Sarah Palin

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Palin Speaks 'Gibberish,' Isn't Ready to be VP: Zakaria

Columnist joins chorus of concerned pundits

(Newser) - Fareed Zakaria joins a chorus of pundits from both right and left who have declared the Alaska governor unqualified to be vice president. "Will someone please put Sarah Palin out of her agony?" the Newsweek columnist writes. When she goes off script, as she had to in the Katie...

Veep Debate Bound to Be a Hit

Experience mismatch promises intriguing dynamic

(Newser) - With the presidential candidates in a tight battle after a closely matched debate, the upcoming vice presidential showdown is bound to be “must-see TV,” said one GOP strategist. Both Sarah Palin and Joe Biden are busy preparing for this week's St. Louis spar, in which Biden will need...

Pre-Election Wedding 'Fantastic': McCain Insider

McCain insiders hope wedding will boost faltering run

(Newser) - John McCain's campaign may have another surprise up its sleeve: the pre-election wedding of Sarah Palin's pregnant daughter, Bristol. Rumors are swirling in campaign circles about the 17-year-old and 18-year-old Levi Johnston tying the knot, the London Times reports. A wedding “would be fantastic" for the campaign, a McCain...

If Roe Goes, States May Ban Cross-Border Abortions

Right states prepped to label abortion a criminal act

(Newser) - If John McCain wins and puts conservatives on the Supreme Court, not only could Roe v. Wade go down—states may prohibit women from crossing state lines for abortions, Linda Hirshman writes in the Washington Post. Past rulings and Constitutional interpretations don't clearly support such laws, but times have changed...

As Mayor, Palin Helped Herself to Perks

(Newser) - Sarah Palin vows to battle political boys' clubs, but her mayoral record shows that girls' clubs can be useful too, the AP reports. While mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, Palin accepted gifts from merchants—even thanking one for an "awesome" facial—and argued for rulings that favored her family. Other...

Palin's Swimsuit Footage Surfaces

Veep nominee fell short of Miss Alaska in 1984, but footage survived

(Newser) - Footage has surfaced of the 1984 Miss Alaska competition, in which Sarah Heath—soon to become Palin—struts her stuff in the swimsuit competition, reports the New York Daily News. The blurry video captures an announcer explaining that "Sarah Heath says that she wants to prepare for a career...

Tina Kills Again as Sarah
 Tina Kills Again as Sarah 

Tina Kills Again as Sarah

Foreign experience? She tells Russians who stray into Alaska to 'shoo'

(Newser) - Comedian Tina Fey skewered Sarah Palin in a command reprise performance on Saturday Night Live last night. This time, Fey parodied the candidate's foibles during her interview with Katie Couric, reports Comedy Centric. In the opening sketch, Fey, who bears an uncanny resemblance to Palin, is stumped by a question...

1,000 Alaskans Protest Palin
 1,000 Alaskans Protest Palin 

1,000 Alaskans Protest Palin

Demand Troopergate findings before election

(Newser) - Some 1,000 protesters chanting “recall Palin!” turned out in force in Anchorage yesterday to object to the state’s handling of Troopergate, reports the Anchorage Daily News. Demonstrators called for the attorney general's resignation and urged legislators to issue a report on the probe into Sarah Palin's...

Innocence, Bravado Are a Dangerous Mix

McCain's Alaskan choice invokes myth of 'the innocent American'

(Newser) - John McCain's choice of running mate invokes the one of our country's oldest and most seductive myths, the virtue of American innocence, Anthony Robinson writes in the Seattle P-I. Innocent of Old World wiles, Americans are thought to have "a combination of virtue, tenacity and practical knowledge that will...

'Out of Her League' Palin Must Drop Out
 'Out of Her League' 
 Palin Must Drop Out 

'Out of Her League' Palin Must Drop Out

Candidate has shown she can't cut it, so play the family card and go home

(Newser) - Her “cringe reflex exhausted,” Kathleen Parker calls for Sarah Palin to drop out of the presidential campaign in a National Review column. “Palin’s recent interviews with Charles Gibson, Sean Hannity, and now Katie Couric have all revealed an attractive, earnest, confident candidate. Who Is Clearly Out...

Palin's Parents Pitched in Post-9/11—Trapping Rats

(Newser) - More than 6 years before Sarah Palin visited ground zero as the Republican VP nominee, her parents were there as part of the response to the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks—trapping rats. Chuck and Sally Heath have been part-time Department of Agriculture wildlife specialists for 15 years, trapping or killing...

Ways Palin Can Sound Less Like a Robot
 Ways Palin Can Sound 
 Less Like a Robot 

Ways Palin Can Sound Less Like a Robot

Practice, know the details and don't repeat yourself, media pros advise VP candidate

(Newser) - Now that we've seen Sarah Palin interviewed on TV three times, it's clear she could use a little media coaching, Christopher Beam writes for Slate. To figure out how Palin can break out of her "constant low hum of mediocrity," Beam gets tips from media pros. Some highlights:...

Palin Whiffs Again in Couric Interview
Palin Whiffs Again in Couric Interview

Palin Whiffs Again in Couric Interview

Cheerfully confident governor was rambling, incoherent on bailout

(Newser) - Sarah Palin had better hope the nation was too distracted with the economic crisis to pay attention to her interview with Katie Couric the last two nights, James Rainey writes in the Los Angeles Times. Palin seemed bewildered, offering rambling sidewinder answers when asked about the bailout plan, tossing in...

Palin Turns Over Tainted Donations to Charity

Guv seeks to polish off a smudge in her anti-corruption cred

(Newser) - When Sarah Palin ran for governor, she made a point of not taking any money from VECO, an oil company at the center of a corruption scandal. But she did take, and will now give to charity, donations of $1,000 each from two politicians indicted for their role in...

Palin Grabbed $25K in Gifts
 Palin Grabbed $25K in Gifts 

Palin Grabbed $25K in Gifts

41 gifts as governor include some from industry execs, municipalities

(Newser) - Sarah Palin accepted gifts totaling over $25,000 during her 20 months as governor of Alaska, the Washington Post reports. The gifts to Palin, who made a crackdown on gift-giving a central plank of her reform agenda, included expensive artwork and free travel for a family member. Donors included industry...

Palin Defends Alaska-Russia Comment
Palin Defends Alaska-Russia Comment

Palin Defends Alaska-Russia Comment

Her state's proximity gives her foreign policy experience, she says

(Newser) - Sarah Palin defended a widely ridiculed remark that the close proximity of Russia to her home state of Alaska gives her foreign policy experience. "Well, it certainly does because our next-door neighbors are foreign countries," she told Katie Couric in an interview that aired on CBS tonight. "...

Bailout Standoff Brings Out Worst in Both Candidates

Despite differing reactions, solutions 'vaguely similar'

(Newser) - The financial crisis is turning the presidential campaign into a “Goldilocks story," Gail Collins writes in the New York Times. McCain, “desperately reinventing his position every day,” has halted his campaign to focus on Wall Street, while Obama has coolly mentioned he may skip out on...

Palin Considers Saturday Night Live Appearance

Security detail has already toured the studios; Fey may return, too

(Newser) - Sarah Palin may make an appearance on a Saturday Night Live, where she was so accurately mimicked by Tina Fey on the season premiere, OK! reports. The Republican’s security detail has already cased NBC’s studios in New York. Fey could also come back to reprise her role, setting...

Even Times Crossword Puzzle Favors Obama
Even Times Crossword Puzzle Favors Obama

Even Times Crossword Puzzle Favors Obama

Dem's vowel-heavy name better as clue than McCain, paper says

(Newser) - John McCain’s campaign chief looks to have been on to something when he accused the New York Times of being “in the tank” for Barack Obama; why else, David Levinson Wilk asks on Politico, would the paper’s crossword puzzle so thoroughly exclude John McCain? OBAMA has been...

Poll: Biden More Qualified Than Palin to Lead Nation

49% of respondents don't think Republican could be president; 64% OK with Democrat

(Newser) - Sarah Palin isn’t qualified to be president, 49% of Americans say, while 64% think Joe Biden is, according to a new poll from the Wall Street Journal and NBC News. Seniors particularly put more confidence in the Democrat (74%) than Alaska's governor (37%). And while only 7% of Democrats...

Stories 1421 - 1440 | << Prev   Next >>