Sarah Palin

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Palin to Girls Team: 'Go Rogue,' Snub Ariz. Boycott

'Them're fighting words,' Palin says of canceled trip

(Newser) - The girls of a suburban Chicago high school basketball team should "go rogue" to get around their school's boycott of Arizona, Sarah Palin urges. "Keeping the girls basketball team off the court for political reasons? Them are fighting words," she told a crowd of 4,000 at...

Shell Gets Go Ahead for Arctic Drilling

Court clears the way for exploratory drill

(Newser) - Shell got the go ahead to ' drill, baby, drill ' in the Arctic this summer, after a three-judge panel rejected a legal challenge standing in the way of their plans. The court determined that the federal Minerals Management Service ( Um, remember them? ) weighed the potential threat to...

Sarah Palin's New Book Out in November

'America by Heart' described as a tribute to values

(Newser) - When your first book sells 2 million copies in hardcover, no sense delaying the second. Sarah Palin will release America by Heart: Reflections on Family, Faith and Flag on Nov. 23, just in time to become a stocking stuffer for Christmas. This one's not a memoir but what HarperCollins describes...

Tea Party Shifts Focus to Kentucky

Palin backs Rand Paul over Trey Grayson

(Newser) - After taking down Bob Bennett in Utah, the Tea Party has a new target: Kentucky. Tea Party activists and other conservative critics yesterday shifted their sights to the state's mid-May primary for their next big challenge to a political establishment they have vowed to upend. The Kentucky race pits Secretary...

Betty White + SNL = Ratings Bonanza

Octogenarian's hosting stint tops Ben Affleck's November 2008 effort

(Newser) - With Betty White hosting , Saturday Night Live drew its best ratings of the season and the largest audience since Nov. 1, 2008, when John McCain appeared with the Tina Fey version of then-running mate Sarah Palin. The broadcast thrashed not just its time-slot competitors but also every primetime show, reports...

Palin Backs Fiorina Over Tea Partier, Riles Up Fans

Stunned Chuck DeVore supporters vent on Facebook

(Newser) - Sarah Palin yesterday endorsed Carly Fiorina in the race to unseat California Sen. Barbara Boxer, stirring up howls of protest on her Facebook page from fans of Tea Party favorite Chuck DeVore. "That's 2 strikes against you, little sister!" writes one furious follower, referring to Palin's McCain endorsement...

Palin: US Law Should Be Based on the Bible

'Our unalienable rights come from God.'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin was on the O’Reilly Factor last night talking about the National Day of Prayer, but she went a bit further than her usual party line of calling America a Christian nation. “I think we should keep this clean, keep it simple, go back to what our...

Palin: Don't Trust Foreign Oil Companies

Like that no-good BP, which used to employ Todd Palin

(Newser) - Sarah Palin is fired up about the Gulf Coast oil spill, and she's taking away a powerful lesson: Don't trust foreigners, like those tea-sippers over at British Petroleum. “Gulf: Learn from Alaska's lesson w/foreign oil co's: don't naively trust—VERIFY,” she wrote on Twitter . That sounds great and...

Minn. Gov. Candidate Wants to Nullify Federal Laws

Emmer embodies GOP's rightward shift

(Newser) - Meet Tom Emmer, the Republican candidate for Minnesota governor. Emmer, a state legislator, enjoys the backing of incumbent Tim Pawlenty but is philosophically far right of the current governor: Emmer is an avowed "Tenther" who believes the Tenth Amendment gives states the right to nullify federal laws, TPM reports....

Palin Hacker Found Guilty on 2 Counts

David Kernell convicted of obstruction of justice, unlawful email access

(Newser) - A federal jury has convicted a 22-year-old former University of Tennessee student of hacking Sarah Palin's Yahoo email account during the 2008 campaign. David Kernell was acquitted of wire fraud but convicted of a felony, obstruction of justice, and a misdemeanor, unlawful computer access. The jury failed to reach a...

Sarah Palin's Beauty Queen Rival Enters Politics

Woman who won Miss Alaska title is running in Georgia

(Newser) - The woman who deprived Sarah Palin of the Miss Alaska title (she had to settle for Miss Congeniality) is entering the political arena. Maryline Blackburn, now a resident of Georgia and a singer and actress to boot, is mounting a bid for the state House of Representatives, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution...

Strip Club Holds Palin Lookalike Contest

And it wants her to judge

(Newser) - A Chicago strip club is hosting what might be the least conservative tea party fundraiser ever: a Sarah Palin lookalike contest that promises to be, um, somewhat low on family values. The club is promoting the show by noting that the last time there was such a contest—at a...

New, Fightin' Obama Calls Out Foes
 New, Fightin' Obama 
 Calls Out Foes 

New, Fightin' Obama Calls Out Foes

No more Mr. Nice President

(Newser) - It's hard to imagine that critics once complained that Barack Obama wasn't tough enough. Lately, he's been savaging his opponents by name, Politico notes, tossing verbal jabs directly at Mitch McConnell, Sarah Palin , Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh and more. It's a deliberate effort to get back the “spunk...

Would-Be 2012 Challengers Rush to Web

Republican candidates establish themselves online

(Newser) - Barack Obama ruled the web in 2008, and his prospective 2012 challengers don't want to let it happen again. They're all investing heavily in their online presence, Politico reports. From Newt Gingrich, who's built a sophisticated micro-targeting operation, to Sarah Palin, who's hired a couple of guys who made a...

Just How Rich Is Sarah Palin?

Bringing in $12M in the last year, she's taken political entertainment to a new high

(Newser) - You knew she checked out of Alaska politics in order to cash in. Now Gabriel Sherman looks at just how successful Sarah Palin has been, estimating—what with the book, the TV show, the Fox deal, and the speeches at $100,000 a pop—a total take in the last...

Pink Elephants | The New Republic
 In Today's GOP, Only 
 the Women Have Balls 

in case you missed it

In Today's GOP, Only the Women Have Balls

Conservatives, yes, but even Betty Friedan would be intrigued

(Newser) - Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, Liz Cheney. Whether or not you agree with their politics, there's no denying that a "certain breed of fire-breathing pink pachyderm is clearly on the rise," writes Michelle Cottle at the New Republic . Disagree? Then, quick, name any male Republican who comes even close...

Palin Says Email Hacker Should Face 'Consequences'

Ex-governor says breach caused a 'disruption'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin took the stand today to testify about the hacking of her Yahoo email account, allegedly by a former Tennessee college student, and described the breach to a packed courthouse as a "disruption" both of her family life and the 2008 presidential campaign. Palin said she found out...

Bristol: Hacked Email Prompted Harassing Calls

Cell number online produced hundreds of prank calls, messages

(Newser) - Bristol Palin bore some of the brunt when her mother's email account was hacked during the 2008 presidential race, and her cell phone number posted online. She received countless phone calls and hundreds of text messages, she testified in court yesterday, including one really scary call from a group of...

Silverman, King Agree: Palin Should Do Playboy

Talk show host is quick to agree with saucy comedian

(Newser) - On the slight chance Sarah Palin needs more money, or perhaps just wants to follow in her almost-son-in-law's footsteps, Larry King and Sarah Silverman have an idea for her: Take it off for Playboy. The apparent non sequitur came at the end of King’s interview with Silverman last night,...

Tea Party Split Between Sarah Palin, Ron Paul
Tea Party Split Between
Sarah Palin, Ron Paul
poll numbers

Tea Party Split Between Sarah Palin, Ron Paul

Libertarians like Paul, conservatives like Palin

(Newser) - Much as there are two Americas, there are two Tea Parties; one that's libertarian, and one that's socially conservative. Politico ran an exit poll on Thursday's massive tax day protest on the Washington Mall and found that about 43% said that the government needed to promote traditional values. Their favorite...

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