Sarah Palin

Stories 1021 - 1040 | << Prev   Next >>

McCain Aides Pan Palin as 'Little Shop of Horrors'

(Newser) - Very late in the presidential campaign, staffers for Sen. John McCain came to the painful realization that it would be impossible, ever, to get Sarah Palin up to speed, reports Vanity Fair. They discovered, too late, she was a truth-shifting, self-regarding "little shop of horrors" who knew little about...

Palin Slams Blogger for Doctored Photo of Son

Satirical piece is 'a malicious desecration': Palin rep

(Newser) - Sarah Palin is defending her kids again, CNN reports, this time from a liberal blogger who doctored a photo of the governor with her baby son. Linda Kellen Biegel replaced the face of year-old Trig with that of a conservative radio host who’s chummy with the Alaska governor. A...

Twitchy GOP Absorbs Yet Another Scandal

From Sanford to Ensign, Republican leaders are falling down

(Newser) - Mark Sanford caused the GOP enough of a headache when he disappeared—but coming back to South Carolina only made it worse. The second Republican sex scandal in a week has left party leaders angry and exhausted, reports the New York Times, and has them wondering whether they can mount...

Nixon Asked for More 'Attractive Women' in GOP

New tapes: He thought abortions were OK in interracial pregnancies

(Newser) - Richard Nixon felt the Republican Party needed more “attractive women,” newly released Oval Office tapes reveal. In a phone conversation with George HW Bush (then Republican National Committee chairman) Nixon describes seeing two “very attractive women” in the South Carolina legislature, the Los Angeles Times reports. “...

Palin Strikes Back Over Costly Ethics Complaints

(Newser) - Sarah Palin says she's drowning in a rising tide of frivolous ethics complaints, the AP reports. Most of the 18 complaints have been dismissed, but Palin's office says she's $500,000 in legal debt and facing accusations that "have been politically or personally motivated." Rallying to her side,...

Levi Goes Hollywood ... Sort Of
 Levi Goes 
 ... Sort Of 


Levi Goes Hollywood ... Sort Of

Bristol's baby-daddy wants a reality show

(Newser) - Now that he’s free of the Palins, Levi Johnston is going Hollywood, trying to turn his fame into fortune with acting gigs or a reality show, reports Renata Espinosa of the Daily Beast. She caught up with Johnston and Tank Jones, the giant style-conscious black lawyer who’s acting...

'Fire Dave!,' Chant Protesters
 'Fire Dave!,' Chant Protesters 

'Fire Dave!,' Chant Protesters

(Newser) - It wasn't exactly a throng, but a group of protesters showed up outside the Ed Sullivan Theater in New York today to urge CBS to dump David Letterman, reports the Daily News. "Fire Dave! Fire Dave!," chanted the group, which numbered about 50 at its max. Letterman, who...

How Palin Can Get the 2012 Nod

 How Palin Can 
 Get the 2012 Nod 

How Palin Can Get the 2012 Nod

Leave Alaska, grab a good staff, and be yourself

(Newser) - Don’t write off Sarah Palin as the 2012 Republican nominee: Roger Simon says she’s got what it takes to get there, with a little fine-tuning. He offers her seven steps in Politico:
  • Leave Alaska behind. Don’t run for governor in 2010; instead, hang out in the Lower

Palin to Letterman: Thanks, Now Evolve

(Newser) - Sarah Palin today accepted David Letterman’s apology, but not without getting another dig in on him. She said she accepted “on behalf of young women like my daughter, who hope men who ‘joke’ about public displays of sexual exploitation of girls will soon evolve.” And then...

'Fire Dave' Group Takes to the Streets

Dustup over Bristol zings keeps on keepin' on

(Newser) - Despite another apology from David Letterman, Sarah Palin and her supporters aren't done yet with the beleaguered talk-show funnyman, reports the Daily News. The online group "Fire David Letterman" is organizing a rally tonight outside the Manhattan studio where Letterman films his program. The web site is sponsored by...

Letterman Apologizes to Palin, Bristol, Willow
Letterman Apologizes to Palin, Bristol, Willow

Letterman Apologizes to Palin, Bristol, Willow

(Newser) - David Letterman has apologized to Sarah Palin, daughters Bristol and Willow, "and everybody else who was outraged" by his joke last week about Alex Rodriguez impregnating the Alaska governor's daughter, TV Week reports. At this afternoon's taping of tonight's show, Letterman expanded on the apology he offered last week,...

Dear Dave: Shut Up About Palin
 Dear Dave: Shut Up About Palin 

Dear Dave: Shut Up About Palin

(Newser) - Sarah Palin is "glowingly happy to be in the national spotlight again and doesn't want to give it up any time soon," Ken Tucker of Entertainment Weekly observes in the course of offering David Letterman unsolicited advice: "Clam up." The Late Night host returns tonight after...

Palin Ignored Leno's Crack on Bristol
Palin Ignored Leno's Crack
on Bristol

Palin Ignored Leno's Crack on Bristol

Comic joked that John Edwards was babydaddy; no ruckus

(Newser) - A late-night comic cracking a joke about an adult man getting an underage Palin daughter pregnant? Sounds like perfect fodder for the former vice-presidential candidate's outrage... except there was no outcry, points out Alan Colmes' Liberaland. Back in September, Jay Leno joked that the philandering John Edwards had something to...

Palin May Give Letterman an Accidental Boost

Is Palin to Letterman what Hugh Grant was to Leno?

(Newser) - David Letterman's recent skirmish with Sarah Palin might be just what the late night host needs, reports the AP. Just as a repentant Hugh Grant, post-prostitution bust, launched Jay Leno into the ratings stratosphere in 1995, so might the Palin flap put Letterman back on top. And her timing is...

Top Late-Night Jokes About Bristol Palin

(Newser) - The barbs flying between Sarah Palin and David Letterman over which daughter he’s been making fun of (she says it’s 14-year-old Willow, he says it’s 18-year-old Bristol) moved Daniel Kurtzman, on, to go to the videotape. He found none about Willow and enough about Bristol...

NOW Backs Palin Against Dave—With a 'But'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin has a new ally in her feud with David Letterman: the National Organization for Women. "The sexualization of girls and women in the media is reaching new lows these days," NOW says on its website, taking particular offense at Letterman's remark about Palin looking like a...

Palin: Dave Owes All Women an Apology

Dave still joking, Sarah still furious

(Newser) - David Letterman joked on his show last night that Sarah Palin made nice by inviting him hunting, but their feud showed no sign of letting up this morning when Palin called on him to apologize to young women nationwide on the Today show, the AP reports. Letterman’s joke that...

Scribe Blames Obama for Dave's Palin Jokes

Letterman 'dirty talking' on Obama's behalf: Cupp

(Newser) - A conservative columnist yesterday blamed Barack Obama for David Letterman's cracks about Sarah Palin's "slutty" look and her daughter, reports the Huffington Post. "This is the enduring legacy of the Obama campaign," SE Cupp, who writes for the Washington Post and Politico, told Sean Hannity. "I...

It's Palin Vs. Letterman, Round II

(Newser) - Weren't we just here? Sarah Palin and David Letterman had another go-round today, the Daily News reports. Palin laid into Letterman for what she termed a "sexually perverted joke" about her 14-year-old daughter. Letterman, while admitting "poor taste," said on his show tonight that his remark—"...

'Snub Machine' Imperils Palin's National Hopes
'Snub Machine' Imperils Palin's National Hopes

'Snub Machine' Imperils Palin's National Hopes

Dis-organization costs former frontrunner GOP's respect: Parker

(Newser) - The Republican base still goes wild for Sarah Palin, but within the GOP, "the air is a little nippy," writes Kathleen Parker in the Washington Post. The back-and-forth over this week's DC fundraiser was only the latest example of bad organization and dysfunctional behavior within the Alaska governor's...

Stories 1021 - 1040 | << Prev   Next >>