Sarah Palin

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Todd Palin Is Alaska's (Unelected) Cheney

Role of 'First Dude' is secretive, powerful ... and outside bounds of normal government

(Newser) - Todd Palin isn’t just Alaska’s “First Dude,” Mike Madden reports in Salon—Sarah Palin’s husband plays a nebulous but obviously major role in her administration. Todd is involved in both personnel and legislative decisions, getting copied in on many official e-mails, and working directly with...

McCain Sheds Honor in Heat of Campaign
 McCain Sheds Honor 
 in Heat of Campaign 

McCain Sheds Honor in Heat of Campaign

Columnist, a longtime fan of the straight-shooting senator, sorely disappointed

(Newser) - John McCain's dishonesty in this race has turned him into the kind of politician the candidate once professed to hate, writes Richard Cohen—a one-time fan of the Arizona senator—in the Washington Post. McCain’s lies—most blatantly expressed on The View in response to a question about misleading...

Palin Plans Meet-and-Greet at UN Next Week

McCain plans to introduce her to foreign leaders at general assembly

(Newser) - John McCain plans to introduce Sarah Palin to foreign leaders at the United Nations next week to boost her foreign-policy experience, the Wall Street Journal reports. McCain advisers say they hope the running mate will demonstrate her diplomatic prowess and understanding of foreign-policy issues during the visit Tuesday, the same...

Palin Is No More Ready Than W. Was: Brooks
Palin Is No More Ready Than W. Was: Brooks

Palin Is No More Ready Than W. Was: Brooks

Current prez has shown consequences of ignoring experience

(Newser) - The fact that she horrifies liberal elites, however delicious, isn't enough to make Sarah Palin a good candidate for VP, writes David Brooks in the New York Times. Success in government “requires prudence,” which comes from experience. Palin thrills supporters with the “fear, hatred and panic” she...

Creamery Biz Milked Subsidies Under Palin

Case gives ammo to critics of Palin's Alaska spending record

(Newser) - Critics who say Sarah Palin is not as fiscally conservative as she claims are questioning extended subsidies paid to a state-run creamery, the Wall Street Journal reports. The Alaska Creamery Board recommended closing the operation in 2007 after it fell $1.5 million in the red. Palin instead fired the...

Mac: Economy's Strong—Or, Er, Maybe Not

He 'doesn't get it,' Obama responds to McCain's mixed messages

(Newser) - John McCain yesterday appeared to flip flop in his response to the deepening crisis on Wall Street, reports the Washington Post. "The fundamentals of our economy are strong," McCain declared. But just minutes later he said that the "fundamentals of our economy are at risk." A...

Palin Refuses to Meet With 'Troopergate' Investigator

Spokesman says probe has been 'tainted' by Democrats

(Newser) - Sarah Palin won't speak with an investigator hired by lawmakers to look into the firing of her public safety commissioner, a campaign spokesman said today. He told a news conference that Palin will not cooperate as long as the investigation "remains tainted." He said he doesn't know whether...

Bush's Biggest Mistake: Declaring Religious War
Bush's Biggest Mistake: Declaring Religious War

Bush's Biggest Mistake: Declaring Religious War

McCain, Palin may repeat incumbent's errors

(Newser) - The 9/11 attacks would’ve posed a great challenge to any president, but George Bush’s response, to invoke God and declare a Manichean quest to “rid the world of evil,” made him Osama bin Laden’s accomplice, writes James Carroll in the Boston Globe. "Bush is...

Stop Bashing Washington Insiders; You'll Need Them

Consensus within the establishment is necessary for change

(Newser) - Voters have loved to hate Washington insiders since Washington’s founding, and politicians have sought to capitalize on those feelings for just as long. So it makes sense that even the GOP ticket, fortified by Sarah Palin, is running as an outsider insurgency. But, Norman Ornstein points out in the...

Palin's 'Private' Emails Raise Accountability Flap

Two-account system undercuts public transparency, critics charge

(Newser) - Candidate Sarah Palin vowed to be an "open and transparent" governor, but as VP candidate she's drawing unwanted scrutiny with her use of private email to conduct state business, the Anchorage Daily News reports. Although the governor has a state email account, which is archived, she appears to use...

Election May Come Down to Same Ol' States
Election May Come Down to Same Ol' States

Election May Come Down to Same Ol' States

Focus back on Ohio, Fla., Penn., Mich., despite Obama plans

(Newser) - In the final 50 days, the biggest change in Barack Obama's camp is a return to old political strategy, the Washington Post reports. Partly because Sarah Palin's selection has solidified red/blue divisions of past years, Obama is targeting the same swing states—Pennsylvania, Michigan, Ohio, Florida—that determined the past...

Wasilla More Gritty Strip Mall Than Palin Lets On

Candidate's hometown not as picturesque as she might have us believe

(Newser) - Sarah Palin talks about Wasilla, Alaska, as if her hometown were an all-American idyll painted by Norman Rockwell, pulsing with “honesty and sincerity and dignity.” In reality, “it's an unexceptional, gritty town, bisected by a four-lane highway,” Amanda Coyne writes in Newsweek. “Along the road,...

Feminist Fey Skewers Palin as Only a Woman Can
Feminist Fey Skewers Palin
as Only a Woman Can

Feminist Fey Skewers Palin as Only a Woman Can

Candidate's doppelganger succeeds where male comedians' barbs get discounted

(Newser) - Sarah Palin has made John McCain into a punchline, and there’s been no shortage of late-night comedians pointing that out. Unfortunately, they’ve almost all been male. Thank goodness, then, for Tina Fey, Simon Houpt writes in the Globe and Mail. It took Fey, a dead ringer for Palin,...

LiLo Blasts 'Homophobe' Palin
 LiLo Blasts 'Homophobe' Palin 

LiLo Blasts 'Homophobe' Palin

Lohan, gal pal Ronson attack Republican VP on blog

(Newser) - To the ranks of celebrities unimpressed by John McCain's choice of running mate, add Lindsay Lohan, E! reports. "I really cannot bite my tongue anymore when it comes to Sarah Palin,” she wrote in a joint blog post with girlfriend Samantha Ronson. “Is our country so divided...

Palin Earmarks Total $453M in 2 Years

Alaska guv fails the earmarks-per-day test she applies to Obama

(Newser) - Sarah Palin called them "un-American" and John McCain denied again Friday that she requested them as governor of Alaska. But the Wall Street Journal, doing the math on earmarks, finds that Palin sought $453 million of them for her state since taking office, including $197 million in the current...

Will Women Abandon Palin, Too?
 Will Women 
 Palin, Too? 

Will Women Abandon Palin, Too?

What makes women shed their ideals to support Palin?

(Newser) - When Geraldine Ferraro joined Walter Mondale's ticket in 1984, Ronald Reagan got a boost from women voters who may have felt threatened by Ferraro's personal and professional success. Nearly 25 years later, the effect of Sarah Palin joining John McCain contrasts sharply with Ferraro's fortunes, and prompts Newsweek to take...

On Talk Shows, Dems Slam Palin

As negative coverage of VP nom grows, Democrats go negative on Sunday shows

(Newser) - Smelling blood, Democrats —with help from a surprise Republican —continued to rail on Sarah Palin on the Sunday talk shows, accusing the Republican VP pick of stretching the truth about her experience, Politico reports. The highlights:
  • “She doesn’t know anything, and she is not ready to

Obama Keeps Mum on Palin
 Obama Keeps Mum on Palin 

Obama Keeps Mum on Palin

Focuses on McCain, avoids fueling Palin fever

(Newser) - Barack Obama has maintained near-silence on the subject of Sarah Palin, a quiet amplified by his newfound willingness to aggressively attack John McCain, reports the Los Angeles Times. Her name is rarely mentioned outside of references to the McCain-Palin ticket; when asked directly about her, he switches the focus back...

5 Reasons Mac Is Now Ahead
 5 Reasons Mac Is Now Ahead 

5 Reasons Mac Is Now Ahead

(Newser) - Barack Obama's juggernaut rose on a (really) unpopular Republican presidency, an unpopular war, and a lousy economy. So why is John McCain suddenly ahead in the polls? Politico tracks five trends that have thrown the Democrats for a loop:
  1. McCain successfully established himself as a change agent, eroding Obama’s

Oops! Palin Didn't Visit Iraq After All

And her 'trip' to Ireland was a refueling stop

(Newser) - Contrary to earlier claims by campaign aides, Sarah Palin has never visited Iraq, a spokesman has conceded. The Alaska governor visited state troops in Kuwait and Germany and also stopped in Ireland last year. But she did not cross the Kuwait border into Iraq as previously claimed—and Ireland was...

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