Sarah Palin

Stories 961 - 980 | << Prev   Next >>

Shatner Covers Palin's Farewell Poem ... Er, Speech

(Newser) - Sarah Palin’s farewell speech may have sounded like random meandering gibberish, but it was actually random meandering performance poetry, Conan O’Brien explained last night on NBC's Tonight Show. To celebrate her obvious gifts, he enlisted William Shatner for a Beat-style reading—and yes, it's as amazing as you...

Barack Stars in Superhero Ink

(Newser) - Bam! Biff! Pow! President Obama might be struggling over health care reform, but he's going gangbusters in comic books, reports the New York Daily News. No longer content to play second fiddle to Spidey, the comic version of Barack Obama is now grabbing top billing in a new series of...

Palin Can Write Her Own Ticket—If She Wants To

Crafting her future image is a big job

(Newser) - Private citizen Sarah Palin has a lengthy to-do list, and Job No. 1 is shaping her public image as she closes the book on a topsy-turvy year, writes Dan Balz in the Washington Post. “Palin Year One was the introduction of a persona, and the construction (and destruction) of...

Palin Quits in Fiery Speech
 Palin Quits in Fiery Speech 

Palin Quits in Fiery Speech

(Newser) - Sarah Palin resigned as Alaska's governor in a feisty speech today, ducking details about her future but promising to fight for conservative ideals, the Anchorage Daily News reports. "I will be able to fight even harder for you, for what is right, and for truth. And I have never...

Post-Palin Alaska Heads for Less Glitz, More Substance

(Newser) - As the spotlight follows Sarah Palin out of the Alaska governor's mansion today, a less dazzling, more conventional light shines on new governor Sean Parnell, notes an Anchorage Daily News editorial. "Expect a Parnell administration to be less People magazine, more Governing magazine. Letterman won't be interested. Ditto Politico,...

Palin Support Sinks in Poll
 Palin Support Sinks in Poll 

Palin Support Sinks in Poll

(Newser) - As she prepares to exit Alaska's governor's mansion Sunday, Sarah Palin's nationwide support is lower than it has been at any time since she became John McCain's running mate, according to the latest Washington Post/ABC News poll. Some 53% of Americans now view Palin negatively, the poll finds, while just...

Ethics Scandal Is No Waterloo for Palin
Ethics Scandal Is No Waterloo for Palin

Ethics Scandal Is No Waterloo for Palin

Gov will skate past latest allegations unscathed: Nate Silver

(Newser) - The latest ethics complaint against Sarah Palin—investigators believe she misused her position to solicit personal legal donations—won’t leave a scratch, writes Nate Silver of Here’s how to predict which scandals will make it big:
  • Can it be reduced to a sound bite? Nope. Heck,

State Report Faults Palin on Legal Defense Fund

(Newser) - An independent investigator says Sarah Palin may have violated ethics laws by accepting private donations to pay her legal debts. The report, by an investigator for the state Personnel Board, says Palin is receiving improper gifts through the Alaska Fund Trust, which was set up by supporters. The report says...

Palin's Twitter Gems Take Forever, Still Incoherent

Thank goodness for Twitter time stamps

(Newser) - Sarah Palin’s original thoughts take a while to produce. Five of yesterday's Twitter posts—caught in a screen grab and posted by Gawker—“are all conjoined, all part of the same dipshit-y thought, which was another one of her maniacal rants about the endless stream of ethics complaints...

Palin Plans 'Less PC' Tweets

(Newser) - Sarah Palin plans to unburden herself on Twitter more freely after she leaves office next week, the AP reports. “Elected is replaceable; Ak WILL progress! + side benefits10 dys til less politically correct twitters fly frm my fingertps outside State site,” she Tweeted today. And, she promises, “...

Romney Emerges as GOP's 2012 Frontrunner: Poll

(Newser) - The 2012 presidential race is heating up—at least in a Gallup poll of Republican voters. CQ Politics looks at the results, which have former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney out front, with 26% saying he should top the GOP ticket. Sarah Palin snags 21%, Mike Huckabee gets 19%, and Newt...

On Twitter, Palin Sings Praises of Grizzly Moms

'Mama bear doesn't look 2 anyone else 2 hand her anything'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin Tweeted her immense respect for—or perhaps envy of—the adult female grizzly bear yesterday after meeting Alaskan biologists, Politico reports. The soon-to-be ex-governor praised “mama bears’ gutteral raw instinct to protect & provide for her young” and described the animal in action. “She sees danger?...

Palin's Haul From Small Donors Echoes Obama: Silver

60% of war chest in chunks under $200

(Newser) - The nearly $1 million raised by Sarah Palin’s political action committee this year is not in itself all that impressive, writes Nate Silver for After all, her figures are dwarfed by Republican players with significantly less star power. But Palin’s fundraising numbers reveal a true strength:...

Dems to Palin: 'No Thanks on Campaign Help'

Polled on idea, they give 'awkward' responses

(Newser) - Sarah Palin recently said she’d be up for campaigning for some Democrats, but the interest doesn’t appear mutual, Politico reports: Many dove for cover upon being asked. “That’s a new one on me,” said a Georgia rep before ducking into an elevator. “There may...

Palin's Platform: Victimhood
 Palin's Platform: Victimhood 

Palin's Platform: Victimhood

She revels in acting insulted

(Newser) - The driving force behind Sarah Palin’s political career is victimization, writes Thomas Frank in the Wall Street Journal: She’s “a collector of grievances” who “runs for high office by griping.” The complaining appeals to those who see a “trampling of Middle America by the...

John Kerry: Palin Misses Point on Cap and Trade
John Kerry: Palin Misses Point on Cap and Trade

John Kerry: Palin Misses Point on Cap and Trade

(Newser) - John Kerry takes Sarah Palin to task for missing the big picture in her essay today against President Obama's cap-and-trade proposal. Palin, he writes in the Huffington Post, manages to criticize legislation to curb climate change without acknowledging the dangers of climate change itself. "It's like complaining about the...

52% Think Ambition Moved Palin to Quit

(Newser) - A majority of Americans believe Sarah Palin resigned as governor of Alaska to further her own political career rather than to help her state. A CBS News poll found that 52% see personal ambition behind her decision, while 24% accept her explanation. Only 23% have a favorable view of the...

Palin: Scrap Cap and Trade; It's Still Drill, Baby, Drill

(Newser) - President Obama's cap-and-trade energy plan is actually a "cap-and-tax" plan that is an "enormous threat to our economy," Sarah Palin writes in the Washington Post. In an op-ed piece she predicts will disappoint "the chattering class," who prefer "personality-driven political gossip," she says...

Palin PAC Fund Reaches $1M
Palin PAC Fund Reaches $1M

Palin PAC Fund Reaches $1M

Gov's resignation sparks $200K in new donations to spread Sarah's word

(Newser) - Sarah Palin's political action committee has received almost $1 million dollars since she created it at the end of January, the Anchorage Daily News reports. The fund—which Palin plans to use to spread her message and campaign for chosen candidates across the country—has received $200,000 in donations...

Levi Still Talking: 'I Wouldn't Vote for Palin'

In his latest interview, says stress got to her

(Newser) - Levi Johnston is still talking about Sarah Palin, and Today was listening this morning as he reiterated his stance that her resignation was fueled by a quest for cash. “I've heard anything from $7 million to $9 million. It's up there,” he says of her book advance—and...

Stories 961 - 980 | << Prev   Next >>