Sarah Palin

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Palin, Crew Descend on Oscar Swag 'Like Locusts'

She scarfs up jewelry, clothes, 40 headphones at benefit

(Newser) - It was freebie deja vu all over again for Sarah Palin when she and her entourage descended on Oscar swag at a benefit this week like ravening "locusts," snatching every gift they could get their hands on, according to a witness. "She showed up with like 20...

Palin Cranking Out Next Book
 Palin Cranking Out Next Book 

Palin Cranking Out Next Book

Date for 'celebration of American virtues and strengths' still TBA

(Newser) - With 2 million copies sold, and Going Rogue still on bestseller lists, Sarah Palin is already working on another book, the AP reports. The untitled, release-date-TBA work will be a “celebration of American virtues and strengths” and “include selections from classic and contemporary readings that have inspired her,...

Sarah Palin Shopping Reality TV Show

She's reportedly shopping Alaska docudrama

(Newser) - Good news for those who can't get enough Sarah Palin: You may soon have the chance to watch TV produced by her as well as watching her on TV. The conservative polebrity and reality show producer Mark Burnett (of Survivor and Apprentice fame) have reportedly been pitching a TV docudrama...

David Letterman Skewers Palin
 David Letterman 
 Skewers Palin 
'is it a satellite delay?'

David Letterman Skewers Palin

Sarah Palin gets mocked, multiple times, by Late Show host

(Newser) - Jay Leno wasn't the only one with Sarah Palin this week on late night. The former Alaska guv made her way into David Letterman 's interview last night with Mitt Romney ("Be careful what you say about her," cautioned the former presidential candidate. "She has a...

Palin: I Joined Fox for Fairness, Balance

She also rips White House on Leno appearance

(Newser) - So now we know why Sarah Palin joined Fox: to boost "fairness and balance" in the media. That's what she told Jay Leno in his second night back at the helm of the Tonight Show. "The mainstream media is quite broken and I think there needs to be...

Hollywood's 10 Youngest Grandparents

Jim Carrey, at 48, is the latest

(Newser) - Jim Carrey recently became a grandfather at 48, but he’s not the youngest celebrity grandparent by a long shot. The Daily Beast rounds up nine others:
  • Whoopi Goldberg: Here’s how you become a grandmother by 34: Have a daughter at 18 who then has her own daughter at

Judge Orders Levi to Cough Up Child Support

Johnston skips Wasilla court hearing

(Newser) - A judge told Levi Johnston yesterday that he's going to have to share some of his Playgirl earnings with the Palin family. The 19-year-old pop was ordered to pay 14 months of back child support for the baby boy he fathered with Sarah Palin's daughter Bristol, the New York Daily ...

Jeb Bush: Sarah Palin Not 'Intellectual' Enough

'I don't know what her deal is,' ex-governor says

(Newser) - Jeb Bush doesn’t think too highly of Sarah Palin. Asked how he felt about Alaska’s ex-governor in a recent Newsmax interview, Bush replied that Palin was a “natural” with a lot of “charisma.” But to be a good candidate for higher office, she’ll need...

Senior Palin Aide Resigns
 Senior Palin Aide Resigns 

Senior Palin Aide Resigns

Meg Stapleton leaves to spend time with family

(Newser) - Meg Stapleton, a senior adviser and spokeswoman for Sarah Palin, has resigned. Stapleton had been at Palin's side even before she catapulted to the national stage, and she says she's quitting to spend more time with her family, reports Politico . Insiders, however, have complained that Stapleton simply wasn't up to...

Olbermann: Sarah Palin Is a Tool

And that's one thing tea partiers, Dems and Republicans all agree on

(Newser) - Having gotten a nice rise out of some tea partiers to kick off his week, Keith Olbermann couldn't help but take a dig at Sarah Palin last night. In a tease to commercial on Countdown, Olbermann opines about how "many tea partiers believe Sarah Palin will be a tool...

Todd Palin & Partner Drop Out of Iron Dog Race

Partner's Injury, brutal conditions force out former 'First Dude'

(Newser) - Todd Palin won't be picking up his fifth Iron Dog victory in this year's 2,000-mile snowmobile race: Former Alaska governor Sarah Palin's husband has dropped out of the competition because of an injury to his partner. A crash broke the handlebars and springs on Scott Davis's snowmobile and exacerbated...

Ron Paul Wins CPAC Straw Poll for 2012

Romney is second, followed by Palin, Pawlenty, and Pence

(Newser) - Ron Paul today emerged as the surprise winner of the presidential straw poll at CPAC. Conservatives at the conference picked the Texas congressman with the libertarian bent as their favorite candidate with 31% of the vote, ahead of Mitt Romney (22%), the only other politician in double digits. Trailing them...

Down Syndrome Family Guy Actress Rips Palin for 'Using' Trig

'She carries son like loaf of bread, looking for sympathy'

(Newser) - The actress with Down syndrome at the center of a Family Guy-Sarah Palin feud has slammed the one-time VP candidate for carrying around her son "like a loaf of French bread, looking for sympathy and votes." Andrea Fay Friedman was the voice of Chris Griffin's date on a...

Suicide Pilot Joe Stack Sounds Like Tea Partier to Me

.. says one blogger; that's 'reprehensible,' says another

(Newser) - Joseph Stack’s anger at big government in general and the Internal Revenue Service in particular sounds very much like another of the day’s big noise-makers to Jonathan Capehart. “After reading his 34-paragraph screed,” Capehart writes in a Washington Post blog of the Austin suicide pilot, “...

Populism Never Wins the White House

 Wins the 
 White House 

Populism Never Wins the White House

It's not Palin's fault she's just a media spectacle: George F. Will

(Newser) - Once upon a time, George F. Will writes, a maverick Arizona senator ran for president with “a running mate most Americans had never heard of and who had negligible experience pertinent to the presidency.” That was 1964, the candidate was Barry Goldwater, and his VP choice was Bill...

Bristol: Tightwad Levi Is Lying About Money

She subpoenas pay records from CNN, Playgirl for kid support

(Newser) - Bristol Palin is demanding pay stubs to Levi Johnston from CNN, Playgirl, the National Enquirer, Star magazine, and Entertainment Tonight, claiming her baby daddy is falsely crying poverty to duck his responsibility to support their child. Johnston has argued in a court battle over child support payments that he can't...

Palin Rips Fox's Family Guy on Fox

Talks to Bill O'Reilly about 'cruel, cold-hearted people'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin continued to chide Fox's Family Guy...on Fox. Speaking to Bill O'Reilly last night, she acknowledged "this world is full of cruel, cold-hearted people." Trig, on the other hand, has a "heart of gold," and while when "I look at Trig and I...

Hillary Laughs Off President Palin Question

She wouldn't move, but she'd be visiting Canada 'often'

(Newser) - What’s on Saudi Arabia’s mind? American politics apparently. At a town hall-style meeting at Dar Al Hekma College in Saudi Arabia this morning, a student asked Hillary Clinton if she was scared by the prospect of Sarah Palin becoming president. “Would you consider moving to Canada or...

Hayworth to Hit McCain With Conservative Wrath

Challenger says Palin is backing Mac out of gratitude

(Newser) - JD Hayworth officially launched his campaign against John McCain yesterday by promising a year of change—the conservative kind. The Arizona challenger slammed McCain's voting record and promised to do a better job of standing up to the Democrats. "There are two John McCains," Hayworth said at his...

Sarah, Bristol to Family Guy: 'Heartless Jerks'

Palins use Facebook to air grievances toward Fox

(Newser) - In a moment of restraint, Sarah Palin responded to the Family Guy controversy with a Facebook rant—except it wasn’t a rant, and it wasn't hers. In a post titled “Fox Hollywood—What a Disappointment,” Palin calls the episode that “mocked” son Trig “another kick...

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