Sarah Palin

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Stewart Roars About Palin 'Mama Grizzly' Campaign

Choosy moms choose Palin

(Newser) - Sarah Palin is hawking something, but it feels more like a condiment than a political message. "'Moms just kinda know?' She's selling her political movement the way they sell peanut butter," Jon Stewart scoffed last night as the Daily Show took on Sarah Palin's "mama grizzly" campaign....

Judge Interrupts Sale of Prez, Palin Condoms

Vendors must pull out of biz without permits

(Newser) - Vendors hawking goofy Sarah Palin and President Obama condoms are not protected—at least from New York City courts. A judge has ruled that the vendors are not exempt from rules requiring business permits to sell the goods, regardless of "political" messages on the packages, reports the New York ...

Bristol: 'I Got Played' by Levi

She confirms their engagement is off

(Newser) - Bristol Palin confirms to People that her (second) engagement to Levi Johnston is off. "I broke up with him," she says, though it doesn't appear to be about infidelity : "The final straw was him flying to Hollywood for what he told me was to see some hunting...

Palin: Brewer Has 'Cajones' Obama Lacks on Immigration
 Palin: Obama Has No 'Cojones' 

Palin: Obama Has No 'Cojones'

Ex-Alaska gov has anatomical explanation for their differences

(Newser) - Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer is able to take on illegal immigration because she has the "cojones" that President Obama "does not have," Sarah Palin said yesterday on Fox News Sunday. The former Alaska governor also ripped Obama for suing to block the new Arizona immigration law without...

Palin Writes Tax Figure on Hand to 'Avoid' Looking Stupid

'Liberals will say I don't know what I'm talkin' about'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin is writing on her hand again, this time so she can remember a tax hike number while she skewers the Democrats on Fox TV. She lambasted President Obama's move to let the Bush administration's tax cuts for the rich expire at the end of the year, and claimed...

If I Believed Media, I Wouldn't Like Me, Either: Palin

Joe McGinniss needs to get a life; Pelosi's on the warpath

(Newser) - Two of the most divisive women in US politics took to the Sunday shows today, with Sarah Palin dismissing a recent poll that showed 50% of independents viewed her unfavorably. "If I believed everything I read or heard in the media, I wouldn't like me either," she said...

Levi Got Another Girl Pregnant—Maybe

One word for Bristol Palin's babydaddy: condoms

(Newser) - Cue the “Don’t they have condoms in Alaska?” jokes: Levi Johnston may have gotten another girlfriend pregnant. The National Enquirer broke the "news" with a report that Lanesia Garcia, an ex with whom Johnston reunited after Bristol Palin gave birth to his son, is with child—and...

Palin: Obama Should Be at Border, Not on View

Prez has time to chat but not help at 'porous' border, Palin complains

(Newser) - President Obama has "lotso" time to chat it up on The View but no time to visit the US-Mexican border? Outrageous, complains Sarah Palin, who slammed the president on Twitter for failing to "offer help to those risking life to secure us" at the "porous" border. She...

Sarah Palin Stares Down Brown Bear
 Sarah Palin 
 Stares Down 
 Brown Bear 

mother to mother

Sarah Palin Stares Down Brown Bear

Mom, cubs crash family fishing trip

(Newser) - First moose hunting, now a bear stare down. That's what happened to Sarah Palin when a brown bear and her two cubs crashed a quiet family salmon fishing expedition in Alaska. The mothers stared at one another before the bear blinked, and moved off, reports the Telegraph . The bear apparently...

Sarah Palin's Invented Word is Exactly Right
 Sarah Palin's Invented 
 Word Is Exactly Right 
william kristol

Sarah Palin's Invented Word Is Exactly Right

Conservatives must 'refudiate' liberalism

(Newser) - Sarah Palin's critics snickered when she used the non-word "refudiate" (see summary here ), but William Kristol thinks her coinage is spot-on—and a perfect prescription for what conservatives must do to liberals. It combines refute ("primarily an intellectual act") with repudiate ("a practical or political...

Hey, Kids: Learn Geography From Sarah Palin!

Jimmy Kimmel mocks Palin for latest snafus

(Newser) - Jimmy Kimmel poked fun at Sarah Palin’s latest grammar and geography screw-ups last night, culminating in this brilliant Schoolhouse Rock parody, in which a cartoon Palin valiantly tries and fails to name all 50 states.

'Sick Puppies' in Media Made Me Quit Job: Palin

Press drove me out of office, Sarah charges

(Newser) - John McCain hung Sarah Palin and her family out to dry for all the "sick puppies" in the media to savage, a still-furious Palin has charged. The subsequent press feeding frenzy was so intense that it convinced her to abandon her job as governor of Alaska, she told the...

Kate Plus 8 Plus...Sarah Palin?
 Kate Plus 8 Plus...Sarah Palin? 
tv apocalypse

Kate Plus 8 Plus...Sarah Palin?

Gosselin and kids 'joining Palin for Alaska camping trip'

(Newser) - Kate Gosselin and her kids are taking a road trip to Alaska where they'll meet up with none other than Sarah Palin, according to In Touch Weekly , which quotes an unnamed source. "Sarah, Kate and the kids will go camping" and Palin's dad, a retired science teacher, will teach...

Poll: Obama's Endorsement Is Worthless

Prez not much help, but Palin's might actually get you votes

(Newser) - This November, candidates would be better off with an endorsement from Sarah Palin than Barack Obama. According to a new Quinnipiac poll, 12% of voters say they’re more likely to vote for a candidate if Obama campaigns for him, including 28% of Democrats and 8% of Independents. But 30%...

Palin-Backed Georgia Guv Candidate Leads Primary

Endorsement boosts Karen Handel to first place

(Newser) - An endorsement by Sarah Palin helped push candidate Karen Handel to first place in yesterday's Georgia gubernatorial GOP primary. Handel, who trailed in opinion polls before getting Palin's stamp of approval earlier this month, led with 34% of the vote, and is headed into a runoff against Nathan Deal, who...

Palin Boycotting Bristol's Wedding

Sarah doesn't let go of grudges

(Newser) - When Bristol Palin walks down the aisle with babydaddy Levi Johnston, one person won't be jumping for joy: Sarah Palin. In fact, the ex-governor is so angry about the plan that she's going to boycott the wedding, reports PopEater . "Bristol is very upset about her mother's decision and hopes...

Bloomberg Blasts Palin's Mosque Tweets

Or should we say he 'refudiates' them?

(Newser) - Michael Bloomberg was drawn into a war of words with Sarah Palin today, after one of his aides responded harshly to Sarah Palin’s bumbling tweets about the mosque being built near Ground Zero. In response to Palin’s last tweet—“Peace-seeking Muslims, pls understand, Ground Zero mosque is...

Palin Screws Up Geography
 Palin Screws Up Geography 

Palin Screws Up Geography

Says Kodiak, Alaska is biggest island in US; Hawaii pissed

(Newser) - OK, so this isn’t anywhere near as bad as thinking Africa was a country , but Sarah Palin has messed up her geography once again. In a Facebook post endorsing New Hampshire Senate candidate Kelly Ayotte, Palin said she was headed to Kodiak, Alaska, “America’s largest island.”...

DC Hotshots More Optimistic Than Public

 DC Hotshots 
 More Optimistic 
 Than Public 
survey says

DC Hotshots More Optimistic Than Public

More believe country is on the right track than wrong

(Newser) - Wealthy Washingtonians are out of sync with the rest of the country on a host of issues, according to a new poll. Politico surveyed 227 “Washington elites”—meaning DC residents who make at least $75,000 a year, and work in politics in some form—and found a...

'Non-Political' Glenn Beck Rally Looks Pretty Political

...despite foundation's 501(c)3 status

(Newser) - Glenn Beck has insisted that his much-hyped Aug. 17 rally on the national mall will not be political. "This is not a tea party," he said on his radio show in May. "This is not a political event." That's because he's holding the event with the...

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