take her "with a grain of humor and a dash of admiration," she writes at the Washington Post . "A different version of Madonna, she's a public relations machine who manipulates public perception with well-timed and, recently, sophisticated messaging."...

Bristol's 'Secret' Engagement? Sarah's PR Ploy

There's no way Mama Palin wasn't in on this one

(Newser) - Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston’s secret engagement is shocking—maybe a bit too shocking. The whole thing is “actually Sarah Palin’s weirdly brilliant PR move,” writes Anna North for Jezebel . Think about it: By giving those crazy kids her blessing, Palin “gets to rise above...

Sarah: 'We Want What's Best' for Bristol
 Sarah: 'We Want 
 What's Best' for Bristol 
engagement reaction

Sarah: 'We Want What's Best' for Bristol

Who knows what she's saying behind closed doors

(Newser) - Well, that didn’t take long: Sarah and Todd Palin responded to daughter Bristol’s surprise engagement with a statement on Good Morning America . “We obviously want what's best for our children,” it reads. “Bristol believes in redemption and forgiveness to a degree most of us struggle...

Palin: Stop Calling Tea Party Racist
 Palin: Stop Calling 
 Tea Party Racist 

Palin: Stop Calling Tea Party Racist

Ex-governor takes aim at NAACP

(Newser) - The NAACP’s accusation that the Tea Party movement “ harbors racist elements ” got Sarah Palin so fired up that she had to write a Facebook post. “All decent Americans abhor racism,” she wrote , and with the election of Barack Obama “we, as a united people,...

Bristol, Levi Engaged Again
 Bristol, Levi Engaged Again 
surprise, sarah!

Bristol, Levi Engaged Again

And Sarah didn't know until today

(Newser) - Apparently Bristol Palin was not a fan of that whole abstinence thing, because she’s engaged—again!—to babydaddy Levi Johnston. You know, the guy she recently called “a stranger to me.” The best part: The lovebirds decided it would be prudent to tell Us Weekly first…...

Andrew Sullivan, Let Go of the Trig Conspiracy
Andrew Sullivan, Let Go
of the Trig Conspiracy
dave weigel

Andrew Sullivan, Let Go of the Trig Conspiracy

Sullivan's own guest-blogger criticizes him

(Newser) - One of the guest bloggers filling in for the vacationing Andrew Sullivan this week is Dave Weigel, who's using the space to criticize Sullivan himself. Weigel—the Washington Post blogger recently fired over the JournoList email flap—takes issue with Sullivan's relentless speculation that Trig Palin is the son of...

Sarah Palin Quietly Building 2012 Machine
Sarah Palin Quietly Building 2012 Machine

Sarah Palin Quietly Building 2012 Machine

SarahPAC steps up fundraising, spends dough on infrastructure

(Newser) - SarahPAC, the esteemed hockey mom’s Political Action Committee, is shaping itself into the kind of sophisticated operation a presidential candidate might use, according to Politico . The PAC just had its best fundraising quarter ever, raking in $866,000. It turned around and spent $742,000 of that investing in...

Palin: Obama's Backasswards
 Palin: Obama's Backasswards 

Palin: Obama's Backasswards

Meanwhile, she doles out $87K in campaign contributions

(Newser) - Sarah Palin has slam-Tweeted President Obama's economic strategy as "the most disconnected, backasswards plan ever imposed on the country we love." She made the broadside after Obama ripped her girl Sharron Angle in her race against Senate Majority leader Harry Reid, reports the New York Daily News . Palin...

Palin Kids' Book in the Works
 Palin Kids' Book in the Works 

Palin Kids' Book in the Works

Christian publisher plans biography in September

(Newser) - A biography of Sarah Palin aimed at children will be out in September—which is maybe surprising only in that the Palin business juggernaut didn't think of it first. Instead, Christian publisher Zondervan will put out the unauthorized Speaking Up: The Sarah Palin Story for 9-to-12-year-olds, reports AP . Why? She...

Now I Know How Palin Feels: Ex-Post Blogger

David Weigel, ousted for bashing Matt Drudge, speaks out

(Newser) - When he got the call asking him to comment on yet more emails he had written—this time bashing Rush Limbaugh and Newt Gingrich—David Weigel knew he was screwed. The Washington Post blogger had already apologized for leaked emails in which he said Matt Drudge ought to light himself...

Is That a Palin Campaign Ad?

SarahPAC releases 'Mama Grizzlies' video

(Newser) - Sarah Palin's political action committee has released what looks suspiciously like a campaign ad. Called "Mama Grizzlies," the video splices audio from Palin's speech at a pro-life event touting the power of conservative women with video of female tea partiers. It doesn't address any specific positions other than...

Levi's Sister: He's Being 'Controlled Like a Puppet'

Andrew Sullivan thinks something's fishy in 'Palinland'

(Newser) - Levi Johnston may be trying to make amends with the Palin family, but he's not winning any friends in his own. "I am extremely disappointed in him," writes his sister, Mercede, on her blog . "Not only is he being controlled like a puppet, but saying that all...

The Next Michael Steele?
 The Next 


The Next Michael Steele?

But most think his job's safe for now

(Newser) - CBS is floating a successor for Michael Steele who should make both sides of the aisle equally giddy: One Sarah Palin. Citing "talk in GOP circles," the network's top White House correspondent says, Palin is "the star of the Republican Party. She's the top endorser, top...

New Palin Defense Fund Slams 'Massive Witch Hunt'

Email rips 'smear' against 'dedicated public servant'

(Newser) - Representatives of a new legal defense fund for Sarah Palin have slammed ethics investigations into the former Alaska governor 's actions as a "massive witch hunt" organized by "left-wing activists." The unsigned email also lambastes a state panel declaration last week that Palin's last defense fund was...

Palin Slams Obama for Selling Out Israel

Accuses him of 'bowing and kowtowing and apologizing'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin attacked Barack Obama’s foreign policy yesterday, declaring, in a speech before a crowd of talk radio fans in Norfolk, that the president had sold out Israel in the wake of the Gaza aid flotilla attack. “Do they think, really, that we’re getting anything in return...

Journos Caught on Mic Trashing Palin Speech
 Journos Caught 
 on Mic Trashing 
 Palin Speech 

Journos Caught on Mic Trashing Palin Speech

Video catches reporters panning 'rollercoaster' speech

(Newser) - For as much as Sarah Palin likes to trash the "lamestream media," they trashed her right back during her much-hyped speech Friday night at a California university fundraiser—inadvertently, and on a live mic. Unidentified reporters were caught on a video of the speech lighting into Palin even...

Stories 561 - 580 | << Prev   Next >>