Sarah Palin

Stories 941 - 960 | << Prev   Next >>

Levi, Kathy Plan 'Love Igloo'
 Levi, Kathy Plan 'Love Igloo' 

Levi, Kathy Plan 'Love Igloo'

Plus, Levi dishes on Palins' marital problems

(Newser) - Kathy Griffin rehashed her date with Levi Johnston last night on Larry King Live, in what the Huffington Post and Gawker declare quite possibly the most entertaining segment in the show’s history. Amid recollections of “spooning” in the arms of her “tiger” and imagining their “love...

Stewart Convenes Panel on 'Death Panels'

(Newser) - Now that notable unemployed person Sarah Palin has revealed Barack Obama’s plans for bureaucrat-run “death panels,” Americans are full of questions. Will the death panels cover everyone? What will our premiums be? Should they be public, or should we try a free-market death panel exchange? Well, Jon...

Alaska's Legislature Overrides Palin Stimulus Veto

Legislature barely hits rare 75% consensus

(Newser) - Alaska’s legislature voted yesterday to override Sarah Palin’s veto of $28 million in stimulus cash to defray energy costs, the Anchorage Daily News reports. Such an override requires the support of 75% of votes; the measure passed by a hair. “Instead of being the last state in...

Shatner: Conan 'Holds Me Close'

 Shatner: Conan 
 'Holds Me Close'


Shatner: Conan 'Holds Me Close'

Actor dishes on relationship with O'Brien, still hasn't seen Star Trek

(Newser) - William Shatner’s beat-poetry homages to Sarah Palin on Conan O’Brien’s Tonight Show have become viral-video hits. Time magazine caught up with the actor and Priceline pitchman to find out about his off-camera relationship with O’Brien, Star Trek, and more:
  • “It's great,” Shatner reports. Conan

Tina Talks Emmys, Jay, and Sarah...Sorta

(Newser) - As if its record 22 Emmy nominations weren’t enough, 30 Rock also recently landed a syndication deal. Tina Fey talks success—and Sarah Palin—with Broadcasting & Cable:
  • On possibly hosting the Emmys: "No, I think it's a hard job and a thankless one. I think maybe it's

Calm Down at Town Halls: Palin
 Calm Down at Town Halls: Palin 

Calm Down at Town Halls: Palin

(Newser) - Sarah Palin urged supporters to show restraint at town hall meetings, arguing that disruptive protests were giving Democrats ammunition. “There are many disturbing details in the current bill that Washington is trying to rush through Congress,” she said on Facebook yesterday, but we must “not get sidetracked...

Death Panels? Really, Sarah?


Death Panels? Really, Sarah?

(Newser) - So now Sarah Palin alleges that President Obama's "death panels" might have killed Trig had they been in place. "Where to start?" wonders Joan Walsh in Salon. "Palin's entire statement is so ignorant, so bollixed rhetorically and morally, it hurts to read it." Most "health...

Meet the New Sarah Palin
 Meet the New Sarah Palin 

Meet the New Sarah Palin

(Newser) - With Sarah Palin gone, Democrats have penciled a new name atop their hitlist: Michelle Bachmann, the far-right Minnesota rep. who once called Barack Obama “anti-American.” Like Palin, Bachmann’s a fierce social conservative with a large family and an upper Midwestern accent. And, of course, she drives Democrats...

Palin: Obama's Health Plan Is 'Downright Evil'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin has denounced the Obama administration's plans for health care reform as "downright evil" in a posting on her Facebook page, TPM reports. "The America I know and love is not one in which my parents or my baby with Down Syndrome will have to stand...

Palin Channels Ahmadinejad
 Palin Channels Ahmadinejad 

Palin Channels Ahmadinejad

Her self-presentation, politics, and biography are like his

(Newser) - Sarah Palin and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad have their differences—but their images, politics, and even life stories show significant overlap, writes Juan Cole for Salon. Both are former governors of “frontier states,” both drum up support through “wounded nationalism,” and both battle foreign influence. “Above all,...

Palin Lawyer Threatens Blogger With Summons

'Gryphen' broke divorce rumor yesterday

(Newser) - Sarah Palin's lawyer says he'll serve an Alaska blogger with libel papers unless he retracts a story that Sarah and Todd are "splittsville," the Huffington Post reports. Thomas Van Flein threatened "Gryphen," author of The Immoral Minority blog, with the summons at a kindergarten...

Palin Camp Denies Divorce Rumor
 Palin Camp Denies 
 Divorce Rumor 

Palin Camp Denies Divorce Rumor

Affairs, work stress caused marriage to deteriorate

(Newser) - Sarah Palin denied a report today that she and former “First Dude” Todd Palin are getting a divorce: "Yet again, some so-called journalists have decided to make up a story," Palin's spokeswoman writes on Facebook.  "There is no truth to the recent 'story' ... ...

McCain: Obama Governing From 'Far Left'
McCain: Obama Governing
From 'Far Left'

McCain: Obama Governing From 'Far Left'

He blasts policies in interview, praises Palin for energizing party

(Newser) - John McCain is busier, and angrier, than ever, writes Stephen Moore in the Wall Street Journal. The senator has become one of the fiercest critics of Obamanomics, with free-flowing stimulus and bailout dollars re-energizing his career-long fight against pork-barrel spending. President Obama was elected to govern from the center, McCain...

GOP Needs Its Brains Back
 GOP Needs Its Brains Back 

GOP Needs Its Brains Back

(Newser) - Republican sycophants may think Sarah Palin’s resignation was brilliant, “but don’t kid yourself,” writes Robert Eisinger in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. “The GOP is in trouble.” The party has lost its intellectual coherence, and if it wants it back, it’s got to look beyond...

Palin's Silence Drives Fans Crazy

(Newser) - It’s been five entire days since Sarah Palin ceased being an elected official, and her fans are restless, the AP reports. “Sarah can you give us just a hint!” pleaded one Facebook follower. Said another: “Sarah, our country really NEEDS YOU NOW!!!” Palin promised to...

US Frontier Mythology Is Alive and Dangerous

(Newser) - Sarah Palin took to the national stage in August 2008, and two weeks later Lehman Brothers collapsed. That's a helpful metaphor, writes Naomi Klein in the Guardian, who sees the former Alaska governor as "the last clear expression of capitalism-as-usual before everything went south." The financial crisis should...

Shatner Graces Conan With More Palin 'Poetry'

This time, drawn from her Twitter feed

(Newser) - After realizing Sarah Palin’s incoherent resignation address was not actually a speech but rather poetry, Conan O’Brien started investigating her Twitter feed. “Some people have found her tweets to be a little rambling, confusing, and off-topic,” O’Brien said on last night’s Tonight Show, but...

7 Women Who Might Beat Palin to the White House

(Newser) - Sarah Palin's resignation has fueled talk of a presidential bid, but the first female occupant of the Oval Office may yet be a Democrat, the Washington Post surmises. Here are some of the leading possibilities.
  • Kirsten Gillibrand: the New York senator has impressive fundraising chops and a killer instinct—her

In Switch, Palin Flames Out as Hillary Soars

(Newser) - Sarah Palin's resignation speech on Sunday showed how far she's fallen, writes Maureen Dowd: "Once a blazingly confident media darling," the now-former Alaska governor has become a ranting, whiny "Nixon with hair extensions." It's a marked contrast from Hillary Clinton, who on the same...

Radio Gig May Be In Palin's Future

(Newser) - Let the Palin watch begin. Nobody's quite sure where the former governor will turn up, but a report in Inside Radio is generating interest tonight because it says Palin's people are "quietly testing the waters to see how much interest radio syndicators have for her." The report, which...

Stories 941 - 960 | << Prev   Next >>