Sarah Palin

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Palin KO'd by Political Backlash, Personal Strains

(Newser) - Sarah Palin’s return to Alaska from the national stage was not a pretty one, the New York Times reports in a look at the series of personal problems and political missteps that led to her surprise resignation as governor. Beset by a suddenly hostile legislature, ethics investigations, and strains...

Palin Plans Return to National Stage

 Palin Plans Return 
 to National Stage 

Palin Plans Return to National Stage

Ex-Guv will campaign for any 'nonpartisans' who share her views

(Newser) - Sarah Palin plans to spend her post-gubernatorial free time traveling the nation, stumping for "nonpartisan" politicians. She'll support those "who believe in the right things, regardless of their party label or affiliation," she tells the Washington Times in an exclusive interview. But Palin's plans will only work...

Palin's Figures on Ethics Complaints Don't Add Up

Report has lawyer costing $30K per hour

(Newser) - A spreadsheet from Sarah Palin's office detailing spending on ethics complaints and lawsuits is riddled with discrepancies, the Anchorage Daily News reports. The administrative director of Palin's office says accidental double-counting added $26,849 to the $1.9 million total. She plans to make inquiries about other parts of the...

'Rogue' Palin Was Reading From Script

McCain team wrote 'palling around with terrorists' line: book

(Newser) - Sarah Palin was actually on message when she attacked Barack Obama’s relationship with former Weatherman Bill Ayers during last year's campaign, the Atlantic reports. A new book, The Battle for America, reveals that Palin received an email from top McCain staff suggesting she use the Ayers attack. It even...

Republicans Don't Want 'Help' From Palin

Lawmakers facing tough 2010 battles think she'd hurt them

(Newser) - Sarah Palin may not spend much of her newfound free time campaigning: Many GOP lawmakers facing tough 2010 contests don't want to be associated with the soon-to-be-ex-governor, who they fear will galvanize liberals, the Hill reports. One anonymous Republican said that if Palin came to his district, his opponent would...

Face It, GOP, She Makes Us Look Stupid: Noonan

(Newser) - Sarah Palin's resignation is the perfect opportunity for the Republican Party to leave the drama queen behind, writes Peggy Noonan in the Wall Street Journal. She may be “a gifted retail politician,” but “she makes the party look stupid, a party of the easily manipulated." She...

Levi: Palin's Quitting for the Cash

Guv wants to cash in on reality show, book deals

(Newser) - Levi Johnston chimed in on Sarah Palin’s resignation yesterday, claiming the governor is probably doing it for the cash, reports the AP. When he lived with his ex-fiancé’s family in December and January, he overheard Palin saying she wanted to take advantage of the many deals being...

Palin's Not Job-Hunting, Lawyer Says

Soon-to-be-former Alaska governor focused on upcoming book

(Newser) - Sarah Palin has no plans to take a new job, her lawyer tells the Washington Post. Though the departing Alaska governor has received “hundreds of credible offers”—including a pitch for a gig as a talk-show host—she hasn’t pursued any of them except a previously announced...

McNamara, Palin Share Lousy Exit Strategies

(Newser) - The governor of Alaska and the architect of the Vietnam War both make fine examples of how not to quit a government post, David Broder writes in the Washington Post. Robert McNamara waited 28 years to explain that he stepped down as defense secretary because of his grave doubts about...

'Ethics Elves' Hounded Palin Out of Office

Endless FOIA requests, ethics investigations, made her quit

(Newser) - The real reason Sarah Palin quit governing Alaska has nothing to do with 2012, writes John Fund of the Wall Street Journal. She was forced to quit by an onslaught of Freedom of Information Act requests—which anyone can file in Alaska—used by her political enemies to paralyze her....

Palin Poised to Rake It In
 Palin Poised 
 to Rake It In 

Palin Poised to Rake It In

Quitting lets guv 'follow the money'

(Newser) - She says media sniping drove her from her job, but in fact, “the media invented Sarah Palin,” and now's her chance to cash in on that celebrity. “Can we stop pretending that Palin is interested in anything other than her own ambition?” Kathleen Parker asks in the...

Quitting Boosts Palin Among GOP Voters

Poll finds support still strong with base, weak with swing voters

(Newser) - Sarah Palin's surprise resignation has boosted her already strong ratings with Republican voters, according to the latest USA Today/Gallup poll. The poll found that GOP voters were slightly inclined to view her more favorably because of the move, although her ratings sank further among Democrats and Independents. Two-thirds of Republicans...

Steele: Palin Run in 2012 'Off the Table'

Alaska gov. needs time to sort out the current 'financial mess'

(Newser) - A Sarah Palin presidential run in the next election is “off the table,” Michael Steele tells Fox News. "Not having talked to the governor, I take 2012 off the table right now simply because (of) everything she's going through personally,” said the Republican party chief. Palin's...

Palin: Politically, 'If I Die, I Die'

Slams critics in first interview since resignation

(Newser) - Giving a round of TV interviews in her fishing gear, before heading out on a salmon-fishing excursion, soon-to-be-former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin slammed President Obama, her own party, and critical bloggers this morning—but wouldn’t say whether she plans to run for president. “Don’t know what the...

Who Killed Dignity? Ask Sanford, Jacko, Palin ...

Today's celebs would make George Washington blush

(Newser) - Carrying himself with honor and restraint was of utmost importance to George Washington and Americans for generations afterward—but for today’s public figures, the premium on dignity has faded, says David Brooks in the New York Times. Washington’s conduct “during times of temptation” made him “a...

Palin 2012 Odds See a Sharp Rebound
Palin 2012
Odds See a Sharp Rebound

Palin 2012 Odds See a Sharp Rebound

Betting suggests gamblers believe Palin can go the distance

(Newser) - Gamblers were rushing to place online bets as soon as they got wind of Sarah Palin's resignation, Keith Thomson writes at the Huffington Post. The odds of her winning the nomination in 2012 shot up sharply the day of the resignation. They then shortened amid a surge in betting as...

Palin Called GOP Bigwigs Before Quitting

Phone records reveal chats with Cheney, Giuliani

(Newser) - Sarah Palin spoke to several top Republicans in the weeks before her resignation, ABC News reports. An open-records request finds that in May, Palin was on the phone to Dick Cheney, Rudy Giuliani, and Charlie Crist, among others. A spokeswoman said that Cheney had been talking about an upcoming vacation...

5 Good Reasons Palin Quit
 5 Good Reasons 
 Palin Quit 

5 Good Reasons Palin Quit

Scandal speculation gives way to new theories

(Newser) - When Sarah Palin made her sudden exit, many expected a scandal to break. But "in the days since, it has become clear that no other shoe is likely to drop," writes Jay Newton-Small of Time, who offers five likely reasons she resigned Alaska's top job:
  • For the good

Palin's Still in the 2012 Game: Limbaugh

(Newser) - Rush Limbaugh spilled his first thoughts on Sarah Palin’s resignation—"I don't think this precludes her running for office down the road, the presidency in 2012, at all"—to the Radio Equalizer, and Time shares the transcript. To Limbaugh, “the predictions here rival some of the...

She Should Never Have Run for VP
 She Should 
 Never Have 
 Run for VP 

She Should Never Have Run for VP

(Newser) - Sarah Palin might have had a shot at the presidency, writes Ross Douthat, but she blew it—10 months ago, when she accepted John McCain's offer to join the ticket. Instead of easing her way into the national spotlight, she was catapulted before she was ready, exposing her inexperience and...

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