Sarah Palin

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Palin Calls Letterman 'Pathetic' After 'Slutty' Joke

(Newser) - Sniping between Sarah Palin and David Letterman is making the rounds tonight on political blogs. After Letterman joked in his top 10 list last night that Palin had a "slutty flight attendant look," Palin shot back today at his "pathetic" joke, reports Politico. "What a commentary...

Prima Donna Palin Deigns to Appear at GOP Event

She stoops to conquer as Gingrich gets top billing at dinner

(Newser) - Sarah Palin appeared at a Republican fundraiser in Washington last night, ending a will-she-or-won't-she mystery that overshadowed the event and frustrated the GOP, AP reports. Palin, who was initially slated to headline the annual Senate-House dinner, left organizers hanging as late as yesterday afternoon after she was told she wouldn't...

'Palin Paradox': Male-Heavy Districts Elect Women

Congresswomen flourish in areas with skewed gender ratios

(Newser) - Alaska is reliant on male-dominated industries like mining and fishing, and the state has 106 men for every 100 women—the most gender-skewed state in the country, where the overall ratio is 86:100. Yet Alaska is one of just five states with an elected female governor, and one of...

Beltway GOP Dumps Palin—Again—as Headliner

Opts for Gingrich to give speech at fundraiser

(Newser) - After twice inviting Sarah Palin to speak at its fundraiser tonight, the GOP's congressional wing has again withdrawn its offer, Politico reports. The confusion began months ago when the National Republican Congressional and Senatorial Committees announced the Alaska governor as the event's headliner. Palin didn't commit, so organizers picked Newt...

Palin Lawyer Blasts Plagiarism Charges

Huff Post blogger accused Palin of "repeatedly" lifting Gingrich words

(Newser) - Sarah Palin's attorney has ripped charges by a Huffington Post blogger that she plagiarized phrases from a Newt Gingrich article. Palin "repeatedly lifted" Gingrich's wording when she introduced Ronald Reagan's son in Anchorage last week, wrote Geoffrey Dunn, who's writing a book on Palin. But Palin's lawyer said she...

Palin Tours Feminist Landmarks
Palin Tours Feminist Landmarks

Palin Tours Feminist Landmarks

Media scarce as Alaska gov. launches low-key visit to lower 48

(Newser) - There were few reporters to be seen as Sarah Palin visited some landmarks of early feminism in upstate New York yesterday, Politico reports. The Alaska governor is at the start of a low-key out-of-state trip with no mass rallies or major addresses planned. Most of the events she plans to...

The GOP Needs More Sarah Palins
The GOP 
Needs More Sarah Palins

The GOP Needs More Sarah Palins

Lack of high-profile women hampers credibility on Sotomayor

(Newser) - Since Sonia Sotomayor’s nomination to the Supreme Court, something has been missing from the ranks of her GOP detractors: women. The departure of Sarah Palin and President Bush’s estrogen-packed Cabinet from the national spotlight has exposed the dearth of Republican women, David Bernstein writes for the Boston Phoenix....

Top Saturday Night Live Alums
 Top Saturday Night Live Alums 

Top Saturday Night Live Alums

Stars who made it big after the show

(Newser) - Not all Saturday Night Live alums go on to bigger and better things after leaving the show. Time pronounces the top 10 who did.
  • Will Ferrell has come a long way since those cheerleader sketches. His latest flick, Land of the Lost, opens today (and judging from the reviews, it's

Rift Widens Between Palin, New Senator

His frustration at project delays is 'uninformed,' officials say

(Newser) - Sarah Palin's relationships with junior Sen. Mark Begich and her predecessor in the governor's office just keep getting testier and testier, reports the Anchorage Daily News. Both Begich and former Gov. Frank Murkowski have complained of late that a proposed gas pipeline from Alaska to the rest of the country...

GOP Torn on 2012 Frontrunner
 GOP Torn on 2012 Frontrunner 

GOP Torn on 2012 Frontrunner

(Newser) - A frontrunner has yet to emerge among Republican candidates for the 2012 presidential election, according to a new CNN poll. Sarah Palin, Mike Huckabee, and Mitt Romney are currently tied as the most popular potential candidate, each winning roughly 21% of support among those surveyed. They're trailed by Newt Gingrich...

Palin Stays in National Picture With NY Trip

Alaska gov will hit upstate festival, Long Island fundraiser

(Newser) - Sarah Palin will continue to groom her national profile this weekend with appearances in New York state. She’ll be among the honored guests at Saturday's Founders Day celebration in Auburn, the home of William Seward, who negotiated the purchase of Alaska from Russia. “We're going to be political...

In Princeton Address, Couric Rips Palin, Limbaugh

(Newser) - Katie Couric today delivered the Class Day speech to Princeton graduates, and posted the speech on the Huffington Post. Some highlights:
  • "I’ve been called a cougar lately in the tabloid press—today I’m very happy to be an honorary tiger! Coming here was a real no brainer!

Palin's Tweet Ruins Colbert's Iraq Surprise

(Newser) - Fans of Stephen Colbert know he’s taking his show on the road next month, though the Comedy Central star hasn’t gotten more specific than “the Persian Gulf.” Enter Sarah Palin, who blew his cover today on her Twitter feed, Videogum reports, with the Alaska governor spilling...

Sarah Palin Adept at 'Fake Smile': Levi

Teen dad talks life in the spotlight, his feelings for Bristol, and of course hunting

(Newser) - Levi Johnston says he won’t dish dirt on the Palins, but he will relay his impression of Sarah: “She knows how to throw in a fake smile,” he tells GQ in a wide-ranging profile, adding that she and Todd never liked him and “probably put a...

Bristol Palin Ends Feud With Babydaddy Levi

Teenage mom says their families will play nice for Tripp's sake

(Newser) - Bristol Palin is no longer at war with her baby daddy’s family. In fact, “I don’t think we were ever at war at all,” the 18-year-old mom tells People, adding that she and former fiancé Levi Johnston are trying to work together for the sake of...

Palin Shopping Spree OK: Feds
Palin Shopping Spree OK: Feds

Palin Shopping Spree OK: Feds

Commission nixes complaint that RNC's $150K in clothing purchases broke law

(Newser) - The Federal Election Commission dismissed today a complaint that the Republican National Committee broke the law when it bought $150,000 in clothes for then-vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, the Anchorage Daily News reports. The FEC said purchases were “coordinated party expenditures” for campaign purposes, and did not violate...

Mutual Pal Pushed Palin to Court Clintons

To help image problems, help pay down Hillary's debt, Palin ally urged

(Newser) - A Maryland lawyer who is a sometime adviser to Sarah Palin urged her to forge an alliance with Hillary Clinton, reports Politico. John Coale, aka Greta Van Susteren's hubby, suggested that Palin donate funds from her political action committee to help Clinton retire campaign debt. Palin was open to reaching...

Small State Governors Are More Popular
Small State Governors Are
More Popular

Small State Governors Are More Popular

Statistics show trend working in favor of Palin, Schweitzer

(Newser) - Governors hailing from less-populous states tend to have higher approval ratings, according to Andrew Gelman of Though the trend doesn’t manifest itself every year, data show that in general, and especially in recent years, it’s easier for smaller state governors to nab the kind of outsized...

Bristol Nabs HS Diploma
 Bristol Nabs HS Diploma 

Bristol Nabs HS Diploma

(Newser) - Bristol Palin graduated from high school yesterday, a feat her mother doubted could be achieved when she became pregnant, People reports. “Oh, there goes her education,” Sarah Palin recalled thinking. Bristol, though, was confident. “I knew it would be hard work,” she said, “but I...

Levi's Mom 'Not at War' With Palins

'It tears me up' not to get grandson more, but sees thaw with Bristol

(Newser) - Sherry Johnston, Tripp Palin’s less-famous grandma, says her family is not “at war with the Alaska governor’s side, and that baby-mama Bristol has extended an open invitation. “We only see Tripp a few hours a week,” Johnston admits, telling Momlogic that her family, including Bristol’...

Stories 1041 - 1060 | << Prev   Next >>