Sarah Palin

Stories 721 - 740 | << Prev   Next >>

Pols Use Dubious TV Gigs to Prep for Elections

Politician-analysts get paid, get exposure, but ethics are murky

(Newser) - In a trend that crosses party and network lines while raising a bevy of ethical questions, potential candidates for elected office are finding easy employment as cable news analysts. Fox News leads the pack, with three former office holders widely seen as possible future candidates: Mike Huckabee, Newt Gingrich, and...

Family Guy Takes on Trig Palin
 Family Guy Takes on Trig Palin 

Family Guy Takes on Trig Palin

Female Down's syndrome character mentions Palin-like mom

(Newser) - Now that Family Guy has taken on Trig Palin, can a demand by his mom on Facebook that the program be yanked be far behind? The popular TV series waded into treacherous waters yesterday with an episode in which a bossy female character with Down's syndrome dating Chris Griffin mentions...

Be Careful, Sarah Palin, You're Exploiting Trig
Be Careful, Sarah Palin, You're Exploiting Trig
kathleen parker

Be Careful, Sarah Palin, You're Exploiting Trig

She needs to pull back from using him as a political tool

(Newser) - Kathleen Parker offers some "mother to mother" advice to Sarah Palin in her column today: "Be careful" about using Trig as a political weapon. "Each time she sallies forth as Mama Bear to America's special-needs citizenry, invoking Trig's name amid demands for her children's privacy, a tiny...

Palin Makes Good Copy, Not Good Candidate
 Palin Makes Good Copy, 
 Not Good Candidate 

Palin Makes Good Copy, Not Good Candidate

Sarah Palin is good for business, but beware inflating presidential prospects

(Newser) - That Sarah Palin drives up TV ratings and online traffic is clear, but listen up, mainstream media—that doesn’t mean she’s the next big thing in Republican politics. Just look at the polls , Jim Vandehei and Jonathan Martin write for Politco . They say they “know we’re...

Tina Fey Talks Fashion With Vogue
 Tina Fey Talks 
 Fashion With Vogue 
white denim, bonnets

Tina Fey Talks Fashion With Vogue

Actress who represents 'normalcy' dishes on glamor

(Newser) - Tina Fey has learned a lot about fashion as her star has gotten brighter—for example, the trick of holding up your breasts with double-sided tape—yet she was “clobbered” for the Zac Posen dress she wore to the Golden Globes. “Do you think George Clooney will hold...

I Did Not Roll My Eyes at That Woman: Chris Wallace
 I Did Not 
 Roll My Eyes 
 at That Woman: 
 Chris Wallace 
Denies Belittling Palin

I Did Not Roll My Eyes at That Woman: Chris Wallace

Joe Scarborough accused Fox News anchor of laughing her off

(Newser) - Fox News anchor Chris Wallace did not, repeat, not roll his eyes at the camera after airing a sit-down interview with Sarah Palin, as MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough has alleged. But that’s just the “quick answer.” In an interview with Megyn Kelly on Fox, Wallace goes on...

Sarah Palin Is Brilliant
 Sarah Palin Is Brilliant 
joe klein & david broder

Sarah Palin Is Brilliant

Klein and Broder say she's a populist tour de force

(Newser) - Joe Klein and David Broder remain wowed by Sarah Palin's Tea Party performance and weigh in with dovetailing columns today that place her at the head of the GOP class for 2012. In Time , Klein blasts the speech itself as "inspired drivel" full of gross simplifications. "But I...

Fed-Up Americans Not Wowed by Sarah Palin: Poll

71% believe Alaskan is unqualified to be president

(Newser) - An overwhelming number of Americans are seriously ticked off at their government but that anger isn't driving them into the arms of Sarah Palin, according to a Washington Post /ABC News poll. A full 71% of voters—including a majority of Republicans—feel that Palin is unqualified to be president....

Calling Obama 'Professor' Is Palin Code for 'Uppity': Prof

Palin's brainy slam is really a racist slam, says longtime pal

(Newser) - When Sarah Palin told Tea Party activists last week that President Obama was "a professor of law standing at the lectern," she wasn't just tapping into populist anti-intellectualism—she was also making a not-so-subtle attack on the president's race. So says Harvard professor and longtime Obama pal Charles...

Latest Palin Controversy Is Lefty Hokum
Latest Palin Controversy Is Lefty Hokum

Latest Palin Controversy Is Lefty Hokum

Bloggers rip her bracelet, but it's not what they think

(Newser) - A column on Sarah Palin’s black bracelet has the lefty blogosphere in a full-flamed fury—but it’s a misguided “hit piece,” William Jacobson tut-tuts. Though the bracelet is sometimes used to memorialize a relative or comrade killed in military action (as veteran Eric Robinson writes in...

Advice for Sarah Palin 2012
 Advice for Sarah Palin 2012 

Advice for Sarah Palin 2012

A former Bush aide gives Sarah Barracuda some strategy tips

(Newser) - Party wisemen may not take her seriously, but Sarah Palin’s got a genuine shot at being the 2012 Republican nominee. And ex-Bush aide Matt Latimer, writing for the Daily Beast , has some advice on how she can win:
  • Explain why she quit: Right now it looks like she fled

Robert Gibbs Pokes Fun at Sarah Palin

Press chief writes grocery list on his hand

(Newser) - Robert Gibbs made fun of Sarah Palin's new memory aide by writing notes of his own on his palm, notes CNN . "I wrote eggs milk and bread, but I crossed out bread just so I can make pancakes for Ethan if it snows," the press secretary said at...

Sarah Palin Must Heed Yogi Berra
 Sarah Palin 
 Must Heed 
 Yogi Berra 

Sarah Palin Must Heed Yogi Berra

She has to somehow lead the leader-shunning Tea Party

(Newser) - So far, so good for Sarah Palin and her popularity with Tea Partiers, writes Donald Kettl, but in “leading a group that doesn’t want a leader” the presumptive 2012 presidential candidate must avoid “separating herself from the rest of the country.” It's a near impossible balancing...

Meg Whitman Is the Anti-Palin

 Meg Whitman 
 Is the 

Meg Whitman Is the Anti-Palin

She's known for her business smarts, not her personality

(Newser) - Meg Whitman is in some ways the political polar opposite of Sarah Palin, writes Sara Libby. As she fights for the GOP nomination in the California governor's race, Whitman is relying on her smarts and her no-nonsense business acumen. The self-described "frumpy" dresser is "no 40-something pinup,"...

Meghan McCain Rips Palin's 'Retarded' Double Standard

'Exactly what's wrong with politics today'

(Newser) - Meghan McCain had some harsh words for Sarah Palin, Tom Tancredo, and the whole Tea Party movement on The View yesterday. McCain, who says she avoided the Tea Party convention because of "ideological differences," said Palin's double standard about the use of the word "retarded" is "...

Palin Blasts Global Warming Studies as 'Snake Oil'

... in speech to Calif. logging conference

(Newser) - Speaking at a logging conference in northern California tonight, Sarah Palin ripped studies supporting global-warming theories as a “bunch of snake oil science.” The former Alaska governor touted her climate-change-doubter credentials at the event—from which media were barred, though the AP procured a $74 ticket for its...

Sarah Palin, Tea Partiers Are Actually Anti-Populist

The real Populists were anti-Wall Street and for big government

(Newser) - Calling what Sarah Palin and the Tea Partiers practice “populism” is backwards, writes Peter Beinart. In fact, they’re “anti-Populists.” The original Populists, in the late 19th century, “cursed Washington because it wasn’t powerful enough” to protect the people from the greed of “the...

Sarah Palin's Cheat Sheet: Her Palm

Former Alaska governor uses prompts during Tea Party Q&A

(Newser) - Sarah Palin sniped at President Obama last night for using a Teleprompter, but it soon became clear that she objects to the technology, not the concept—the Tea Party convention keynote speaker referred to notes scrawled on her palm during her post-speech Q&A. Her left palm bore the words...

Palin: 'Absurd' Not to Consider a Run in 2012

 Palin: 'Absurd' 
 Not to Consider 
 a Run in 2012 

Palin: 'Absurd' Not to Consider a Run in 2012

Ex-gov also thinks Obama should play the 'war card' to get re-elected

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton and Tim Geithner gamely made the talk show rounds today, reports Politico , but the foreign policy and economic views gathering buzz were those being espoused by Sarah Palin over at Fox News Sunday. The onetime would-be veep said it would be "absurd" for her not to consider...

Palin: US 'Ready for Another Revolution'
 Palin: US 
 'Ready for 


Palin: US 'Ready for Another Revolution'

Ex-veep candidate tells Tea Party Convention it's 'the future'

(Newser) - To chants of "run, Sarah, run," Sarah Palin told the Tea Party Convention last night that "America is ready for another revolution," and that the activists gathered to hear her speak would be the ones to carry it out. “This movement is the future of...

Stories 721 - 740 | << Prev   Next >>